MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 363 The power of the **** card

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Ye Suqian’s sudden appearance not only surprised the professional players, but also made the audience stunned. Many viewers in the live broadcast room questioned: “Ye Suqian has never played a professional game, can this also play?” “Ye Suqian is just a Only a card designer, can he have a professional level? Lingshen is joking!" "The playoffs suddenly change, it will not be a shady inside the league?"

Seeing that the public opinion in the live room could not be controlled, Liu Wei immediately explained: "The temples sent Ye Suqian, which is in line with the rules of the league. Every club will have substitutes. When the main players are in a bad state or suddenly become sick, Temporary substitutions are allowed, which is clearly stated in the rules of the league system."

Wu Yue followed up with the list of contestants submitted by the major clubs at the beginning of the eleventh season. The total number of players registered in the Temple of the Temple was 10, and the name of Ye Suqian did appear at the end.

Wu Yuedao: "Ye Suqian is a registered player of the professional league, and in the list of contestants in the temple, as a substitute player, the temple is in accordance with the rules of the league in any game - although he usually never appears But it does not mean that he can't play."

Su Yang slightly frowns: "The minimum number of people in the group is 4, the highest 10, except for the two new teams Nirvana and Stars, because the players are not enough to report only 4 people, the other old teams will report 10 people every season. However, registration is one thing, it will be another thing to play. In the previous group competition, the temples have never replaced the players. Suddenly, such a come out will definitely prevent Nirvana from being caught. This should be Ling Jingtang. Tactical strategy."

Liu Wei quickly checked the registration records of previous years and said: "I found that in the past few seasons, the temples will be moved to the newspapers as substitutes in the annual registration period. However, since the fifth season, Ye Suqian has never played. After a professional league... I don't know what is the reason?"

Chen Qianlin, who watched the game in the background, heard this and his face changed suddenly.

From the fifth season to the present, every year, I can sign up, but I can never play. This is definitely not Ye Suqian’s own will, but Ling Jingtang’s name is reported to him. It’s because he has never officially played, so gradually Everyone has forgotten it. Everyone thinks that the name of Ye Suqian is only for the 10th person list for the number of people in the temple. Together with Ye Suqian, all the players in the temple are exactly 10 people.

Chen Qianlin saw the name of Ye Suqian when he was looking at the registration of the major clubs. However, he paid attention to the competition for so many years. Ye Suqian never played the game, so he also subconsciously thought that Ye Suqian was reporting to make up the number.

In the fifth season, Chen Qianlin just retired, there is a lot of chores to deal with, only to the apprentice Tang Muzhou to play professional league, he began to re-focus on the professional league game. At this time, Ye Suqian had signed a contract with the temple and turned to the scenes.

Chen Qianlin has never seen Ye Suqian in the official professional league, and Ye Suqian once played the Masters, and missed Chen Chilin’s lack of attention after he retired. He did not know that Tang Muzhou had met Ye Suqian in the Masters. Such a strong enemy, but do not know, Ye Suqian does not play professional league, not "two legs can not play the game", but "psychological factors do not want to fight."

- Can't and don't want to, the difference between the two is too big!

I thought that Ye Suqian was "cannot fight", his legs were disabled, affecting his senses, and he could not adapt to the holographic field. Therefore, he did not regard Ye Suqian as a potential threat; in fact, Ye Suqian only "does not want", as long as one day he If you want to play, you can play at any time.

As a folk event, the Masters is completely incomparable to the professional league, not to mention the Masters five years ago. Chen Qianlin is really a hundred secrets this time - who can think of Ye Suqian, will be the card that Ling Jingtang left in his hand!

Chen Qianlin looked back at Zheng Feng and asked: "Ling Jingtang does not accept the apprentice, is it related to Ye Suqian?" He and Ling Jingtang are not familiar with each other. The five old players, Zheng Zheng and Ling Jingtang, have the best relationship. Perhaps Will know something.

Sure enough, Zheng Feng heard this question and looked at Chen Qianlin’s ear in a complicated way. He whispered: “There are not many people who know this. Since you ask, I am not jealous of you. In fact, Xu Xingtu joined the public. After the temple, I wanted to worship Lingling as a teacher. But Ling Jingtang felt that Xiao Xu’s character was too arrogant. He didn’t want to accept this apprentice. Xiao Xu went back and asked for Ye Suqian. Ye Suqian did not know that Xiao Xu was rejected by Ling Jingtang. Under the reception of him as an apprentice, Ling Jingtang for the harmony within the team, said that no longer accept the apprentice."

Chen Qianlin: "..."

