MTL - Master of Ninja World-v15 Chapter 1389 nervous

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The night of the clean day went on to maintain this certain tension, because he chased this, if the night was passed successfully, tomorrow daytime, he would definitely come to another island where the hunter was assessed.

Xiaojie is also very nervous at this moment, because he has realized the important plot of this evening, so he is also vigilant and prepared.

I don't know Wuchen and Xiaojie are always vigilant, and there are indeed the first group of people outside the house.

The people outside the house directly looked at the time calculated by the moon in the sky.

Soon, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the door of the room where Wuchen was located had been opened.

Can you clearly see the people outside at this time?

Wuchen counted the number of those individuals outside, and then said with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, I was looking at me like this. There are so many people uniting to deal with me. This also makes me feel so surprised. But sometimes the number of people does not explain anything, only strength is eternal. The truth."

Both parties have already taken out their weapons, and they are looking at each other.

Xiaojie was also extremely nervous at this moment. He really faced the enemy for the first time, and it was also the first time to really hurt others.

Soon the battle was directly beaten down. In the face of such a situation, Wuchen was still relatively stable ferrying the weapon in his hand to continue the collision of the samurai sword in the hands of others.

At the moment of paving, a samurai sword obviously had this gap in it, and these can be seen. The power of Wuchen's sword also shocked other people's hearts.

Other people also went quickly and neatly. It is estimated that he could not see this time. Wuchen is the most important target person. As for Xiaojie next to him, he does not have a strong strength at all. Dust smoothly solved everything that said so, it can be solved, and there will be no big problems.

Most people have already decided to work hard and regard Wuchen as an opponent and people who must be eradicated.

The fighting atmosphere on the field was also very stiff, and they all looked at each other with weapons.

Wuchen's pressure this time is indeed quite a lot, because there are so many powerful people, this time he directly launched an offensive against Wuchen.

No dust is still as stable as Mount Tai, not much of a situation appears.

He was able to withstand attacks from every direction with ease, and under such a situation he still had time to counterattack.

Those on the field who attacked Wuchen also felt terrified, because he hadn't thought that Wuchen's strength was stronger and more powerful than they thought.

It is very disadvantageous for them, because they underestimated Wuchen's strength before attacking, and the situation is not so good at the beginning.

At the beginning they were full of self-confidence, but now their self-confidence has already begun to waver, beginning to be destroyed little by little.

Wuchen was still very stable from the beginning, just like an iron tower, how to conduct this attack, how to shake it, I don't know how to say it is immovable. The sound of weapon collision was directly and neatly presented in front of everyone.

People's weapons have wounds more or less, it is obvious that these wounds are made by this dust-free weapon.

Now everyone is going to surround Wuchen together. At this time, they are also hesitating who should take the shot first, because everyone has already figured out a pattern. The first shot is often the one targeted and the worst hit. The second one that was targeted was the person who carried out a sneak attack from behind.

Everyone is unwilling to be the first person to attack the dust-free, because under such a situation, it is obvious that the first person to attack will bear most of the pressure and gunfire.

No dust but not received what kind of influence, and still do what you should do in your own way, that is, gradually break through and become familiar with these personal moves in front of you.

Wuchen can feel that some of their moves are quite orthodox, and the evolution in the process of fighting with them under such a situation is also very strange, and the power is also quite good.

In the process of contacting them, I was able to learn a part of their unpredictable moves. At least Wuchen thinks it's pretty good.

Wuchen was even distracted to observe the situation on Xiaojie's side during the fight.

Wuchen found that Xiaojie’s situation was much better, so he didn’t watch this again. After all, Xiaojie should be released now and try to be alone. No matter how he protects it, there is nothing left. Meaning.

Wuchen faced the attacks of the crowd, and only felt the pressure on his body suddenly doubled.

Because it seems that some powerful characters have taken action. The people who besieged him in the past did not use their own real evidence. Under the condition of the family, some of the early attacks can be regarded as temptations, but now some people have already moved. It's true, and I don't intend to go on such a temptation.

Wuchenxin was also thinking of a measure to deal with it. After all, if this continues, it will be a very unfavorable situation for himself.

After all, if everyone is true to themselves, then their own pressure will increase, because the people present are not the kind of people who can be sent casually.

Some of them are quite good with this strength. In such a situation, it is necessary to take this seriously.

If you are alone, Wuchen will definitely be able to defeat everyone present, but this is not the time for singles alone.

Wuchen said that he felt pressure, but when Jiang Lang was not exhausted, it was not the last moment. After that, he will use the weapons in his hands to show his moves to those people, and also take advantage of this opportunity to suppress them.

The practice moves that he created were also caught off guard.

It’s just that he has always had so much fear, that among them, one of them has never shown his true strength. Under the situation at home, he always feels a little uneasy and feels like the other person. What remains at the bottom of the pressure box.

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