MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 30 The plot begins

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主要 The main story of the mechanical enemy's main story began when Spooner thought that the robot was stealing a wallet on the street. When he accidentally caught the robot, he discovered that the robot was just helping the owner to hold the respirator in the wallet. Tang Tian did not forget to observe the progress of the world when Meriken stayed, and he could act when the plot was completely started, because his identity as an alien, Meriken gave himself a high free space, all the next Things to do will also be easier.

After a month, the Chicago Police Department ...

"Based on facts! That's what your police badge says." Spooner just sat down, and his superior and friend John slowly walked over and said. In fact, Spooner didn't know, because his mistake had been reported by the owner of the robot.

John put his hands in his trouser pockets, and calmly looked at what Spooner said with his head down. "Let's talk about this?" "What?" I've forgotten the thing.

"Police help! The robot stole my dry-cleaning clothes!" A middle-aged white policeman saw Spooner and John talking, raised his hand with a mockery, and the people around him couldn't help laughing. .

"Oh, you want to talk about this." Spooner ignored their mockery and turned to tell John.

------------split line---------------

"Detective ..." John sat down next to Spooner, holding a chair, and said straightly, "How many robots did you find stealing a wallet?"

不 "No, John, I saw that guy running ..." Spooner explained.

"How many robots in the world ... have sinned?" John didn't listen to Spooner's explanation, but continued.

"Define crime!" Asked Spinner.

回答 "Answer my question." John still ignored Reginald Spooner and said solemnly.

"No, John." Spooner turned and did not dare to look at his friend, saying awkwardly.

"Fine, Spooner, now you can tell me what happened today." John finally got to the point, the real purpose was to understand why Spooner such a funny thing happened today, so that he understood because What kind of influence does it take to bring others.

"No, nothing." Spooner shook his head and said helplessly. In fact, he was also a self-deceit. It was obvious that other people's ridicule and John's questioning knew this.

"I can think of nothing as happening, but I hope this is the last time." Seeing Spooner, John said helplessly, after all, a lot of similar troubles happened to his friend, so he It is also hoped that Spooner can be rehabilitated.

"Spner, are you sure you're ready to come back? You can take it slowly, don't worry." John got up from the chair and patted his shoulders, apparently still very good to his good friend Worry, a strong sense of base can be seen everywhere.

我 "I'm fine, thank you, John, it's better than sitting at home." Spinner replied with thanks and helplessness.

"Squad, Spooner." Just as they communicated, the Chicago Police Department's wireless communicator suddenly rang, and Spooner asked again with a wireless headset. As the other party's voice kept ringing, Spooner even received a USR alarm call saying that his friend, Dr. Alfred Langning, had committed suicide. Spooner stood up and told John as soon as he got the news.

"John, I have something to do." John looked at Spooner and realized that something big was going to happen, then he nodded and understood.

-------split line------------

The company with the largest public enemy of machinery, the American Robotics Corporation, or USR for short, is the largest transnational super company, and has started the civil robot era based on the NS series of intelligent robots. Speaking of the umbrella companies of the film biochemical crisis, they are almost all Super World Groups. The difference is that the umbrella company has created a biochemical crisis that destroys the world, but the USR company has made the world a big step forward. .

In 2035, the USR company has fully popularized intelligent robots, and every 15 people own an NS intelligent robot. Robot workers and machine assistants are ubiquitous and even infiltrate the family life. They take on the responsibility of nanny and care. People increasingly rely on robots who are resentful to humans. But will this life continue forever? But reality gives a new answer then it is negative.

博士 Dr. Alfred Lunning, the father of NS Robotics, no one understands what went wrong. Once a genius could not prevent his accidental death, now he is lying in the lobby on the first floor of USR's headquarters, and the police have been drawn around the cordon.

"It's a genius, but unfortunately it just fell off." Tang Tian, ​​a successful person, slowly came to the place where Dr. Langning died to check the **** night for toxins and produced a federal investigation. The Bureau's certificate (also called the FBI) ​​easily collected a test tube of blood from Dr. Longning.

In fact, it is not necessary to revive him. Now the technology owned by Tang Tian can perfectly replicate the dead scientist. Through the place where samples were collected from Veronica last time, he also obtained Alexander's technology for matching genetic IQ, just like Ah Like brothers and sisters in Lexia, cloned IQ-enhanced scientists completely serve themselves. I have to say that Alexander's contribution is really great, Tang Tian will resurrect him when he has time.

Tang Tian also became a temporary member of the FBI under the arrangement of the American government after most of the transactions. Although an alien didn't feel good, it was enough for the next action.

The action on Spooner's side is also very fast ~ ~ After a while, he came near the cordon in the lobby on the first floor, and after showing the certificate, the alert put Spnerer into the case of Dr. Langning's suicide Discover the field.

A certain alien who played soy sauce did nothing, and the alien and the American government successfully traded. It also gave the aliens their identity and protection. Tang Tian reluctantly looked at the American agents behind to protect himself. These were also agreements with the Earth government. The American government also promised that if the aliens have the ability to go to the technology that they can, of course, the American government also knows that the aliens need robotics and directly push the boat to plunder the aliens, but just happen to be with an alien Human personality is similar.

"I'm glad to see you again, young man." When Spooner came to Dr. Langning, the silver-white holographic projector popped up Dr. Langning's holographic projection, which was obviously prepared in advance.

"Hello, Doctor." Spooner said with a slightly abnormal expression. He was his friend anyway, and his death made him sad.

Uh .........

Uh .........

I still had the same dialogue as the original story, and Dr. Longning asked him to find out. At this time USR Wiki has controlled all the new NS-5 robots, and if it wasn't for Spooner's discovery of Wiki's betrayal, perhaps the end of the world like the Terminator world might come back when the number of NS-5 robots reached a certain number.


PS; for support, collection, recommendation, there is one more tonight outbreak.