MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 155 doom

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  Chapter 155 Omen of Doom

  Ancient Egyptian belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family and is closely related to North African languages ​​and Semitic languages: Hebrew and Arabic.

   This language was always used in the ancient Egyptian empire until it died out in the 2nd century AD after the fall of ancient Egypt, ending its 2,800-year life. It is the longest known language among the existing texts.

But what this man over two meters tall, wearing heavy armor, and blue-gray skin said was the most ancient Egyptian language, which appeared roughly before the 26th century B.C. language.

  It is seven or eight hundred years earlier than the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh pyramid period that the world is familiar with.

The Apocalypse believers who kept prostrating around the entrance of the collapsed cave suddenly stopped chanting without knowing who started it, one after another, they found their companions beside them in a daze, knelt down and turned sideways, looking at A strange figure appeared in the courtyard.

  It wasn't until the last old man with most of his teeth missing stopped his lengthy prayers that the youngest hooked-nosed believer Seined finally realized something. He knelt on the dirt and rocks, his face flushed and madly said:

   "En Sabah Nur! My Lord En Sabah Nur!"

   Tian Qi looked indifferently at these people who rushed forward and knelt around him, lowered his eyebrows and listened to a few words, and the corners of his mouth pulled down.

   spit out an obscure sentence without knowing its meaning.

  His words were deep and slight, but they could be clearly poured into everyone's ears and even into everyone's mind. Professor Jackson listened to the oldest Egyptian language spoken by the man, and he could only make out a few words with a half-knowledge:

   "Slave. Language presumptuous!"


   Dust was flying around the group of believers repeatedly, spreading from their knees all the way up like a tower of sand. Senid seemed to feel that the Lord was showing a miracle and giving them strength, roaring even louder.

   "Praise Eun Sabah Nur! Praise my Lord! I, my Lord, **** ho. ah."

  Jackson watched the dust envelop the bodies of these believers, and even penetrated through their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and holes in each head,

   Senid whimpered and was filled with quicksand, his throat was filled with quicksand, and his eyeballs were soaked in fine grains of gravel from the inside out.

  In just a moment, the so-called believers kneeling beside Tian Qi turned into yellow sand sculptures howling in pain, with hideous pain in their faces and expressions, and the folds of their clothes were extremely vivid and delicate.

Even though the old professor was kneeling there, his legs were still swaying. He heard a pair of heavy and slow footsteps approaching slowly, and raised his forehead, which was drooping almost touching the ground, and saw an indigo blue metal boot appearing in front of him. .

  The iron armor on the toe of the boots is slightly raised, and the lines painted in circles on it are like eagles and owls, very delicate, only to hear the voice with a faint echo sounded again as if different timbres were superimposed together.

   ".Tell the Times"

Professor Jackson only understood these two words. He didn't know why he survived. Maybe it was because he didn't bother this man. He didn't have time to think about it. He searched his brains to find the ancient Egyptian vocabulary he didn't know much about. He stammered jerky and said:

   "Five or five thousand years."


  The earth trembled! The low earth-stone brick houses around seemed to be covered by an invisible giant hand, and they collapsed inch by inch.

   ".Maluso, Harariku!"

  The old professor knelt and huddled into a ball, and the rising dust quickly covered his face with dust. He tightly covered his ears, but the unknown words that Tianqi uttered in anger still made his teeth ache.

  Just when Jackson felt that his heart could not bear the trembling like this, Tianqi finally calmed down his anger gradually, and stood untouched among the thick ruins and dust.

   ".Take me, find the king."

The old professor didn't understand what the ancestor of mutants who had been revived from ancient times meant. He propped his hands on the ground, tremblingly raised his nearly unconscious legs, and raised his knees with his rough and thin hands. body, but still hunched over.

   Watching Tian Qi slightly move his chin, signaling to lead the way ahead, the old professor walked through the ruins with a blank face.

  Where can he take this person?

   "Qin! Qin, wake up!"

  In the underground training room of the Chaoying Academy, Laura, Kurt, and Sharon were seven or eight meters away from Jean Gray, calling her name.

  The little ones didn't know why Qin suddenly lost control, and this time it was especially serious.

  She knelt on the ground and closed her eyes tightly, but her eyelids kept trembling, her long hair fluttered one after another, and without wind, she became more and more red like blood.

An invisible repulsive force distorts the air and light, and also distorts Qin's figure, radiating outwards with her as the center. The walls and ground of the Zhenjin training room glow with blue-purple streaks of light, absorbing the dissipated energy. caused any damage.

   "Laura! What's wrong with your roommate!"

  Sharon stood in front of Laura and Kurt with a shield. They seemed to be going against the wind, and the long hair of the two little girls bulged violently.