Actually this is the reason. With the character of Xu Xingtu, he was rejected by Lingshen. If Lingshen receives another apprentice, he will definitely slap each other. The contradiction between the two is constant. Maybe the temples will be smoldered. Ling Jingtang considered the situation as a whole, and he no longer accepted the apprenticeship. It is also the most sensible way for Ye Suqian to bring only a small apprentice.

Ye Suqian is the master of Xu Xingtu, so he handed over all the **** cards to Xiao Xu; Ling Jingtang did not accept the disciples because Xu Xingtu wanted to worship the teacher, was rejected by him, and was moved by Ye Su as an apprentice. He wanted to give this pair When the teachers and apprentices have enough face, they will no longer accept other apprentices... The cause and effect are finally connected in series.

Chen Qianlin repented in his heart. If he knew this early, he would not be so careless.

Zheng Feng looked at his face and said: "You can't blame you all the time. Ye Suqian has been occupying a quota for the past few years, but he never plays. It is me. I can't think of Ling Jingtang suddenly let him come up... Can explain that your Nirvana is too stressed for Ling Jingtang, forcing him to push the wheelchair to the stage."

When Tang Muzhou heard Lao Zheng’s words, he gently pressed Master’s shoulder and softly comforted: “The Master does not have to be too self-blaming, Nirvana does not necessarily lose. Believe Azhe, this is a test for him.”

Chen Qianlin nodded and calmed down to look at the big screen.

In the live screen, because of the inconvenience of Ye Suqian's legs, Ling Jingtang gently picked him up, carefully placed it on the swivel chair, put on his helmet, talked to him with a smile, and looked very gentle. Fans who had been questioning the level of Ye Suqian before saw Lingshen so good to him, had to close his mouth temporarily, looking forward to his performance in the game.

The players from both sides are ready and the game officially begins.

Ling Jingtang took the lead, the first game was the home of the temple, he did not hesitate to submit the game mode and the game map - light and dark card mode, map: the dusk of the gods!

After seeing this map, Xie Mingzhe immediately sat up nervously.

The dusk of the gods, super complicated map!

Knowing the Nordic mythology, of course, he also knows what "the dusk of the gods" means.

This is the biggest tragedy in the mythical world. The road of the gods has come to an end, all the gods will die, the whole mythological world will completely collapse, and a new world will soon be born.

Ye Suqian perfectly integrated this big event with the scene map.

After the game started, the scene picture was bright, but the catastrophe was coming quietly.

In the middle of the scene is a huge tree of the world. A poison dragon hovered over it and constantly licked the roots. When the roots were eaten, the moment when the gods came at dusk!

The tree of the world collapsed, the sky and the earth changed, and the light of the whole scene instantly became very dark. Rocky's daughter, the big snake "Jermaine Gad" woke up from the mud bed in the deep sea, she tumbling the body, letting the sea drown the whole world, the whole scene card attack speed, speed reduction collectively reduced by 50%, and suffered a storm Hit the injury; followed by Loki’s son, the giant wolf “Finil” broke free from the chain, his wolf wolves and grandchildren ate the sun and the moon, the world fell into a darkness, and the entire scene card lost its vision. And suffered a crit damage.

Shortly after the darkness, the "cities" Loki, who was imprisoned by the gods, finally escaped...

This "Twilight of the Gods" map is not inferior to Nirvana's "Liu Yujin Grand View Garden".

There are three scenes in the NPC, the sea scene made by the big snake is decelerated; the giant wolf devours the darkness of the sun and the moon, and the battle will change from Mingt to Blind at this moment; and Rocky’s appearance is like the last Boss of the copy, he keeps Release the cards in the range of "Evil Forces" to swallow, and cards with less than 20% of the blood will be swallowed by the Darkness and triggered every 10 seconds.

After the previous battles, plus the big snake, the giant wolf two waves of full scene AOE crit damage, at this time, most of the cards on both sides are residual blood, Rocky's appearance of the card, it is simply worse!

This map has three scenes NPC, which is thrilling.

Ling Jingtang is rarely used today. Today, I obviously want to grab points at home. In the face of the Nirvana team that made a lot of good cards, Ling Jingtang took the VIP treatment for the first time this season!

The audience screamed with excitement as they saw the "Twilight of the Gods" map.

Tang Muzhou, who watched the game in the background, couldn’t help but say: “The temple won the championship in the fifth season, using this map. Ye Suqian personally designed it. Did Master guess it?”

Chen Qianlin said: "I have thought of the map, but the tactics..."

Seeing Master's silence, Tang Muzhou immediately understood the meaning of Master.

