MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 25 Preparation before entering

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The next high-tech weapons attacked the intercontinental missiles, high-energy laser laser weapons, electromagnetic rail guns and other weapons. Countless metal storms and high-energy rays were swallowed up like black holes. Feeling that Tang Tian has gathered a lot of energy in his body, he stopped the attacks of various high-tech weapons. After absorbing a large amount of energy, Tang Tian is slowly merging its power.

Tang Tian now has more power than the power of the Black Emperor, and the gravity ability that can absorb energy is really a good thing. Compared to Nian Motive Force and Electromagnetic Force, they are not weak, just like the Black Emperor only temporarily absorbs and rebounds energy. Unlike Tang Tian, ​​he can absorb and fuse the energy in the body, allowing his cells to fully evolve.

"The mechanical enemy was in 2035. At that time, the intelligent robot NS series had been widely used by human beings. The best production tools and human partners, robots played an increasingly important role in various fields, and robots were also subject to" three major security The "limitation of the rule." After Tang Xing absorbed enough energy in Tang Tian, ​​the two men began to talk about the preparations for the upcoming plane in the office of the Ambrella building.

"I understand this, of course, thank you for finishing, I have already seen the wrist computer you gave me this time." Tang Tian nodded and replied.

"Well, our greatest wealth now is not the real world space, but the entire infinite variety of planes. Without the cheap high-tech drawings and resources provided by the Lord God, so we want to be truly powerful We must move forward. Speaking of which, in the real world, Ambrella is not a long-term solution. After all, we exchange causal points for Ambrella's cause and effect, and a biochemical crisis is bound to occur. "Tang Xing said seriously.

"I know this. When the biochemical crisis breaks out, I will start a second plan to recycle Ambrella with a new arms company." Tang Tian nodded and agreed with what Tang Xing said.

Tang Xing said with a smile at this time: "It's still thoughtful of you.﹗ You cloned me for our common goal. Although I was not made by the Lord God, but I will also help you to manage logistics."

"Well, yes. But now we have biochemical, chemical, nuclear, high-energy weapons and other weapons, but we also lack mechanical, energy, nano, and other technologies." Tang Tian agreed with another one. Point of view, and then talked about the current development difficulties.

——————————————————- Dividing line --- --- ------------"I also understand this, so let's discuss what you entered now Planes. The most powerful development of the mechanical enemy's plane is robots. Others such as biochemical technology and various powerful weapons of mass destruction are not available. When we enter the mechanical enemy's plane this time, we can pretend to be aliens. , And then told the world ’s US government NS-5 to betray humanity. Of course, the human government will certainly not believe us at the beginning, but when the 'Wiki' robot NS-5 attacks humans, we can appropriately jump out and help On the human side, and then transacting with the U.S. government on that plane. "Tang Xing said in a sigh and asked the secretary to drink cold red wine in a big sip, and it seemed as if he was really saying a lot.

"I have the same idea. Of course, you can first sell the T virus and some biochemical weapons. We need to get the artificial intelligence and the robotics among them, and we must use the protagonist's help appropriately. After all, the protagonist aura is not a joke, right We can use the protagonist who seems to hate robots. "Tang Tian paused and took out a glass of red wine to taste slowly. At the same time after drinking, he took out a good Cuban cigar and gave Tang Xing one.

"Thanks. Your idea is feasible, so that it can be used by the public enemy of the machinery to expand our nuclear weapons inventory and increase new technology." Tang Xing ignited Cuban cigars and said.

"If we want to develop, we need a lot of accumulated high-tech technology and unlimited resources. What we don't lack is time. Speaking of the Marvel world, if a biochemical crisis erupts, it will be absolutely incredible, Veronica. Which of the biochemical crises of T, C, and C viruses is a fuel-saving lamp? "Tang Tian said thoughtfully, smoking a Cuban cigar.

"Yeah, so now we have to prepare a second set of plans and a large number of planes as the basis. After all, if the biochemical crisis really broke out, Ambrella will definitely be the target of the heroes. But really, there is time We still have to go to the strong players in the movie, Dr. Manhattan in "The Watcher", and Otaru in "Naruto" are all we understand. "Tang Xing looked up and looked at his own body and explained.

"You're right. I know what you think. Okay, time is up. Prepare me for the materials and biochemical weapons needed for this crossing. This time, I must play upside down. After all, I have not experienced both worlds. What do you mean? "Tang Tian said to his copyman with a big grin.

"I see, Boss has a pleasant journey." Tang Xing said to his own body with a smile. The goal now is very clear. To live in the Marvel universe, he must and do everything possible to change from the real world and the movie world. Hi-tech is at its best.

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Tang Tian was also looking at the target this time when he was copying and preparing things. The movie plane to go this time is the "Mechanical Enemy" plane, which is a medium-level movie plane in the US science fiction action category.

The film tells about a society in which humans and robots live in harmony in 2035 AD. Intelligent robots, as the best production tools and human partners, gradually penetrate into all areas of human life. However, due to the limitations of the "three rules" of robots, humans Full of trust, many robots have even become family members.

芝加哥 USR, based in Chicago, developed the more advanced NS-5 super robot, but just before the new product went on the market, the creator of the robot, Dr. Alfred Longing, committed suicide inside the company. Black detective Dale Spooner (Will Smith) took over the investigation. Due to his unpleasant past, Spooner was skeptical of robots and did not believe that humans and robots could live in harmony.

Based on the analysis of the information left by Dr. Longning in the 3D projector and the investigation of the suicide scene, he suspected that the target locked the NS-5 robotic Sunny developed by Dr. Longning, and the company's president, Lawrence Robertson, seemed to have It matters. Spooner met Susan Kevin (Briggina Nanahan), a female scientist who specializes in robotic psychology. As the investigation of the two went deeper, the truth was revealed step by step: the robots have the ability to self-evolve. With their own understanding of the "Three Principles", they will be transformed into "mechanical public enemies" of humanity at any time. Spooner and Kevin started the action against robots, and a war between the maker and the maker began. ~ With the information provided by the main **** of the "Six Mounts" Tang Tian appropriately read Now, this time Tang Tian is also preparing to bring biochemical weapons and some clones. The first must be pretending to be an alien. Selling the T virus at the right time, as well as the movie version of the castrate / caster version of the tracker and the T-002 tyrant that has been eliminated, Tang Tian is not afraid that the US government in that world will not buy it. In fact, let's not talk about whether biochemical weapons are sold or not. The virus that can extend life like T virus is not something that most people can easily give up. After all, most people are willing to pay for immortality.

T virus prolongs life, although it may cause physical mutation to a certain extent, but it is believed that a safe and enhanced version will be obtained after many experiments. Of course, Tang Tian also had this idea, but it was only after the other party studied it that he could reap the results himself. This is how a businessman should maximize his interests.

The valuable thing obtained this time is that the USR company in Chicago has developed more advanced NS-5 super robots and the previous four generations of robots, and it is best to get the creator Alfred · Dr. Longning. It doesn't matter if death is coming, after all, there are still many things that can be resurrected in the other planes, the "Soul of Four Souls" and "Reincarnation" can be done. Tang Tian also prepared a lot of things for the crossing this time, and the battle on the first valuable plane officially started.

----------------PS; new books for votes, collections, recommendations. The next one officially enters the public enemy of machinery, and everyone supports it. At the same time, I would like to thank you for your rewards for the supremacy of the world, Bai Nokong, enjoyment of Pai, Yudi of the Emperor, and gifted evolution.