   "Her, she's like this sometimes when she's asleep, you need to wake her up! Kurt!"

  Little Blue Devil supported Sharon's waist, curled up behind her and shouted:

   "No, I, I can't make it through! I'm going to find Aunt Emma!"


Kurt disappeared in a flash, but Laura didn't have the slightest intention of waiting for her mother to come to the rescue. She shook her small fist, and four diamond bone blades pierced out. Climb to Qin.


  Little Wolf Girl ignored Sharon Rogers' cry and said without looking back, "It's okay Sharon, you know you don't have to worry about me."

  Sharon gritted her teeth, still worried that Laura stepped forward alone, squatting lower, step by step against the invisible repulsive force.

  With a distance of less than ten meters, Laura crawled closer. She put away the sharp claws of her right hand and poked her fingertips towards Qin's fair cheek.


  When she got close to Jean Gray's body, the invisible force was like the most delicate and sharp blade. Laura's small fleshy hand was wiped off inch by inch, and the bright diamond hand bones could be faintly seen between the bright red flesh and blood tissue.

  Under the super self-healing ability, the repeated and continuous growth is intact, forming a short-term balance with this unknown annihilating power.

   "Ouch! It hurts. Qin. Wake up!"

  Finally, Laura's palm grabbed Qin's cheek and shook lightly, all the violent energy dissipated in an instant, Qin Gray suddenly opened her eyes,

  She watched Laura's chubby face being eaten away by pieces of bright red tendon and flesh. Although she grinned in pain, she still smiled brightly, and immediately returned to normal, rubbing her little nose indifferently.

   "Enough strength. Qin, you are indeed my 'enemy for life', huh?"

  The little wolf girl turned her head strangely and looked at the relieved Sharon beside her. She didn't know why Qin suddenly hugged her waist and burst into tears, so she had to laugh and pat her on the head, and said softly:

   "Don't cry, my favorite opponent can't be crying bag."

  Emma Howlett's slender and snow-white fingertips caressed the foreheads on both sides of the piano. The little girl was lying anxiously in a research room of the college.

  The headmaster's wife was sitting on top of her head, checking herself. There were many synapses flashing blue light spots on her body, which transmitted brain wave data, heart rate hormones, etc. to an instrument.

  Principal's spiritual power gave Qin the feeling of being as cool and translucent as frost, as if a cold towel had been applied to her forehead, and the chaotic ravings in her mind were also driven to an unknown corner, and she felt indescribably relaxed.

   "Okay, get up, Qin, there is no problem. Tell the teacher, did you feel anything just now?"

  Emma straightened Liqin's long hair and asked gently. She knew that her spiritual world was also fluctuating due to some unknown force just now, and this should be the root cause of Jean Gray's particularly serious loss of control today.

  Qin was sitting on the edge of the slightly curved testing bed, her feet in white buckle leather shoes were hanging on the ground, kicking back and forth, feeling that she had gotten into trouble again, she lowered her head and said softly:

   "Teacher, I don't know what it is, it's like. It's like falling asleep suddenly and having a nightmare. I saw a lot of bad things and the mountains fell apart."

The special chrysalis tester is slightly higher. Laura and Kurt tiptoed to the edge of the bed, resting their chins on it. The well-behaved and honest Baba looked at Emma. Only Sharon sat aside like a little adult, but she still had a heart. There is apprehension.

  After all, they did not have permission, and they "dated" privately on campus.

  Emma pondered for a moment, suppressed the doubts in her heart, and then smiled and comforted:

   "Teacher also had a strange feeling just now. Don't overthink it. This is a special situation. I'll find that bald uncle to show you later. His spiritual power is much more delicate than the teacher's."

  Emma changed the subject, and mentioned a little harshly about their competition, and then sent a few little guys away, but stopped her daughter alone.

   "Laura! You wait."

   "Eh? Mommy! What else do you need?"

  The little wolf girl looked at her mother pitifully, and muttered, the three little friends looked back at Laura with sympathy, and Qiqi ran outside the house first.

   "Ouch! Mommy, it hurts"

  Emma grabbed her daughter's small ears with her fingertips, watching her exaggerated performance with a half-smile.

"Does it hurt? You know it hurts. Who taught you to eat 'knives' foolishly just because you can heal yourself! Your father also changed this problem for me anyway! You will be more active in fights in the future Brain, why don't you and your father's brains inherit at all."

  Emma had just seen what happened at the scene through Qin's consciousness, let her daughter moan and flatter her for a while, and finally gave her a few words to let her escape.

   Watching Laura's back slipping away, Emma sat silently for a moment.

   In fact, there is no need to ask too much, she has already seen those scenes in Qin's mind, the scene of the end.

  (end of this chapter)