The most difficult map to be played in the temple is this one. It is not surprising to guess the map, but the Nirvana people certainly did not expect Ye Suqian to play in person, so the tactics laid out for this map are estimated to be useless.

The map plays for 30 seconds and the game is about to begin.

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and kept his tone as calm as possible. He said quickly: "Our previous strategy was to target the **** card. Even if Ye Suqian replaced Xu Xing's figure, the group of the temples did not change much. He will definitely continue to bring God. When the cards are played, we still play the familiar cards and kill the cards."

Chen Hao nodded in agreement: "Well, the first game is to test the water, first look at the level and style of Ye Suqian."

When the countdown ends, both parties submit the card group at the same time.

When Xu Xingtu was present, I loved to use Lucifer and Michael's two linkage cards. Two Shenpai groups attacked the explosion and waved their wings. The white and black feathers fluttered in the sky. The special effects were extremely gorgeous. Don't mention how cool it is.

Today, however, the decks of the temples have changed completely.

The audience did not see Lucifer and Michael's figure at all. Instead, they saw a lot of unpopular gods - "The God of the Forest" Vader, "The Lord of the Gods" Odin, "Eros" Fritza "Thunder" Thor, "Bright God" Badr, "God of the Sea" Tiaz...

Xie Mingzhe carefully counted, among the 16 cards that were announced, 8 cards and 8 weapons.

Except for Raytheon, which is a group attack, other **** cards are auxiliary.

Su Yang couldn't help but see it here: "Ye Suqian moved on, and the style of the temples changed. The former **** card was a group attacking the field. After the opposite blood line was crushed, it was harvested by Ling Jingtang. Today is God. Card assist?"

Wu Yue curiously said: "I don't know if these **** cards will be handed over to the professional assistant Xu Wei, or to Ye Suqian?"

Liu Wei is also very much looking forward to: "Not necessarily, there are auxiliary cards in the weapon cards. For example, the group disability control field of the broken bone sword has always been operated by Xu Hang. I prefer Xu Xuan and Ye Suqian to help."

Su Yang touched his chin: "If it is a double-assisted, double-output style, the defensive ability is really strong... Let's take a look at Nirvana's deck."

After the deck of the temple was played, Nirvana's card was also enlarged on the screen.

Before the game, Chen Qianlin had already guessed that the Temple of the Temple would use the "shading mode", so the 20 cards in the light and dark mode also prepared two sets, one set to play away and one set to play at home.

In this game of away game, Nirvana took out the card group including Yu Ke's Gongsun Jiu Niang, Nie Xiaoqian, Qiao Sheng, Liancheng four single attacking ghost cards, Chen Hao's black rose, troll squad, and black parrot The combination of poisoning and lowering the defense, the secret monomer harvest at midnight, Xie Mingzhe and Qin Xuan took a lot of fairy cards.

Among them, Qin Xuan controlled four ancient ancient gods auxiliary cards including Shennong, Fuxi, Nuwa and Pangu. Xie Mingzhe controlled the four famous cards of Leigong, Dianmu, Fengbo and Yushi. There were group attacks and control fields.

Su Yangdao: "Nirvana's set of cards is very well matched, and the idea is very clear. Qin Xuan is responsible for controlling the field with Fuxi. Xie Mingzhe and Chen Yu used a group attack to make a wave of eruptions. After the opponents were defeated, Yu Ke The ghost card and Chen Hao's harvesting plants appeared, quickly drop the opposite blood card and establish the advantage of the card difference."

Wu Yuedao: "Shen Nong can be treated as a group, and the rain guards also have group treatment. When necessary, let Pangu stop the battle for 5 seconds. This set of cards has both offensive and defensive, and the number of group and single attack cards is very reasonable."

Liu Wei speculated: "If you rely on the Fushun double group control, it may not be enough control. I think Nirvana's dark card must also bring a group of control cards. Do you know whether it is a ghost card, a plant card, a human or a fairy?"

Most clubs have a single card type. For example, the city of Frosty City is full of marine life. The ruling is all animals. As a result, it is Nirvana here. Ghosts, characters, plants, and immortals are mixed together. It is really lively!

From the point of view of the Ming card, the double-assisted play of the temples tends to stabilize the later stage, and the wave of play of Nirvana is obviously to grab the key card opposite the rhythm. If Nirvana can grab the rhythm point and quickly kill more than two cards in the temple, this game still has hope to win.

In the big screen, there was a countdown of 10 seconds, and all the audience narrowed their eyes nervously.

The dusk of the gods, the map is loaded.