MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 64

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Colson: "…"

He got down from the water tower silently, his chest heaving up and down, staring at Da Wenxi angrily.

Holding the broken trousers in his hand, Da Wenxi smiled contemptuously, took out a roll of pink tape from his pocket, and suggested.

"Colson, don't be angry, I'll glue it to you now."

Bah...Is that something to be angry with?

He felt that not only his pants, but also his soul had been insulted!

But Da Wenxi deserves to be an invention. He moved very fast. Before Coulson could react, he used pink tape to stick his broken pants up, and he kindly stuck a smile on his face. Symbol emoji.

( ̄︶ ̄).

Grant glanced back and almost fell off the water tower with a puff of laughter.

Still Li Ang was professional enough. He got down from above, put down the flower pot, and pulled out a hemp rope from the wooden box.

Then he handed one end of the hemp rope to Grant, and jumped into the water tower with a plop. After tying the corpse with a rope, he instructed Grant to pull it up.

The two worked together and put the corpse on the ground with a hey yo. Coulson no longer bothered about the pants, and looked at the face of the deceased.

"This is... the missing girl."

"Well, that's right. Not only that, she also has a thick layer of resentment wrapped around her body, and she must find a way to resolve it..."

Li Ang took out a carton of milk from the wooden box, and without saying a word, sprinkled it around the corpse.

As he operated, he explained: "Because the chocolate with milk is too powerful to kill Wei. So we sprinkle a circle around her to weaken the power, and we can purify the resentment on her body!"

Okay, what you say is what, you have milk, you are justified!

Coulson shook his head, but he didn't see any resentment. Instead, he noticed that the date on the milk carton was a bit wrong, and reminded in a low voice.

"Mr. Li... The box of milk in your hand seems to have expired."

When his hands froze, Li Ang glanced at him, took a sip on the milk silently, and spat out loudly.

"Oops, although expired milk is also milk, its purification effect is not as good as that of milk within the shelf life!" there such a thing?

Coulson was shocked, looked at the four Chinese characters "Perseverance Milk" on the milk box, and asked worriedly.

"Mr. Li, does this milk have to be made in the East?"

"That's not necessary. I'm just used to drinking domestic products, not foreign ones."

After replying casually, Li Ang trotted all the way to bring his wooden box over, and then searched all over the place.

Coulson twitched the corners of his eyes, only to see axe, chainsaw, watermelon knife, grenade, explosives and other lethal weapons thrown all over the place, he was really curious, why does the wooden box that doesn't seem to have much space, why? Can you hold so many items?

Ignoring him, Li Ang flipped through it for a while, and finally took out two large boxes of 1 liter expired milk.

"A box of milk is 250 ml, and 1 liter of milk is equal to 4 boxes. Now I have 2 large boxes. I can make up for it with some water and stir it to make 10 boxes. It's almost enough!"

So he asked both Coulson and Grant to fetch water, stir it at his own measure, and sprinkle a circle around the body. It didn't take long for a transparent soul to emerge from the corpse.

"As the saying goes, people are different, don't be attached to the world, someone will help you to avenge your case..."

Pointing to the Coulson people beside him, Li Ang persuaded her.

With a serious expression, Coulson took out the FBI certificate from his arms and showed it to her. The girl was resolutely relieved when she saw it.

She bowed and thanked everyone, and gradually disappeared.

"Huh? It's not cold here anymore."

Putting down his hands, Da Wenxi said happily.

"The yin here has dissipated, and the resentment has disappeared, so naturally it won't be cold."

Gather the scattered items on the ground again, Li Ang explained.

For the first time, Coulson was thanked by the soul of the victim, looking at the stars in the sky and experiencing this incredible feeling.

Grant called a few words into the headset and ordered a S.H.I.E.L.D. logistics team to go to the second floor to clean the battlefield.

bell bell bell…

The phone rang, Coulson connected the phone and put it in his ear, and the next moment, his face changed suddenly.

Chapter 82 "The latest flight cap in 2008!"

"Hmm, Natasha, she's alright, I understand, um, I'll go back now!"

It was Nick Fury, and Natasha seemed to have a serious problem, and Coulson had to go back now.

"Grant Ward, the aftermath here is up to you, don't let that manager go, he must know something."

And the guy who calls himself Lu Mingfei, confirm his identity, search his room, I suspect that there are some secrets hidden there..."

After giving the order, Coulson apologized to Li Ang and Da Wenxi and said.

"Sorry, you two. Something happened to my colleagues, and now I have to go back. You two can stay in this hotel for a while, tomorrow morning..."

"and many more!"

Li Ang raised his hand to interrupt him. Coulson took a closer look and found that he had found a few old newspapers from nowhere and was stacking something quickly.

Soon, he came over with several paper hats of different styles, and handed one with a propeller to Coulson's hand.

"Come... use this."

Holding the paper hat, Coulson was a little overwhelmed and asked with a blank face.

"what is this?"

"The latest flight cap in 2008!"

