MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 652 Deviance of the Master World (13)

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SUVs circle around the museum, attracting more and more zombies to join the ranks of long-distance running. Looking at more and more zombies in the mirror, John couldn't help wondering if he could only solve them with a single SUV and two bottles of homemade incendiary bombs. There are so many of them, at least thousands, no, there should be tens of thousands. Although John had calculated the number of zombies from the population density in the area beforehand, two bottles of incendiary bombs should be sufficient, but there are too many uncertain factors in practice. John began to summarize the implementation of the plan: "At present, all the zombies near the museum have been attracted to me. According to the population density, there should be tens of thousands. They are chasing at a speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour. I. Now I am going to use a tactic called "roadblocks" to destroy them all. The core of this tactic is to create a roadblock or trap, and then lure all zombies there to slow down the zombies or destroy them. Wish me luck."

Suv burst into a deep roar and rushed straight towards the crossroads. The zombies in the back did not dare to neglect, and exhausted all their efforts, chasing up with hands and feet. When the suv reached the crossroads, the car headed slightly to the left. John then suddenly pulled the handbrake, and the tail of the SUV pulled to the right, and the entire vehicle began to coast to the left. John continued to turn the steering wheel to the right to prevent the suv from turning and let the entire car coast to coast. John said to himself: "The knowledge learned in making a racing game is very useful today." John made a sharp turn quickly and hurriedly, and the zombies were too late to respond, and because of the large number, the previous turn was due to a sharp turn Slowing down, it was too late to slow down, and bumped into it stiffly. After the zombies in the front were knocked down, they tripped over the zombies in the back, causing a chain reaction, and the zombies fell to the ground. All this John saw in his eyes from the rear-view mirror. He reached for the homemade incendiary bomb, a victorious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Come on! You sons of bitch! Come on!" He opened the roof Cover and throw home-made incendiary bombs backwards. Two bottles of homemade incendiary bombs landed in the middle of the road one after the other. John picked up the remote control of the modified model aircraft and activated the lighter in the incendiary bomb. Two fire walls appeared on the road to seal the road. The zombies fell to the ground, struggling to go forward through the wall of fire, completely disregarding the red fire, this is basically the moth's self-death. Few zombies can pass through the second wall of fire. Even if they can, they have already become a fire group, and they can fall within a few steps. This is John's strategy.

Seeing all the zombies burned into black coal, watching these monsters annihilated, and watching his victory, John felt the taste of a true winner for the first time. John can't wait to record his first victory: "The tactics went very smoothly and all the zombies were wiped out. As long as we take appropriate tactics and add courage, conviction, and hope, we can win." At the museum door, John glanced at the only knife he could rely on, which was given to him by a friend. This knife is made of military material of seven chromium seventeen molybdenum, which is hard and light. That's why John brought it out. John picked up the meat cleaver, carried his rucksack, and got out of the car slowly towards the museum's door. The warm and safe fortress was right in front of him.

However, the light after darkness is far from coming so soon. The darkness before dawn has just begun. John has now been dazzled by a temporary victory and relaxed his vigilance. Now he just thinks about what is in the museum and forgets to confirm the safety around him first. He just wanted to open the bright door of the museum and suddenly heard the rapid footsteps and howling behind him. John screamed inwardly, turning his head to see a zombie rushing towards him across the extinguished wall of fire. How could there be a missing fish? Is it because there are too many zombies that have fallen and blocked the intersection, and the last one is to wait here until the fire wall goes out? In any case, the most important thing is to enter the museum quickly. John tried hard to open the door, but found that the door was motionless. The door is locked! John hit the door with a hammer and shouted, "Open the door! I am a disaster survivor! Open the door! I will die if I do not open the door!" No one answered in the museum. Could the army go out to perform the rescue mission? Although he still has a meat cleaver in his hand, he was bitten by a zombie and it will be completely transformed into a zombie within 24 hours. It's over! It's over!

John stretched his heart, dropped his rucksack, and ran towards him with the realization that he had died with the zombies. To kill zombies, they must destroy their heads or hearts. However, because the zombies will not die immediately after stabbing the heart, in the melee combat, stabbing the heart will only give the zombies a chance to bite themselves. John held the knife tightly in his right hand, rushed to the zombies, and kicked with his right foot. At this time, he was less than 40 cm from the zombies. John raised his knife in both hands and stabbed at the zombies' brows. The zombie raised his pale hand of death to attack John's collarbone, opened his blood-filled mouth to bite John's carotid artery. Victory and defeat, life and death, are at this moment.

With a "Kara" sound, the knife was inserted deeply into the zombie's forehead, a green liquid came out of the wound with a foul smell, and its pale hands hung weakly. This time, the gamble of life and death, John won!

John softened his feet and fell to the ground. He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the corpse in front of him, and said with a trembling lip, "The plan was a little unexpected. But fortunately, this time the goddess of luck stood by my side. If I come again Only zombies, I'm afraid I'm not so lucky. "

With his left hand on the ground, John propped himself up hard, commanding his shaking legs to stand up. He felt his head heavy, his whole body groggy, and his vision began to blur. Is it caused by fear? seems not. He couldn't explain this situation ~ ~ Anyway, there are so many unexplainable things happening now, the most important thing right now is to hide in the museum as soon as possible. He slowly walked towards the museum's door, hesitating about a sick grandma. John said as he made heavy steps, "I used to design sneak games. I hope it will come in handy today." John peered into the keyhole carefully, trying to remember the teachings of the thieves. The lock on the gate was a marble lock. The principle is to use multiple cylindrical parts (called marbles) of different heights to lock the lock cylinder. When the correct key is inserted, the marbles are pushed to the proper height, and the lock cylinder is released, thereby unlocking the lock. To open this lock, at least two paper clips are needed to open it.

John had just thought of this, and suddenly he felt a strange, strange feeling. He turned around unconsciously, and stared at a stationery shop opposite the museum. "Why do I do this? Why do I look at the stationery store?" John asked himself this. He stared at the stationery store, his fists gradually clenched, his slightly bent legs seemed to be prepared for something. There was silence all around, like the calm before the storm. The silent wind, the silent suv, the silent street are just the opposite of the scene that was just hot.

A dog-like howl broke the silence with rapid footsteps. Then the closed door of the stationery store made a banging sound! Then he paused suddenly for about 1 second, and suddenly made the drizzling sound of the wind blowing the tree, the door was knocked out of a large hole, and the debris scattered around. (To be continued.)