MTL - Master of Untold Daos-Chapter 1060 Futian

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At this time, Ao Chun and the hate genius came to understand why Chen Ming valued Luo Muye more than Qiu Qianshan.

Both of them were shocked, and the shock it brought to them at this moment was really too great.

Chen Ming just woke up and it was Xiao Tianzun, and now his disciples are all Xiao Tianzun!

How is this acceptable?

At this time, the attitude of the two of them towards Chen Ming has become more than just respect, but reverence.

Three little Tianzuns in one door!

How terrible is this?

And these three people are still terribly young!

The two thought of more in an instant. I'm afraid that what Chen Ming said before is not just talking, but already preparing to do it.

Comparing with Chen Ming, the two suddenly felt that they had lived on a dog for two thousand years.

The wide space in the dragon cart allows everyone to stand in it without any crowding.

Chen Ming waved at Amohe, and then said: "Amohe, in the future, I will rely on you to assist Muye!"

Amohe stepped forward and said, "Amohe will obey the order of Xiaotianzun!"

Luo Muye was also a little embarrassed, arching his hand towards Amohe: "In the future, I will ask seniors."

Amohe smiled and said: "It is my honor to be able to become a weapon in the hands of a little Tianzun."

In the process of talking with Luo Muye, Chen Ming has quietly started the [Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation], turning the Tier 2 authority [Iron Futu] on Luo Muye into his own use, and carefully experienced the [Iron Futu]. The power of his face revealed a smile.

With this [Iron Futu], for him, it can be said to be even more powerful.

[Iron Futu] comparable to Tier 3 authority, and [Laughing Heart] comparable to Tier 4 authority, Chen Ming's strength finally reached its peak at this moment.

Chen Ming beckoned, brought Luo Muye to the front, then took out a black cloth-covered mirror from his arms and sent it to Luo Muye, then said: "You can't open this mirror unless you have a last resort."

Luo Muye took the mirror and saw Chen Ming's solemn expression, and then he nodded seriously, "Yes, Master, the disciple understands."

For this war that is about to start at any time, Chen Ming can be said to be fully prepared, and even the mirror to open the extremely fierce combat method is given to Luo Muye.

But he didn't want Luo Muye to use it now and become a short-lived ghost like him.

If he wants to continue his life, he can only rely on absorbing Dao Ancestor's vitality, and Dao Ancestor only has so much.

One person is not enough, let alone two people?

After Chen Ming gave Luo Muye's explanation, he looked at the Taoist ancestor among the many dragon carts and smiled: "Masters, the war has begun."

"This is going to be a war that won't stop, won't stop, won't stop."

"Since this time has come, it's okay to tell you, Gui Sha should be on the road with all the Dao Ancestors of Bone Heaven and Evil Ghost Heaven."

When everyone heard these words, except Princess Ashura and Luo Muye, they were all shocked.

However, Chen Ming's words made them even more surprised, "After the war, Muye will control the ghost brake, and other people will be responsible for entanglement of other Taoist ancestors."

"Princess Ashura and I will kill these Dao Ancestors one by one!"

Ao Chun thought for a moment and said, "Since I have gotten in your car, I am afraid it is too late to regret it. Hate God, I will protect you and you will come to attack."

Hatred nodded, "I will teach you magic tricks, I don't know if there is enough time."

Qiu Qianshan laughed and said: "If this battle is won, I will wait forever! I am afraid that it is a real regret not to participate!"

Everyone began to prepare nervously. Everyone was proud and arrogant. At this moment, there was no fear at all, but rather excited.

After all, on their side, there are three little Tianzuns!

How strong Chen Ming and Princess Ashura are together, they dare not even think about it!

In the tense preparation, Long Cha also ran to the boundary between Long Huangtian and Evil Heaven.

Outside the dragon cart, the three ancestor dragons did not know what had happened, and were pulling the cart happily.

If they used to, they might still feel a little embarrassed, but now, they feel nothing.

After all, all the Taoist ancestors of Shura Heaven are kneeling!

What's wrong with pulling a cart, you see, Linglong Yuhu has to become a mount for a lifetime.

The three ancestor dragons were running in the void, and suddenly they found a figure lying in the void in front of him. The man was dressed in white and riding a black mysterious tortoise under his seat.

The three ancestor dragons were all taken aback for a moment. After a closer look, who else could that person be if he was not a floating ancestor?

One of the ancestors shouted: "Floating Taoist ancestor, did you come to discuss the Tao with Wuliang Taoist ancestor?"

Unexpectedly, the Floating Dao Ancestor just smiled coldly, and reached out his hand to brush Xuangui's back.

Each piece of carapace is condensed from the pinnacle world beast, and there is a big formation hidden in it.

And this mysterious tortoise has more than a thousand carapace on top of its body


This is also only the floating Taoist ancestor can have such financial resources to build such a powerful mysterious tortoise.

The three ancestor dragons all know that once the great formation of the floating ancestor is unfolded, they are the ancestors, and don't even want to escape. This is also the reason why the ancestors of the floating life can be called Xiaotianzun.

The power of the floating ancestor comes from the endless years he has lived.

Floating Dao Ancestor pressed it with one hand, and the back armor on the black tortoise instantly began to change. Pieces of tortoise shells instantly spread on all sides of the dragon cart, surrounding the dragon carts.

Floating Taoist Ancestor stepped on the void, walked in the air, and said as he walked: "Fengtian formation, open!"

Pieces of tortoise shells began to change, and the dragon cart instantly fell into a world full of magma. The three ancestor dragons looked around and suddenly realized that things were starting to go wrong.

"How is this going?"

"Why did the Floating Dao Ancestor not say a word, he already started it?"

"Floating Dao Ancestor, this is the car of Immeasurable Dao Ancestor, you have to think clearly!"

The three ancestor dragons were looking frantically, but they had long since disappeared from the floating Taoist ancestor. Just when the three were about to call Chen Ming, a black figure slowly appeared from the lava.

The three of them just saw that figure, they were frightened.

Because that person is the ghost brake!

Dao ancestor ranking second, evil ghost heaven is the strongest Dao ancestor, ghost brake!

Why didn't the three of them understand that this was a siege of the immeasurable Taoist ancestor!

What the three of them did not expect was that the floating ancestor, the longevity ancestor, also participated in this siege!

Lingbao Tiantianzun Hall.

Lingbao Tianzun, who had been gazing at the heavens and the world, suddenly shouted, "After three thousand years of preparation, it is finally the beginning!"

As soon as Lingbao Tianzun finished speaking, he noticed something wrong beside him. He turned his head and suddenly saw Futian Witch walking towards him.

Lingbao Tianzun was stunned, "Futian? How could it be?"

"Oh, I understand, you are not Futian, you are the Confused Tianzun."

"It seems that your authority is enough to tamper with cognition, it is my carelessness."

Futian twisted his rich buttocks and came to Lingbao Tianzun, "I'm waiting to pick your fruits, but after waiting for a long time, it's finally the beginning!"

"Lingbao, have you forgotten? It was I who helped you become a Tianzun!"

Futian Witch reached out and pressed Lingbao Tianzun's chest, and a peach-colored circle of God behind her instantly ignited.