MTL - Marvel’s Scientist to God-Chapter 208 , Civilization evolution (four more)

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"Indonesia is willing to give the host a ten thousand square kilometer island, as long as the host can technically assist them ..."

"Malaysia is willing to sell an island of 2,000 square kilometers ..."

"The Commonwealth of Australia is willing to sell an island of 10,000 square kilometers and is willing to work with its owner to develop and build an economy ..."

"Australia? Why is the Federal Republic coming here for fun?"

Australia is a highly developed capitalist country. The quality of its people and economy is not worse than that of the United States. It is really strange that such a country is willing to sell an island. But even if Australia is sincere, he will not go to Australia to buy islands. Australia and the United States are in the same camp. Who knows if he will build a mutant city here will touch their nerves.

Ye Haisi thought about it, and still felt that the conditions for the 16th Indonesian indonesia were good. Indonesia's military capability is not good, and there are many islands. Many of them have no role, so this country will be so generous to take out ten Square kilometers of islands are used for free.

"Xuannv, contact the Indonesian authorities and tell them that as long as their conditions are not excessive, I can agree!"

"Yes, master!"

While talking, Natasha walked in, her pretty face full of sadness.

Ye Hai met and smiled: "Miss Natasha, what's bothering you?"

Natasha resentfully said, "Director Nick has given me a task. He wants to know why you want to buy an island. What is the purpose of buying such an island?"

Seeing her directly, Ye Hai could not help admiring the girl's shrewdness and slyness. She knew Ye Hai knew her purpose, so she asked directly and let Ye Hai answer it herself. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Ye Hai smiled. "It's very simple. I want to build a mutant city."

Natasha was startled and exclaimed: "Is it like the Magneto King?"

"No, I will not be as terrific as King Magneto. The city I set up, mutants and humans live in harmony and live together. There will be no persecution and no discrimination!"

Natasha smiled slightly and said, "You have a good idea, but it's not easy to do it!"

"I know." Ye Hai looked at Natasha. "See how the US government handles this. I think their prejudice against mutants should also be changed. Whatever I did before, I do n’t care, at least after I appeared, the world was different. Now, they should not always reject mutants, they should try to find them! "

"I'll report what you mean to Chief Nick. I'm just a small agent and can't do anything about the country." Natasha said apologetically.

"Dr. Ye, why don't you just turn all humans on the earth into mutants? You have this ability."

Suddenly the voice of a strange man appeared in the room. Ye Hai turned around and looked around. I saw a middle-aged man hovering outside the glass window. He couldn't help but be surprised. Not a simple character.

When Natasha saw this middleman, she felt like a ghost, her heart beating wildly. As a top agent, she had impressions of the dangerous people in the world. She could see at a glance that this middleman was extremely dangerous. The character is even more dangerous than the Magneto King. This person is a high evolver.

Ye Hai flashed in his eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

The middle-aged person laughed: "I don't need to say my name. Anyway, everyone likes to call me a high evolutionary, and I also like this nickname. This nickname completely expresses my purpose and ambition. ! "

The high evolutionist smiled, flew directly through the transparent glass window, and slowly flew in front of Ye Hai.

"High evolutionary, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"I am also honored to meet you, Dr. Ye!"

Both greeted him very politely, and the high evolutionist gave Natasha a faint look next to her. Natasha suddenly lost her eyes and walked out. After walking far away from the laboratory, Natasha suddenly sobered up, her heart beating again and she fled quickly.

She must tell the director Nick about the high evolutionaries.

The senior evolutionist smiled slightly: "Dr. Ye, why don't you use your X gene transfer technology to turn all humans around the world into mutants, so will there be no disputes between mutants and humans?"

Ye Haidao: "Human beings have fought each other for tens of thousands of years, and now they are relatively stable. How many years will it take for mutants to kill each other?"

The high evolutionist was a little surprised. He had never thought about this before. The history of humankind is a history of mutual killing. During this period, I do n’t know how many people died and how many nations and countries became history. Humans are keen to kill ~ The characteristics of killing and contradiction will certainly continue to 173 to the mutants. Once all humans in the world have become mutants, new contradictions will emerge in these huge mutant societies, and mutual killing will continue until they reach a new balance point. But with the powerful destructive power of mutants, before the mutant society can find a balance point, I am afraid that the entire world will be destroyed by the struggle of mutants.

Because of a layer of concerns, Ye Hai has not used genetic technology to turn all humans into mutants. The reason is so simple. He believes that the time is still immature.

The high evolver only thought for a moment and said, "Dr. Ye, your concerns have some truth, but human civilization is constantly evolving from war. So are our mutants, and we also need to be non-stop. Evolution of civilization in war! "

This guy really is a true high evolutionary. He is talking about evolution with his mouth closed. His statement does have some truth, but he is totally a high-level mentality. He is a fifth-level evolutionary, high above the earth. Few things can threaten his life. He can leisurely watch those low-level mutants war against each other, and then constantly evolve in the war. But are those low-level mutants willing to become victims of the evolution of civilization? .