MTL - Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine-Chapter 927 Also a fan? ?

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  Chapter 927 Also a fan? ?

  The members of the Pei family did not know who had obeyed the order, but they were standing in front of the closed gate with very serious expressions.

  Du Meilan hung up the phone and walked over from behind.

Gong Zeli looked puzzled, and opened the door to get out of the car. She picked up the satchel on her arm and smiled hypocritically, "Mrs. Du, what does this mean? We are leaving soon. Didn't we just tell Mrs. Du?" Farewell?"

  Du Meilan stood in front of the gate, pinching her phone, the smile no longer on her face.

  Looking at Gong Zeli, she said in a particularly imposing manner, "It was just now, but now, no one wants to leave."

   Gong Zeli's smile froze, "What??"

  There was no warmth in Du Meilan's expression, and even the housekeeper immediately realized that something serious must have happened.

  The expression of their wife, not to mention Gong Zeli has never seen it, even their husband has never seen it.

  Even on the day she knew about Ji Xi's existence, Du Meilan never showed such an expression.

  The siren of the police car outside was airborne, and when Gong Zeli noticed, the sound had already stopped outside the door.

  Anna also got out of the car. She held on to the car door with a dazed expression.

  Following, the Pei family opened the door, and Director Zhang Zheng rushed over with a team of troops.

   It was the police officer who followed up Zhou Zicheng's case last time.

   It is also unclear whether he is working for Chief Wang or Mr. Yuan. In short, he is now... Mr. Pei's man!

  Seeing Du Meilan, he nodded respectfully, then looked at Gong Zeli, "Ms. Miyazawa, please come with us."

   Gong Zeli thumped, suddenly flustered, and a very bad premonition arose spontaneously.

  She steadied herself and asked, "Sir, should you give me a reason for taking someone with you?"

  Zhang Zheng looked at her immobile, and asked without answering, "Is Gong Zetian your son?"

   Miyazawa's hand hanging by her side suddenly tightened.

   "Yes..." she replied.

  Zhang Zheng was straightforward, "He is suspected of illegally entering the country with explosives, planning and carrying out terrorist incidents on campus, and has been arrested and brought to justice."

  Gong Zeli didn't come up in one breath, and took a step backwards, holding the car behind her with her hands before barely standing still.

  The butler pulled Anna to his side, and Pei Yuanyang stood aside with a fat body, watching the excitement with her little duck head tilted.

  Zhang Zheng glanced at the legendary pet of Mr. Pei from the corner of his eye, and then looked back at Gong Zeli in the next second, his eyebrows sharpened immediately.

  He waved his hand back, his tone was decisive, beyond doubt, "Take it away!"

  When Gong Zeli didn’t call to inform her, she was subdued by the police officers who approached in an instant. She was pressed against the car door, and her hands were bent behind her back.


  When she was taken away by the police, there was a special three-dimensional mark on the car where her face had just been pasted, and even eyelashes and eyeliner could be seen.

  Du Meilan looked aside, "Anna, something happened to your sister Su Ji. Before this matter is resolved, you will stay at aunt's house for a while."

  Anna was shocked, "Is she injured? What about her baby? Aunt Du, can I go and see Sister Su Ji?!"

  Du Meilan looked at her, "Auntie, go to the hospital to check the situation first, and you go back to the room first," after finishing speaking, she winked at the housekeeper.

  The housekeeper nodded.

Gong Zeli, who had been taken away, seemed to have just realized something, she struggled to turn around, "Anna, don't trust that woman, she wants to keep you as a hostage in Pei's house! Call your father! He must have a way to help us— !"

  She deliberately used "we", as if to remind Anna to recognize her current situation.

  Anna looked away from her, and after a few seconds, she said obediently and cooperatively, "Don't worry, Aunt Du, I'll wait for your news at home!"

  'Despair' is no longer enough to express Gong Zeli's mood at the moment.

  Du Meilan nodded comfortingly.


  Su Ji was lying on his back in the ward, and he hadn't woken up yet.

  The left leg was covered with plaster all the way to the knee, and it was placed at the end of the hospital bed with a high profile. Aiyan, Aimeng and two nurses were taking care of her in the ward.

  Outside the ward, the place has been cleared, only a few witnesses who came to the hospital with Su Ji were left.

  Sister Cat and Yang Xiaotao stood in the corridor.

  Sister Cat has already put on the high heels, but the bag is still on Yang Xiaotao's shoulder.

  Yang Xiaotao glanced at the bag, then at Sister Mao who was looking towards the ward with her arms folded, "..."

   I opened my mouth several times to remind Sister Mao that she still has her bag, but seeing that she seemed to really care about my idol, I didn't find the right time to speak.

   Another three or two minutes later, Sister Cat stretched out her hand to Yang Xiaotao, "Give me the cigarette."

  Yang Xiaotao, "?"

  Sister Cat naturally raised her chin towards her, "There is a lighter in the bag."

   "Oh," Yang Xiaotao pulled away Grandma Xiang from her shoulders, and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from inside.

  The lighter is jointly branded by a trendy brand and the official website of HelloKitty. It is very positive pink and very aggressive.

   Then the pack of cigarettes... Although Yang Xiaotao doesn't smoke, she knows her.

   is her idol's brand, strawberry flavored.

   Now her idol's brand has a considerable market share in China, and I heard that their boss is helping the idol to talk about exporting abroad.

  Sister Cat took it, pulled out one very skillfully, pressed the lighter, and the light blue flame ignited a touch of scarlet at the end.

  Smoking her idol's cigarette...

   Is it the same as her?

  A fan of idols too? ?

   But then, when Sister Cat stacked the remaining cigarettes with the lighter and returned them to Yang Xiaotao, and Yang Xiaotao also helped her throw the cigarettes back into the bag very smoothly—

  The corner of Yang Xiaotao's mouth twitched fiercely!

  Sister Cat didn't forget her bag at all, she just... used Yang Xiaotao as a bag carrier!

  But just as Yang Xiaotao was about to complain, the elevator sounded the notification sound of reaching the floor.

She and Sister Cat looked over at the same time. The elevator door opened, and a group of men in black suits came out. Just start, report along the way explain what.

   No need to guess, it is Su Ji's injury.

   "The boss is back!" Yang Xiaotao immediately stood up straight, her eyes full of admiration for the little sparkling stars!

   "It's a good thing that Ms. Su is in the first trimester, and she should pay attention to her daily diet..." The doctor said while walking, "At present, the fetal phase is stable, so there should be no problem..."

   "Should?" Pei Huai stopped slowly and glanced at the doctor.

  The doctor also stopped and looked up, the man in front of him had a terrifying aura.

   "Ah," he hurriedly changed his words, "I used the wrong words. Judging from the test results, Ms. Su's fetus was not affected by this incident."

  Yang Xiaotao looked at her boss, and at the same time, Sister Mao also paid attention to that man, with a cold expression...

  (end of this chapter)