MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 247

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And if you can catch up with such a person, and you come to the county to do business in the future, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort. Besides, if such a person can really befriend the two of you.

Think about what will happen to him in the future. Li Zheng is inconvenient to come forward. He can also come to him in person, and he can see that this person is a very upright person, so he should be able to give him a lot of help. . again.

Chapter 603 The Doorway (For Subscription)

"Don't think about it here, kid. I don't have anything to do at all, isn't it? Gao Dashan wants to buy a homestead in our village."

"I want to come over to make a contract. It's not that I have nothing to do, so I came here with him. It just so happened that I haven't seen my mother for a while."

"So come and see our mother, and your sister also asked me to bring you some "eight-three-three" things in the house, knowing that you have everything in the county, but these things are your sister's. Mind, so I'm here."

Li Zheng's brother-in-law suddenly realized after hearing what his brother-in-law said. It seems that this kid can really have a good relationship with his sister and brother-in-law.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for my brother-in-law to bring people to him, so he said to Gao Dashan with a smile.

"Brother Dashan, there should be nothing wrong with me calling you that. My name is Li Tieniu, and I'm a dentist in this county, although I'm not that capable as a yamen."

"But in this ready-made one-acre and three-point land, whether it is those scoundrels or some rich masters, the young master will give me some face."

"The title deed you mentioned is actually quite easy to do. You don't need to see the modern master, you just need to find the master, and the relationship between Shi and me is quite good."

"I will take you to the yamen in the afternoon, and I will apply for a house deed. In this case, there should be a certain amount of land per acre, and part of it should be handed over to the master. If so, go ahead."

"It's easier for you to have this earth qi, and you can measure a little more when you measure it, otherwise."

"These brothers are all pointing to these people to eat. There is also a lot of knowledge here, so don't care about the money, or you will be the one who will suffer in the end."

After hearing such words, Gao Dashan nodded involuntarily. Originally, he never thought about what kind of advantage he could get.

But now he has discovered that there are still so many twists and turns, it seems that this time if he hadn't come here with Lizheng and the two...

I rashly went to the county office like this, and if I didn't make it, I would be treated as a club. (The local dialect means a fool.) In the end, the only person who suffers is to eat himself.

While listening, Gao Dashan kept nodding his head there, and Li Tieniu watched Xiao Gao Dashan swell into his heart, which meant that he could really feel more at ease.

After all, this person is inextricably linked with his brother-in-law, and if he treats him better, there is no harm to his brother-in-law.

And it can be seen that this person is still a relatively fashionable person. Although my brother-in-law said that he is 4.4 miles in the village, and the power in the family is also very large.

But if there is really one person who can really help brother-in-law to think about it, then brother-in-law will have more and more right to speak in the village.

And it can be seen that the person whose name is Gao Dashan should be regarded as a relatively righteous person, and he can buy a homestead in the village, which means that the conditions of his family should also be good. .

Chapter 604 The work is done (please subscribe)

At that time, I can really be a help to my brother-in-law, and it can be regarded as being able to help my brother-in-law. Otherwise, think about my brother-in-law in such a village.

I don't usually come to the county seat, so even if there is something, I really can't do anything, and this tall person should be regarded as a very caring person.

So Li Tieniu also thought about being able to make a friend, a friend. When something happens, I hope this tall mountain can help his brother-in-law for his sake.

After eating, Li Tie Niu took Li Zheng and Gao Da Shan to the yamen together, and met the master. Because of Li Tie Niu's introduction to Gao Dashan.

26. It was really convenient for them to apply for land deeds. At the same time, it also gave them a lot of convenience when storing grain. It was 18 acres of land, but only 10 acres were counted.

And it was sold directly at the price of mountains and wasteland, and it was given to Gao Dashan. When Gao Dashang came out of the county office, he felt his head froze.

For such a large area, it only cost 34 taels of silver, and it was all taken down. Even the money for the master and the little official who was doing the errands was counted in it.

"Uncle, why do I feel like I'm feeling dazed, can we really take out such a large piece of land with just this little money?"

"This is really great. When I go back, I must give you two jugs of wine to drink. This is really great. Originally, I still felt that my 100 taels of silver were in the end. Can it be enough?"

"And you didn't know that when you came, my old son gave me another 100 taels of silver, just for fear that I would not be enough here, and for fear that you and I would be wronged here."

"You don't know, that son of mine also told me that I must not let me squeak, I must take good care of you, and let me find a better inn for you tonight."

"Let the two of us stay in the inn honestly, but we mustn't lead you out to make a fool of yourself. Tell me what the children are thinking in their minds now?"

"I'm so old. With someone your age, can I still go out and fool around? My son has really figured out everything."

