MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 33 Sonny

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先生 "Mr. Robertson wants me to do everything I can to help you." Dr. Susan turned around and looked at Spooner in the descent elevator.

"Really? OK!" Spooner said with a smile.

"I've seen Dr. Longning's psychology file, Alfred became very secretive and refused human and machine contact." Susan said to herself, completely taking what Spooner had just said into the air.

"Are you a psychiatrist?" Spooner asked another question this time, and Susan had already told him at the elevator door.

"My ex-wife knows that I will be very happy to talk to you, don't you know her, right?" Spooner gave a little humor, but Dr. Susan's face had turned black.

"Sorry, are you kidding me?" Obviously it was a serious investigation, but Susan didn't expect that Spooner was still joking at this time.

没有 "No," Spooner said grinningly, not paying attention to Susan's face at all. At this time, the elevator reached the 10th floor. It was in this laboratory that Dr. Langning developed the artificial intelligence wiki and NS series robots before his death. Of course, he finally jumped here. Susan also didn't care about Spinner's stupid behavior just now, because that's how she worked, she couldn't compete with Spinner.

"Do you think Dr. Longning is suicidal?" Spooner said at this point slightly back to the subject.

"I think the answer is obvious." Susan said coldly as she walked. Susan said so much that convinced Spooner that Dr. Longing had committed suicide, but it was clear that what she had just said was to play the piano.

"This is not a question I asked you." Spooner said relentlessly.

"But, I didn't think so. But, obviously, I was wrong." Susan said unnaturally, she already believed that Dr. Langning had committed suicide.

------split line---------

Spooner suddenly whistled, walked to the fence and looked down: "It fell very high here. You clean up really fast. I don't blame you, who wants to let such an old man die in the What about the hall? "

"He's not an 'old man', Alfred Langning is everything here." Listening to Spooner's frivolous tone, Susan looked at Spooner with unbearable anger. "We are about to launch the largest robot launch event in history. Before Saturday, every five families will have a robot. These robots are the realization of dreams and the dream of Dr. Langning." Susan, who calmed down, continued.

"Do you know? In his dream, I bet he didn't turn it off." Spooner's words left Susan speechless this time, because everything was in vain.

"Do you have round-the-clock surveillance here?" Spooner continued to die before Dr. Longning's experiment.

"Of course, then the company's regulations." Susan said angrily.

"Monitor?" Spinner asked. "No, induction lines. Except for the maintenance area, they are everywhere. These are connected to the central computer." Susan replied.

At this time, Tang Tian, ​​who was already in a cooperative relationship with Robertson, looked at the artificial intelligence on the top floor and showed a greedy expression. The so-called central computer was the host of Wiki. Robertson didn't say anything when he looked at Tang Tian's important goal this time, and if what he predicted happened, he had to rely on his help. As a partner, Tang Tian also gave Robertson a weakened version of Superman serum, which gave him a little sweetness. After all, although he said that he was an alien, if he could not come up with valuable items, then he was considered to be Alien cooperation will not be pleasant.

"The central computer is Dr. Langning's first work, which is a virtual interactive intelligent system" Susan took Spooner to the corner and pointed at the blue light bar explaining.

Like the plot, Wiki concealed itself well so that Spooner and others did not find the flaw, then the two came to Dr. Langning's private laboratory, and the plot went on.

"Did you see that? That's Dr. Longning's ultimate work-Sonny, with real human emotions." Tang Tian looked under the USR headquarters company building, the fast-running silver robot said to Robertson with a deep meaning.

Robertson was very surprised to see the robot running fast in front of him. After all, if it is a normal robot, he will listen to human commands. That robot is obviously not ordinary.

既然 "Since you know him, what do you need me to do?" Robertson said puzzledly as he looked at Tang Tian drinking red wine.

当然 "Of course, Spooner suspected that Sonny had killed Dr. Longning, but I told you in the end, all you have to do is define the case as an industrial accident." Tang Tian said in detail.

--------split line----------

"There is no problem with this, you don't say I will do the same ~ ~ because NS-5 can't have such unsafe news when it goes public." Robertson nodded and agreed.

"Very good, on Saturday, you will understand that artificial intelligence and robots are not things you can control in the absence of absolute strength and laws." Tang Tian said profoundly.

恩 "Well, I see." Robertson replied.

The beginning of Wikipedia's betrayal was that Spooner, after discovering a robot named Sonny, thought it was most likely the "murderer" who was ordered to kill Dr. Longning. In the hunt, he not only found that Sonny not only had the ability to think for himself, but also had human-like emotions.

Sonny during the interrogation told Spooner that instead of killing Dr. Running, he was helping him do one thing. Telling Robertson was asking him to take the matter as an "industrial accident" and bring Sonny back to the company. In this way, the aliens can recycle him first.

Of course, when Spooner's in-depth investigation, Wiki will also send a large number of NS-5 robots to kill Spooner to death. And Susan will come to Spooner's house and inform him that during inspection of Sonny, he found that he is not only a new generation of robots that completely surpassed the old model, but also can do anything without being restricted by the "three safety rules". Of course, in the final preparations, aliens with biological and chemical weapons are ready. Although there are many NS-5 robots, there are also many biological and chemical weapons. The world will soon get what it wants, and then the plunder of other planes.


PS; 2 is more complete, ask everything, thank you for your support, thank you.