MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 337 White snake legend

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In the love story of myths and legends, in addition to the human fairy love, there are classic fairy-tale love stories - Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian.

Bai Suzhen is a demon card, Xu Xian is a human race.

The reason why Xie Mingzhe wants to make these two cards is because these days, when he sorts out the card-making ideas, he is sorting out some "couples" related materials. The classic myths and legends are indispensable to the story of the white lady.

Bai Suzhen's human form is a temperament and gentle beauty. The snake form is a snow-white giant snake. The mana is boundless. Xie Mingzhe makes this card according to the design of the double-faceted demon. In terms of skills, the famous Bai Suzhen output will certainly not Poor, once flooded Jinshan Temple drowned countless creatures.

Since the demon card with deformability must be forced into the soil system, all cards of the White Snake series must be designed into the soil system.

Bai Suzhen (earth)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star: ★

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic attributes: human form: health value 1600, attack power 0, defense power 1600, agility 0, crit 0%

Basic Attributes: Demon Form: Health 600, Attack 1600, Defense 600, Agility 30, Critical Strike 30%

Additional skills: metamorphosis (human form skills: Bai Suzhen was saved by Xu Xian during the practice of snake demon, she will become a human form to find Xu Xian repaying the feelings, the human form of Bai Suzhen, kind and gentle, single-minded and Xu Xian extraordinary After the husband and wife lived into a human form, Bai Suzhen temporarily did not use mana to enhance his defense power by 50%; passive skills, human form automatically triggered)

Additional skills: stealing fairy grass (demon form skills: Bai Suzhen accidentally drank the realgar wine, turned into a snake demon, will scare Xu Xian, she forced to steal the grass to save people - Bai Suzhen in the demon form, can be teleported to The heavens steal a fairy grass and resurrect her husband Xu Xian; limited skills, only one game can be used once.)

Additional skills: Water Man Jinshan (Demon form skills: Xu Xian was arrested to go to Jinshan Temple under house arrest, Bai Suzhen exerted mana under great anger, and manipulated a large number of floods to directly inundate Jinshan Temple - Bai Suzhen used the "Water Man Mountain" skill, summoning a large number of water column to 23 × Specified area of ​​23 meters, 300% crit damage to enemy targets in the area, with 1 second group fear; cooling time 45 seconds)

The human form of Bai Suzhen will not actively attack the opponent, enhance defense and ensure survival; Bai Yuxi of the demon form mainly relies on the big move of “Water Man Jinshan”, a 300% water system crit with 1 second group fear, can be made in an instant. Tons of explosion damage!

Relatively speaking, Xu Xian's output ability is very weak, and can only be used as an auxiliary card. Xu Xian is a gentle scholar, handsome in appearance and eye-catching. It is said that he was an apprentice in a pharmacy in Hangzhou. His character was kind and honest. Later, with the help of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, he opened a pharmacy to make a living and save the sick.

Xu Xian (土系)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star: ★

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic attributes: health 1800, attack power 0, defense power 1800, agility 0, crit 0%

Additional skills: Security Court treasurer (Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen opened a pharmacy after marriage, called "Security Church", the two together to save the sick and save a lot of poor people. Xu Xian can make medicine, make a bottle every 5 seconds, up to 10 Bottle, he can hand over the pharmacy to the designated teammates at any time, and once replied to the blood of 5% of Xu Xian’s health)

Additional Skills: Resurrection (When Xu Xian is killed and the grass is stolen by Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian will immediately get 10 bottles of Guardian's Pharmacy and immunize any control within the next 5 seconds)

Xu Xian's first-aid ability is very strong. After he plays, he can save the medicine first and save more. When the group battle breaks out, he will be thrown to the residual blood teammate instantly. Even if the medicine runs out, a bottle is generated in 5 seconds, which is equivalent to 5 seconds. One time the monomer adds blood.

Such a treatment card is easily killed by the opponent's set fire, so Bai Suzhen steals the grass to save him, which gives him a second life.

In addition, the classic characters of White Snake and Xiaoqing and Fahai can be used as a complete set.

Xiaoqing (earth)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star: ★

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic attributes: human form: health value 1600, attack power 500, defense power 1600, agility 0, crit 0%

Basic Attributes: Demon Form: Health 600, Attack 1600, Defense 600, Agility 30, Critical Strike 30%

Additional skills: stealing library silver (Xiaoqing according to Bai Suzhen's instructions to steal the library silver to help Xu Xian open the drug shop, Xiaoqing can open the stealth skills for 10 seconds, teleport to any position within 23, and steal any card The gain effect on the card is transferred to Bai Suzhen; cooling time is 45 seconds)

Additional skills: Green snake shape (Xiaoqing becomes a snake demon form, attack and defense data exchange, she can use a long cyan tail to swipe anywhere within 23 meters, roll up the specified single target , causing a 350% strangle damage; cooldown 30 seconds)

Additional skills: Sister love (co-operation skills; when Bai Suzhen launched an attack, Xiaoqing can teleport to his sister's side, initiate a co-operation, and cause 20% additional damage to the target with the lowest blood volume within the sister's skill coverage. )

The white snake is a group attack, Xiaoqing is a single attack, the two sisters join hands, and can instantly drop the opposite Key card.

