MTL - Master of Science and Technology-v2 Chapter 1422 : Officially named "Original Institute of Dark Energy Science and Technology"

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Do you really want to call it "Science and Technology"?

No matter how you look at this name, I feel stupid, and it is not technological at all, okay?

In fact, mainly because of the influence of the word "zong", it gives people a sense of tearing that is too far.

It's like putting the head of a cat and the body of a bird together, and you will never get an owl.

So, if it is changed to "University of Science and Technology" or "College of Science and Technology", won't the sense of disobedience disappear?

After all, Ye Zan would not "preach" in the world of monasticism, and Xianting would not allow it.

As for how to translate "Science and Technology College" in other worlds, you can't think too much about it.

"Brother Ye, the Science and Technology Sect is...really..." Lin Mumu wanted to try harder.

"That's good. I won't start a sect in this world. Naturally, the name of the sect can't be chosen according to the habits of this world." Ye Zan said indifferently, showing that he was quite satisfied with the name.

"Brother Ye just thinks it's suitable." Lin Miaomiao said with a light smile.

"I've already thought about it. In the future, when I preach in the heavens, my sect will be named 'Original Dark Energy Science and Technology Academy'." Ye Zan added further after thinking for a while.

Yuandian Academy of Dark Energy Science and Technology has the origin of the world, the extraordinary power of dark energy, and the way that technology can step into the extraordinary road.


Thinking of this, Ye Zan even immediately sent a message to Origin World and asked Ke Ning on the academy star to rename the Transcendent Academy "Origin Dark Energy Technology Academy".

After all, the Transcendent Academy that Ye Zan established on the Academy Star has always been named "Extraordinary Academy".

Because it took the lead, people didn't think anything at first, thinking that "Supernatural Academy" was an official name.

However, when the transcendence spread in the Interstellar Federation, a number of transcendental colleges and universities were established one after another, and looking at the "transcendent college" was a bit...

You need to add some prefixes to distinguish and make yourself more prominent.

Of course, the name is the name, but the structure still has to change.

As I said before, compared to the academy system in the origin world, the sectarian system in the monastic world is more cohesive.

The reason is also very simple. Although the academy system also selects elites, it is relatively popular education.

The sectarian system, more precisely the “mentor-apprentice system”, is essentially elite education.

The master leads the apprentice, and the apprentice leads the apprentice. The expression in the genealogy is a tree-like structure with clear context.

In the college system, one teacher teaches one course, and countless students listen to one course, and the teacher cannot even recognize the students who are listening to his own class.

Of course, at the postgraduate level, there will be a mentor-student-like relationship between mentors and students.

However, for the most part, they are more like a boss-employee relationship.

This... can't be completely attributed to the issue of "system", but also the influence of social atmosphere, moral standards, conventions and the like.

As to say, even in the world of cultivating, there will be people who deceive their teachers and destroy their ancestors. Don't use this extreme situation to raise the bar.

This does not prevent the introduction of some factors that can enhance cohesion from the sect system of the monastic world.

All in all, the Transcendent Academy has changed its name, and at the same time, the system has been adjusted to strengthen the link between masters and students and fellow students.

Seeing that Ye Zan was so determined, Lin Mumu smacked his lips twice, and finally had to give up regretfully.

"Mumu, don't be disappointed. When you want to become a teacher and establish your own sect, you can choose whatever name you want." Ye Zan patted Lin Mumu on the shoulder and comforted him.

Lin Mumu thought about it seriously, and finally shook his head and said, "Forget it... It's too troublesome to engage in a sect, I can't stand those..."

Lazy, afraid of trouble, the whole Da Zi Zai Sect is like this, otherwise the whole sect would not be just a few people.

Even the dojo of Da Zizai Sect in Shenhua Domain was renovated by Ye Zan.

After a few jokes, Ye Zan said goodbye to the Lin family and left the dream world of Senior Big Dream.

Origin world.

The Transcendent Academy on the Academy Star has just changed its name to "Original Dark Energy Technology Academy".

Moreover, the news of the name change was also instantly spread through the Internet || Internet.

Most people don't understand why the name was changed, and they don't understand the difference between this name and "Transcendent Academy".

"Dark energy" knows, "technology" knows, but what does this "origin" mean?

After all, the only people who knew about "the heavens and the world" were the people who "preached" with Ye Zan at the beginning, and the others were naturally at the origin and didn't know the "origin".

Even, the vast majority of ordinary people do not know that the world has been upgraded to an extraordinary world.

"Does this mean... an extraordinary starting point?"

"It's true, if it weren't for the Transcendent Academy, how could there be so many Transcendents now!"

"Hey, let me ask a question, will the name change of Transcendent Academy affect our upcoming students?"

"What's the smell upstairs showing off, I think our Purlitt Extraordinary University is not bad."

"Yes, yes, we are a university, and they are the academy. Just looking at the name, you know it's a specialist!"


Not to mention the discussions on the Internet || Internet, let alone Ye Zan, who returned to the Academy Star, after changing the name of the Transcendent Academy, he issued a summoning order to the qualified Transcendents.

The so-called "qualified" refers to an extraordinary person who has more than 50% of the dark energy engine and has the ability to "preach" to another world.

Fortunately, before, Ye Zan took a group of people to the other world to learn "experience" and "intimacy", and many people received benefits when the world was upgraded to extraordinary.

At this time, among the superhumans in the origin world, only a hundred people could be gathered.

Fortunately, in the cooperation between Ye Zan and Xianting, Xianting is responsible for fighting, and he himself is looking for suitable targets.

Therefore, these supernatural beings who are barely able to get their hands on it, their main job is to "preach" after occupying another world, and they basically don't need to fight to death.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world, and there is no guarantee that there will be a "rebel army" that lurks and waits for an opportunity.

This has to be said, a major feature of the dark energy extraordinary system.

Dark energy Because they are considered "mechanical ascension", although their strength may not be strong, their fate must be hard enough.

Difficult to die.

After gathering the people, Ye Zan did not immediately lead the team to the expedition, but took out several war fortresses that he had confiscated.

Although, in terms of "flying vehicles", the technology of the origin world has also developed well.

However, when it comes to the research and application of extraordinary power, the origin world is still short of extraordinary time, and the natural research results are a little worse.

Several war fortresses are still worth studying.

First, it is the characteristics of the dark energy system, and some of these technologies can be applied to itself.

Secondly, in the world of "preaching" in the future, it is no longer the kind of soft persimmon that is just kneaded || kneaded, and you still have to use some shocking power.

It's not enough for you to be hard-hearted. If you want people to learn this set of things from you, you have to make people feel in awe of this set of things.