MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 718 Thor's Hammer

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? Marvel Masters, the underground base of SHIELD and the Avengers.

"Iron Man, Captain America, you come back first, and we found that there is a source of energy. It is just a few dozen kilometers away from us." Nick Fury said to the two, and at this time they were also attacking the base of the Hydra organization And there is not much time.

"I'm sorry, sir. We are attacking the Hydra base. We can't come over at the moment." Captain America said simply, the sound of countless bullets rang around, and there were attacks of various energy weapons, but they too The combat experience is rich, so there is still no problem.

In the Hydra base, various superheroes basically crushed the biochemical weapons there. Many things have been completely wiped out without being attacked. It can be said that it looks very miserable.

"Sir, the biological and chemical weapons were lost by 60%. The base facilities were lost by 50%." A Hydra agent next to him told Ma the novel Kuth reported.

"Is that right? It's also good, continue to resist." Marcus waved his hand, said indifferently, and then quietly pressed the self-destruct device, the last Hydra base, the power of the self-destruction device is quite huge. If you don't run out a little faster, even Iron Man will be killed.

On the other side, after Marcus released the device, he waited for the superheroes in the control room. He had already made up his mind to pass, but the conditions were still not suitable.

"Sir, it has been detected that something with great power is about to explode. If it is transplanted, it can be prevented from exploding after an hour. The power is equivalent to destroying the entire Los Angeles equivalent." Jarvis told his master Iron Man, let steel Xia also frowned, he did not expect Marcus to be so desperate, there was no room at all, apparently he was ready to die with them.

"No, Captain. Guys, Marcus actually used a self-destruct device. I stopped it with my own part, and there is still an hour and a half." Iron Man explained to the surrounding team members, and everyone else frowned. At first, the situation seemed to be out of control.

"We have to make a quick decision, the situation is almost the same." Dark Wolverine Jack, looking at the people around him, said indifferently, the strength on his body is also further evolution.

Next, in the Hydra base, the superheroes inside were increasingly polite to kill those biochemical weapons. Seeing that the self-destruct device was organized, he was not surprised. If the superhero can't even do that, what value is there?

"Yes, we should be like that. The Hydra organization must be solved." Ms. Marvel looked at the people around her, and the goal was also very obvious.

The Hydra organization doesn't mention the situation here, but it's better in other places. The arrival of Thor is also calculated by Odin, which is now the case. Otherwise, Thor will encounter zombies in that situation and be killed. So Odin is also a smart person, and sometimes the smart person will find a way, and Thor is considered lucky.

"It seems that the appearance of Thor has made the situation different, and Loki is no problem when it appears. In this way, the four knights of my apocalypse are almost ready, the dark world! That is my goal." Tang Tian thought about it. , And then prepare to continue your plan, the situation is the current one.

"I'm there, what's going on here." Thunder God felt uncomfortable just after he got up. He was an exiled god, so he felt unfamiliar with everything about science and technology civilization, but he was not afraid, he was losing When he was divine, he knew that he must be able to obtain his original power.

"Sir, your luck is very good. We just regained the city. With the help of superheroes, we have gained a lot. At present, we are slowly preparing to recycle the city." A doctor looked at Thor and smiled. Without zombies, his mood is quite good.

"What's wrong with your city, why do you say that?" Sol was a little puzzled, not understanding why the doctor said that.

"Zombies? The army calls those creatures zombies, an efficient predator. Humans were once in danger under the attack of such creatures, but the superhero once again made the situation different." The doctor said proudly, thinking of the restoration of civilized society. I feel quite happy.

The doctor saw Thor's blank look, shook his head, and then turned on the TV to watch the current situation. It is very surprising to see the situation inside. Countless troops attack crazy zombies. The effect can also be added with the help of many superheroes, and the number of zombies is constantly decreasing.

"Did you see them? Those monsters without souls are still really annoying." The doctor said lightly, maybe the joy of the zombies being destroyed! The doctor told Thor about the world, and let Thor quickly understand what the world is, that is the world of mortals.

"It turned out to be this way. No wonder it was just the beginning. Rocky saw my eyes a little gloating. It turned out that the world is so dangerous. It seems that this problem must be solved. I want to leave here alive." Thunder God's eyes brightened, After knowing everything, he didn't want to die in this world, and now he is mortal, and basically has no power ~ ~ Excuse me, excuse me. We have a question for you, gentleman. "At this time, there was an agent of the SHIELD. When they saw the current situation, they said with a smile, they had discovered the appearance of Thor, and they just came to see how Thor's reaction was.

"What happened, I heard that at first you claimed that this is somewhere in mythology, now we are looking for you to be sure of something." The agent of SHIELD made Thor Thor frown, but still felt like a Here comes the opportunity.

He came to earth and lost all power, but his memory is still there. The discovery of him in this world means that he can use the power of this world.

"It seems that Thor is seeing the situation in this world. He will already use the power of this world and it looks really good." The doctor next to him said to himself, neither of the latter two found out.

"Well, I'll follow you to your place. But my safety I hope you can guarantee, that's enough." Thor's words, to make other people feel better, so that the person in front of the meaning cooperation Okay. (To be continued.)