MTL - Marvel’s Scientist to God-Chapter 157 , Mr. Green (one more)

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"Master, after three days of sales, 300,000 robots have been sold, and the net profit is about 1.5 billion."

Early this morning, Xuan Nu reported the company affairs to Ye Hai as usual.

Ye Hai hesitated for a moment, and hehe laughed: "It sold 300,000 in 3 days. It seems that there are still a lot of lonely men in this world."

"Because the price set by the owner is high, the regions that are currently purchased are mainly in developed countries. Among them, Japan has the largest number of buyers, about 150,000, and it is still in the midst of a rush. The Robot Market Department predicts this next Purchases will continue to rise during the natural month. "

"The **** robot really suits this perverted nation of Japan ..."

"No, master, Japan will buy so many **** robots because the number of Japanese men is much higher than that of women, there are more than 10 million bachelor groups, and they have no taboo on the use of **** dolls, so the demand will be So big. "

"Is there a lot of bachelors?" Ye Hai was slightly surprised, his eyes flickered. "To say that the most bachelors belong to China, how much is sold in China?"

"No sales in China!"

"No?" Ye Hai responded slightly at a glance, and asked, "Does the Chinese government not allow this kind of **** dolls to enter?"

"Yes, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade prohibit the **** dolls of our factory from entering the country. They think that this realistic robot will destroy the harmony of society. They said that foreigners do not understand their domestic environment. If our company wants to be in China, For development, it is best to have Chinese guidance and understand China's national conditions. This will not only make money, but it will not damage China's environment ... "

Ye Hai was confused and said, "What do they mean?"

Xuan Nu smiled slightly and said, "The master heard what I said next and knew what was going on. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked our company's marketing department to invite our company to set up a joint venture in China. Guidance and making **** dolls that suit the tastes of Chinese people can better integrate into Chinese society. "

Ye Hai was speechless for a while, shaking his head: "It's clear that they want my robotics, and they say so grandly, these guys are really speechless."

"Master, what should I do with this?"

"How did the marketing department decide?"

"The marketing department believes that the Chinese market is huge. There are 40 to 50 million single men in China, and China's labor force is much cheaper than the United States, which can greatly reduce manufacturing costs. Therefore, the marketing department believes that it can cooperate with China."

Ye Hai groaned slightly and nodded: "The robot technology on the **** doll is not worth mentioning to me, but the U.S. government may not agree to let my technology flow out. It is estimated that SHIELD will soon Someone will come. "

He expected it right, and soon Natasha came in with a middle-aged man. This man had a gentle face and a normal appearance, and it was the famous agent Phil Coulson.

When Ye Hai saw him, he laughed, "Agent Coleson, are you here today to talk to me about the outflow of robotics?"

Coulson nodded slightly: "Yes, this is one aspect, the other is a trouble, and I want to ask you for help."

"What is it?"

A bitter smile aroused in the corner of Coleson's mouth, saying: "That's it, the Hulk that Dr. Ye dealt with last time, and our agents found him again. Our soldiers have nothing to do with him. Doctor help! "

"Hulk? This thing is indeed a scourge, but I can't do anything with him. At best, I can't help but kill him."

Ye Hai is also a bit distressed. A monster like the Hulk has been studying it recently, and his cell structure has been basically studied. The most enviable Hulk is his green cells, which can absorb all the energy in the world. No matter it is radiation, electricity, magnetic fields, light energy, dark energy, etc., he can absorb and convert into the energy he needs, so he has endless power and will never be exhausted, and the capacity of the cell is very Huge, seemingly endless, this is what makes him most incredible.

Coulson said, "You don't need to kill him, as long as you can trap it."

"Okay. When you need me, just give me a signal, and I'll be here soon." Ye Hai looked at Coleson and said, "Let's talk about the problem of the outflow of robotics, Cole Mr. Mori, let me tell you the truth. Although I don't have a cold with the Chinese government, I have a good impression on China, so I plan to cooperate with them in robot manufacturing. "

Coleson said: "ˇ is certainly possible, but we hope that Dr. Ye's core technology will not be leaked to the Chinese side, this is our country's consistent policy."

"No problem, I will not hand over the core technology." Ye Hai promised.


In a laboratory in New York.

Dr. Samuel Stern, sitting in a chair, stared brightly at the two guests in front of him. The middle-aged man was the "Mr. Green" who had been in communication with himself.

"I've always doubted your existence before, really, because I can't believe how such a huge energy can lurk in an ordinary person! But now seeing your real person really makes me feel (Are you Zhao) Surprise. "

After expressing his own exclamation, he directly started talking to Banner about some of his research on his blood, analysis, and how to wait for the consequences of using the antidote for a while.

"When it comes to life science research, no one on earth can surpass Dr. Ye, but fortunately, this young and talented doctor is also very generous. He gave me a set of genetic data for free a few months ago. Through researching these materials, I have developed a drug to relieve your body's toxicity, but how long the effect of this antidote can last, I don't know for myself, Mr. Green, if you want to completely solve your problem, I suggest You go to Dr. Ye, I think this earth can only solve your problem perfectly. "

Dr. Stern's tone was sincere, but his eyes were staring at Bruce. .