Fahai is an indispensable role in the biography of the White Snake. As the abbot of the Jinshan Temple, his image is a monk with a beggar, a bead hanging on his neck, and a pot of pot. He has an extremely powerful mana, to demon and demon, to save the lives as their responsibility.

Xie Mingzhe's skill design for Fahai is also biased toward output. One is to use his shackles to become a scorpion net, to seize the card he thinks is a "monster", and the second is to use the buddha to recite the chanting, and the law appears to cause crit damage on the specified target. .

Fahai (earth)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star: ★

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic attributes: health 600, attack power 1800, defense power 600, agility 30, crit 30%

Additional skills: (Fahai as the abbot of Jinshan Temple, with high mana, he can throw the cockroaches on his body, let the cockroaches quickly become 23×23 meters in size, and shrouded in the designated position, and the hostile target group shrouded in fear State, lasts 3 seconds; cooldown 35 seconds)

Additional Skills: The Ultimate Law (Fahai's hand in the hands of the Buddha, there is a huge French seal in the air, drifting to the specified single target within 23 meters, causing 200% single crit damage to the target moment, and sealing all the skills of the target, Force all targets to cool down; release interval 30 seconds)

Fahai's cockroaches are used to control the group. The key to the spell's skill is not the amount of damage, but the seal of the specified monomer. The seal will force the opponent's skills to cool down, which is a nightmare for cards that have a long cooling time and rely on skill to eat.

After designing four cards, the rest is the linkage technology.

Xie Mingzhe wanted to only do the linkage between Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen. If the green snake and Fahai are not there, then the story of the White Snake will not be completed. The maximum limit of the official limited linkage technique is four cards, so Xie Mingzhe decided to take four cards. The cards are all made into event linkages.

The name of the linkage technology is called "White Snake Legend."

The legend of the white snake - the law of the sea and the sea, Fahai has always been the demon slayer, he believes that all the monsters are bad, must be surrendered, so he took away the good Bai Suzhen indiscriminately, and used the Leifeng Tower to suppress Bai Suzhen. When Fahai initiated the linkage, Bai Suzhen would be pressed under the Leifeng Pagoda.

The legend of the White Snake - Bai Suzhen linkage technology, when Fahai initiated the linkage, Bai Suzhen was suppressed by the Leifeng Tower, unable to move, unable to release any skills, and was not affected by any control or injury skills. All the friendly targets within 23 meters around the Leifeng Pagoda were seen to be crushed, and the anger was extremely strong. The attack power, attack speed, and crit damage groups increased by 50%.

The legend of the white snake - Xiaoqing linkage, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen sisters deep love, sister Bai Suzhen was suppressed by Lei Fengta, Xiaoqing told Bai Suzhen all the story of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian's son Xu Shilin. After Xiaoqing started the linkage technique, he summoned the card Xu Shilin, and Xu Shilin took a step in front of Leifeng Tower to save his mother. He finally got the understanding of Tianting and released Bai Suzhen.

The legend of the White Snake - Xu Xianlian's dynamic skills, Bai Suzhen was released, Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen finally met, the two fell in love with each other, and Fahai also resolved the grudges. Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing, and Fahai skills are refreshed at the same time, symbolizing the reincarnation of a story.

The linkage of this set of cards is somewhat similar to the series of the Westward Journey. The Journey to the West is a series of pigs calling "Master, Master is captured by the monsters" to trigger the linkage, and the linkage of the White Snake legend is in Fahai.

Fahai first let Bai Suzhen be suppressed by Leifeng Tower. When the crackdown, the friendly card increased the attack due to anger. After Xiaoqing’s assistance, Xu Shilin rescued the mother, Bai Suzhen was released, all four skills were refreshed, and another round was played. .

So far, Xie Mingzhe has made the card with the most popular **** and human fairy love stories.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl "The Bridge Meets", Hou Yihe and "Mingyue Send Acacia", Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies "The husband and wife both return home", and the "White Snake Legend" jointly performed by Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing, Xu Xian and Fahai.

When these cards are played together, the love, hate, affection and hatred of the cards are simply wonderful.

In the end, do we want to watch the date of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl? Still look at the moon and face the moon Acacia? In the end, I want to envy the Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies in the pastoral life. Do you still want to see the sea, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing tearing for Xu Xian?

A pair of eyes, I can't see it anymore.

The opposite card is stunned, and the players are expected to be stunned!

The author has something to say:

The series "Human Xianlian" "People Love" Myths and Legends Cards are done!