"And he told me solemnly that if I really dared to fool around in the county town, my whole family would not recognize me when I went back."

And Li Zheng listened to Gao Dashan talking to himself about 930's words here, and he couldn't help laughing. He really didn't expect Gao Gang to be such a child.

And he really didn't expect a person like Gao Gang to be so obedient to Gao Dashan, you must know when Gao Dashan was young.

That can also be regarded as a not particularly good child, and when he does things, he is also very impulsive. It must be known that the impact of that incident on him was too great.

And when she was kicked out of the house, she had already sworn that she must make her family live very well. .

Chapter 605 Birth of a good son (please subscribe)

Since then, it can be said that as long as it is not illegal, he can do anything, and the personnel in the village are not very good.

It wasn't until after Gao Gang was born that it got better. Later, when Gao Gang gradually grew up, he was able to have some restraints on him, although Gao Dashan's reputation outside was not particularly good.

But it is really good to treat his wife and children, especially his daughter-in-law, although there have been only 5 girls for so many years.

But he has never had any quarrel with his daughter-in-law because of such a thing. Ever since Gao Gang was born, he has spoiled his son like an eyeball, but he never thought that this kid would be so interesting.

"Hahaha, Tall, only a son like you can control you, otherwise, think about your donkey temper before."

"Think about how you can be so honest and humble in front of others? You already don't know what it's like 々'."

"And if it weren't for your son, think about what you should be doing now, shouldn't those bandits on the mountain also have your share?"

"It's really because of this son that your family can get better like this, so when you go back, you must treat your little son well."

"Otherwise, it can be seen that these women and girls in your family are all with your son."

Gao Dashan didn't expect that what he did out this time was so smooth, so it didn't take long before he and Lizheng stayed in the inn.

Originally, Li wanted to live in his brother-in-law's house. Of course, he was tall, and it could be seen that the conditions in the subway Niu's house were not very good.

His family lived in such a small house. If Li Zheng went there, someone in their family would definitely have to lay the floor.

So Gao Dashan didn't want Li Zheng to suffer some kind of grievance because of his own affairs at such an old age, so he took Li Zheng and found a better inn.

The two of them thought they were coming to the county town to rest comfortably for a night. On the morning of the second day, they could catch up with the morning car and go back to the town.

It's just that Li Zhengxian is very distressed about such a sum of money. After all, the two of them cost 500 yuan a night for this house, which is half a tael of silver.

Thinking about it, this 500 yuan is enough for a farmer like them to spend some time. And now even if it is polished rice, it is only 20 cents per pound.

Those cornmeal or multigrain noodles are only three cents and five cents a pound. Think about these five hundred cents. If you take out all of them to buy food, it will be enough (good king's) to be tall enough for their family to eat for half a month. .

"¨ˇDashan, although you have some money now, you can't harm the money like this. We must know where we old farmers can't sleep all night in normal days."

"Why did you come here? I spent so much money in this place. Although this place has relatively good conditions, I really feel very distressed that this money is spent."

Chapter 606 Interpretation (please subscribe)

It is not only Li Zheng who is distressed, but even Gao Dashan himself is very distressed for the 500 wen money.

But Gao Dashan can really do what Gao Gang said. After all, he has followed all the words that his son said as an imperial edict.

"Uncle, you also know that I am not very capable, but I am very obedient. When I left, Gao Gang told me that I must treat you well."

"So think about it, how can I allow you to be so wronged by yourself, not to mention that I also have to live in the hotel, so it's better for the two of us to come and live together."

"I know that Tie Niu and his family are very kind to you, but I can also see that you don't want to harass them and cause some trouble. This time, you came to the county town with 803 with me."

"How can I let you go out and live in the store alone, not to mention you don't think about it. We have so much money in our pockets. If we go to live in those Datong shops, it will be cheaper."

"But if the money is taken away by someone sneakily at night, we will lose more than the gain, so I think it's worth it to spend the five hundred coins."

Li Zheng never thought that Gao Dashan had so much money in his pocket, and now that Gao Dashan could see it, it was really cged.

I just don't know what they did to earn so much money, but as Lizheng, he really couldn't ask.

After all, this is a family's secret, and Li Zheng has never been a man of few words on weekdays, so he can only have some envy for such a thing, but in other respects he is There really isn't any.

At night, there is a night market in the county seat, so Gao Dashan and Lizheng did not eat in the store, but went to the night market for a walk together.

While walking, I bought some things in the night market, sweet belly, and when the two of them ate a lot of food and returned to the store, they realized that they didn't spend much money for such a big circle.

It's really a good deal, and the things in the night market are also very good. Gao Dashan has already bought a lot of things for his daughter-in-law and several children without knowing it.