He gave Da Wenxi a hat similar to Song Jiang in the Water Margin, and Li Ang directly put his winged hat on his head.

"Uh... Mr. Li, how do I use this thing?"

Coulson looked at it for a long time, but didn't see anything magical. It was just a hat folded from newspaper, um, folded under his eyelids.

"It's simple, let me demonstrate it to you."

He was very talkative, walked to the side of the building and jumped forward.


People just thump...and fall.

"!?" Coulson's heart trembled when he saw it, and he hurried to the side of the building to look down, just in time to see Li Ang's body drawing an arc at a low altitude, and then flying up in an incredible way...

"Oh, buy Karma, it's impossible!"

[Mood value from Phil Coulson +799]

Li Ang was also afraid that he didn't understand enough, so he flew very hard, arc, S-shape, figure-8, tumbling, straight-line dive, and spiraling up at a 90-degree angle...

All kinds of flying stunts are at your fingertips, and you have to spend as much work as you want. Anyway, it completely shocked Coulson and the others.

They were looking at God's expression, and Coulson could swear to God, it's not **** scientific at all!

"Believe in yourself, don't hesitate, jump!" In the air, rolling several times in a row, Li Ang urged him loudly when he saw that he was not moving.

Thinking that he still has a bright future, Coulson "reluctantly gave up his love" and "wasted his tears" to send the latest limited-edition flying cap in 2008 "reluctantly" to Grant behind him, so that he must experience this year's The most stylish feeling of flying.

Grant: "…"

[Mood value +813 from Grant Ward]

Colson, you are **** me!

Grant roared inwardly.

He is a man who has been professionally trained. He is calm on the surface, nodding indifferently, just looking at it over and over. The left sentence is novel in style, and the right sentence is made of awesome material.

Repeatedly looking at it, seriously commenting, full of praise, amazed... That is, don't wear it.

How could Coulson do what he wanted, didn't he see Li Ang performing an inverted flight in the air again?

"Stop scoffing, Agent Grant Ward! Quickly show your guts, don't let the people of the Divine Spear Bureau look down on us!"

What he said was righteous, and he patted Grant's shoulder as if there was a holy light on his face.

But... Nima! Colson, you old yin ratio, why don't you wear it! ?

Grant was very distressed. He squeezed the paper hat and closed his eyes. Under the gazes of everyone, he was as uncomfortable as Sun Monkey being forced to wear a hoop curse.


He put it on.

Open your eyes, huh? It's not difficult either.

He thought so in his heart, and felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. He boldly took a step forward and stood by the building, blowing the cold wind and looking down.

Emma...I cao!

weak legs...

[Mood value from Grant Ward +873]

In the end, for the sake of his own life, Grant politely refused the order.

Under the contemptuous eyes of Coulson, he quickly ran to the third floor.

He originally wanted to go to the 2nd floor, but he felt too embarrassed by S.H.I.E.L.D. In the end, considering Master Li Ang's coquettish performance tonight, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and decided to bet!


He pushed open the window, turned over on the windowsill, and made an ok gesture to the "big brothers" above. He kept hypnotizing himself to believe in Master Li Ang. After all, this flying cap is a limited edition this year!

"Gudu" swallowed his saliva, his eyes closed, and he jumped forward with strong anticipation.



The gravity of the earth dragged him from the air in a disgraceful manner, and in horror, Grant fell like a bird with broken wings.

He broke his legs with two clicks, broke at least three ribs, and spat out blood on the ground. Grant pointed to Coulson on the roof and vowed to join his team in the future and secretly kill him!

With this enthusiasm, his eyes darkened, his head tilted, and he fainted with a plop.

[Mood value +999 from Grant Ward]

"He is a good agent. In the future, I will consider adding him to my team!"

On the roof, the wind was blowing, and seeing Grant's miserable appearance, Coulson stepped back in admiration.

[Mood value from Phil Coulson +866]

"Hey... didn't I say it? Don't think about anything when you fly, just think of the word "fly"! "

Li Ang seemed to be tired from playing in the air, and flew over slowly to inform the flight.

Coulson was a little confused and turned his head to confirm with Da Wenxi.

"Mr. Da, did he just say that?"

"Say it! Don't you still say "OK"? "

Da Wenxi answered very honestly, with a chest out and a look of "you said, have you forgotten?"

Scratching his hair, Coulson blinked, doubting himself.

Did he say it? I didn't remember? And then Grant just jumped... eh?

Coulson guiltily leaned down and glanced down, seeing several S.H.I.E.L.D. logisticians carrying him onto a stretcher.


Grant woke up halfway, just in time to see Coulson's pitying expression, a mouthful of old blood couldn't help spurting out, and he fainted on the spot.

[Mood value +1111 from Grant Ward]

Tsk tsk... That look is so miserable!

Evaluating in his heart, Coulson put away the expression on his face. Seeing that Grant was gushing blood again, he decided to kill him without wearing that flying cap!

TM's... Grant is so miserable on the third floor, he is on the 14th floor!