MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 722 Sheng Shijing, my husband

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  Chapter 722 Sheng Shijing, my husband

  The edge of the Ancient God Realm.

  Mine looked at the golden light all over the sky, her pupils kept constricting and expanding, she felt as if she was in a sea of ​​flames, and her throat felt dry.

  Xie Xihe raised his eyes lightly, with a loose smile on his delicate red lips: "Why, don't you give up?"

   "Judgment order?" Xie Xihe glanced at the arrow order in Minie's hand, smiled more playfully, and raised his eyebrows, "You want to judge me?"

  Mine looked down, and her face instantly turned a liver color.

   Judgment order...

  In the Ancient God Realm, the Judgment Order, which represents the utmost justice and absolute authority, can be used to judge any person or even the ancient gods in the Ancient God Realm, except for one person—God Head Xihuang.

  As the head of the gods, Emperor Xi is the most supreme existence in the ancient **** world.

  Whether it is the trial order or all the systems and regulations of the Ancient God Realm, they are all formulated by her.

  Use the rules she made to judge her?

  Who is qualified for this?

  Not to mention that Mine is only one of the fifteen elemental gods, even if Emperor Hao, the true ruler of the ancient **** world, came, he would not dare to say the word "judgment" in front of Emperor Xi!

   Only creatures can judge her! Only heaven, earth and universe!

Minie's face was blue and red, even though his heart was about to overflow with anger and unwillingness, but at this moment, he could only quickly put away the judgment order in his hand, gritted his teeth fiercely, and knelt down towards Xie Xihe .

   "Mine, God of Time, welcome the return of Lord Godhead!" Mine shouted loudly, and her voice spread throughout the Ancient God Realm again.

  As if a drop of water had fallen into boiling hot oil, the Ancient God Realm, which was originally dead, boiled instantly!

   "Lord Xihuang, it's really Lord Xihuang! She's finally back!"

   "The head of the gods is back, God bless me in the Ancient God Realm!"

   "So what about Godhead, she didn't abandon us so easily, who knows if she will abandon us again when she comes back this time!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, my lord Godhead is something you can criticize!"

   "It's good that Lord Shenshou is back, but it is said that there are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country. Lord Haodi..."

   "Lord Emperor Hao has never thought about the position of God Head. Everything he does is for Lord Xihuang, for the Ancient God Realm!"

   "Lord Emperor Hao is beautiful, and his character is precious. How can you judge him with the heart of such a villain? Shut up!"

"Yes, yes, you can't talk nonsense, let's go around, let's hurry to the vicinity of the ancient temple, Lord Xihuang returns to his throne, Lord Haodi leads the gods to greet him personally, this is a scene that is rarely seen in thousands of years, can't missed!"


  Among countless discussions, the sound of breaking wind passed through the air. Xie Xihe looked up, and at a glance, he saw a pair of moist and gentle eyes like water.

   There was a faint smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, he met her eyes, the smile in his eyes deepened, and he called out in a warm voice: "Xi'er."

  Xie Xihe was stunned for a moment, and after a long time, he came back to his senses and nodded calmly: "Emperor Hao."

  The smile on Emperor Hao's face froze for a moment, but soon the corners of his mouth were raised again. When he was about to speak, Xie Xihe pointed at Xie Chujun sideways, and introduced: "My father, thank you Chujun."

   Without giving everyone a chance to react, he turned around to face Sheng Shijing again, and dropped a bombshell lightly: "Sheng Shijing, my husband."

  Di Hao's expression froze again, and even his fingertips trembled uncontrollably. He scanned Xie Xihe's face inch by inch, trying to find traces of joking on her face.

   Just a pity, no.

   She meant it.

  A clear cognition reverberated in Haodi's mind, he could clearly feel a beast in the depths of his body impacting, roaring, galloping, as if it would break free from his imprisonment and destroy everything in the next moment!

   But it was only for a moment, the next moment, he raised his head, his handsome and unparalleled face was always gentle and soft.

  He turned his eyes slowly, followed Xie Xihe's gaze towards Sheng Shijing, and sized him up carefully.

  Sheng Shijing was also in a daze for a short time, but when his eyes met, he vaguely understood Xie Xihe's intentions, and quickly adjusted his expression.

  The corners of his lips raised a slight arc, even facing Emperor Hao who is the ruler of the ancient **** world, he didn't have the slightest timidity, nodded calmly and said: "Hello, I am Sheng Shijing."

   "Xie Xihe's husband." After a short pause, he said slowly, his voice was not too loud, but his enunciation was extremely clear.

   Emperor Hao's fingertips trembled.

Didn't say anything more, Emperor Hao withdrew his gaze after a little nod, met Xie Xihe's gaze again, and said with a smile: "The news of your return has spread, and at this time the people of the world have gathered At the entrance of the ancient temple, let’s go back to the temple first.”

Xie Xihe said "Mmm" indifferently, and when he was about to call Sheng Shijing and the others together, Emperor Haodi and Xuanji had already appeared by her side, one on the left and the other on the right, and Luo Erminie and the others hurriedly approached her. Following up, Sheng Shijing and the three of them were isolated from the outside in an instant.

  Xie Xihe paused, turned his head, met Emperor Hao's smiling eyes, and said gently: "What's wrong?"

  Xie Xihe stared at him for a second, then looked away as if nothing had happened: "Let's go."

  Fingers carelessly brushed between the eyebrows, and pressed gently.

  Behind him, Sheng Shijing's eyebrows twitched slightly, and his backhand pressed Xie Chujun and Ying Kui who couldn't help but wanted to rush up.

  The two of them frowned, but when they looked at Shang Sheng Shijing with a hint of reminder, they pressed the impulse and followed behind the team obediently.

   Swept forward all the way, but after a while, a magnificent and majestic palace appeared in everyone's sight.

   Towering sky pillars, exquisite or simple or gorgeous palaces, teams of guards and maids walk through them, but they don't make a sound, they are dignified and majestic.

  In contrast, the entrance of the ancient temple was full of uproar.

  Countless people from the world gathered together, and they continued to gather. Everyone looked up at the sky, until at a certain moment, someone shouted: "Here we come!"

  Everyone looked at the man's finger, and the next moment, their eyes brightened! !

   "My lord Xihuang! My lord Haodi! My lords!!"

The high-spirited sound of worship came from below, and Xie Xihe could see pious worshiping figures as soon as he lowered his head. Occasionally, some people raised their heads, and the eyes flashed with the fanatical reverence that she was familiar with, but it seemed like a world away. There was a moment of disorientation.

   "See, these are your people. They worship you, love you, and enshrine you as emperor, Emperor Xi. After more than a thousand years, they finally waited for you."

   "So, don't let them down again."

  Di Hao said with a smile, it was obviously an extremely gentle voice, but for some reason, Xie Xihe only felt a chill rising from behind, and his heart was slightly cold.

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)