"Dashan, I didn't expect you to be such a person who loves your wife and children. I don't think you have any of these things, but none of your daughters and your daughter-in-law have fallen."

"And I don't think Gao Gang really is there. Aren't you going to buy some gifts for your son? You've finally made a trip to the county town. Shouldn't you bring some back to him?"

"Although your little son is very sensible, he is a child after all, and he has some childish temperament. You can't treat him as an adult."

"And when his sisters have gifts to go back, if he doesn't have them himself, think about whether he will get angry with you."

"And then Sapo rolls around, isn't that what children are like? You can't reach out and hit him at that time, because you didn't do it yourself.".

Chapter 607 Aesthetics too (please subscribe)

Gao Dashan knew that what Li Zheng said was the truth, but he also knew that Gao Gang's vision was too high, if he bought something for him and went back.

If you don't get it right, all of these things will be wasted, and when Gao Gang came, he also told him that he should never buy anything for him.

If he wanted something, he would come and choose it himself, so Gao Dashan really didn't buy any gifts for his young son at this time.

Gao Dashan scratched his hair a little embarrassed, then said with a smile.

"It's not that I didn't buy it for him. You don't know what kind of temperament that stinky boy in our family has, and you don't even know what kind of temperament he has."

"If I buy it back for him this time, it will all be in vain if I can't fix it. You also know that he is an arrogant child."

"And he has promised me that as long as our house is built, he will go to the school to study, and he will be given money to buy whatever he wants."

"Although we parents can provide him with food and clothing, if we don't let this child learn more, I think this child is really a waste."

"So even though I said that I have already bought so many things for the girls in our family, you can see that it really didn't cost a lot of money~"

"And these little things are just to make the little girl happy, but you must know that my stinky boy is really a flowery intestine.-"

"He has a lot of ideas of his own, so I can't count on him at all, and when he came, he also told him thousands of times not to buy anything for him."

"Otherwise, he won't like it when he goes back, and you know that a child with a vision like me is real, and there is nothing that can be admired."

After listening to this, Li Zheng suddenly realized, but he also felt that the things that Gao Dashan bought were really unbearable, even if the family was not poor, but these things he bought were really ugly, I just don't know. Can their girls like it?

Moreover, Li Zheng felt that Gao Gang really had foresight. Otherwise, he would rely on an aesthetic like Gao Dashan to take it home. If he didn't get it right, Gao Gang would really dislike it very much. , this will also waste some money.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・

Li Zheng and Gao Dashan were enjoying themselves in the county town. At this time, Gao Gang was lying on the table writing and drawing. He had already made so many drawings in the morning.


However, his sister didn't even like a single one, so in the afternoon, after waking up from a nap, Gao Gang began to draw the houses in his sister's mind on the table.

Moreover, after he integrated the ideas of several sisters, he made them more perfect again, so when it was about to have dinner, Gao just presented all his works in front of several sisters .

Today, Gao Xia didn't go out to work, he just watched Gao Gang sitting on the stool, writing and drawing, and frowning from time to time.

Gao Xia felt as if she had really done something wrong. After all, her little brother had never been so quiet before. six.

Chapter 608 Gao Xia's Worries (Subscribe)

And looking at Gao Gang's serious appearance, Gao Xia felt that she really seemed to have done something wrong, if it wasn't for her sisters who were constantly picking on faults.

Thinking about some of those drawings, each of them is very exquisite, and each one can make people feel special surprises.

Only my sisters don't know how to cherish the fate of "600" themselves, and they are still here to keep picking on the so-called mistakes.

Searching for the perfect feeling in his heart made his little brother so entangled now, and Gao Xia watched her little brother stay there quietly and draw drawings, and he also felt that he was with him. It's a little out of place at such a young age.

So for Gao Xia, he himself is very clear that in the current situation, he himself feels a little helpless.

So when he looked at Gao Gang like this, he felt very sad in his heart. All afternoon, Gao Gang just sat there quietly and drew the drawing in his hand, which really made Gao Xia feel very uncomfortable.

The sky outside had gradually darkened, Gao Gang was still sitting there motionless, and the table was already full of manuscript papers.

Gao Gang has painted and painted on it, painted and painted, but the final draft is still not completely settled. And Gao Xia looked at Gao Gang like this.

She also felt a little tangled in her heart, but he could see that Xiao Huo Xian was really holding a sigh of relief in her heart now.

I want all my sisters to be able to. Lower the weight of these drawings that I have drawn, and at the same time allow my sisters to live in such a beautiful house.

Gao Xia sat at the door, thinking and thinking, there were times when he really wanted to go in and tell his brother, don't continue to draw like this, it's really bad for his eyes. comfortable.