MTL - Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day-Chapter 1708 The truth about fire

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   Chapter 1708 The truth of the fire

   Su's words made Ruan Qi's face turn pale.

  Some images suddenly flashed in her mind, the windows that were nailed down with wooden boards, the gates tied with iron chains, the dried and blackened bloodstains, and the corpses lying on the ground...

Su Yao's voice continued: "The place in Xiaoyao Village is dehumanizing. For them, those abandoned children are equivalent to useless waste, and they can be discarded at will. It's just that this kind of 'garbage' cannot be It was left out, so they chose that villa as a dump for 'garbage'."

"Two of the little friends who were arrested at the same time as me died like this. I still remember that day, two men dragged the two children like animals, dragged them all the way to the garbage dump, and dragged them away. They were thrown in at will. The 'garbage' thrown in had no water to drink or food to eat. They either starved to death of thirst, or were tortured to death by the pain on their bodies."

   Ruan Qi's hand on his knee became tighter and tighter.

   There seemed to be some voices in her mind, these voices begging her for help, begging her to save them out.

   Ruan Qi's heart trembled faintly. She tried to calm her voice and asked in a hoarse voice, "What happened to that fire?

  Su Yao shook his head.

   "Not from Xiaoyao Village."

   Ruan Qi: "That's..."

   "It's the kids in the villa."

  Ruan Qi's pupils instantly tightened.

"What did you say?!"

"It's incredible, isn't it?" Su Yao pulled the corners of his mouth far-fetched, "It wasn't the people in Xiaoyao Village who set the fire, but the 'garbage' locked in the garbage dump. Those children got gasoline and lighters from nowhere, and used The last bit of strength set the whole villa on fire."

Speaking of this, Su Yao let out a soft sigh, "I still remember the scene from that night. The fire was so big that half of the night in Xiaoyao Village was illuminated red. The place where I was detained was right there. Next to the villa, I watched with my own eyes that the fire burned more and more vigorously, and burned for a whole night, and in the end there was nothing left."

   Xiaoyao Village is doing shady activities, and they dare not call the police when the villa is on fire.

   And the fire was so big that ordinary fire extinguishers couldn’t put it out at all.

   Therefore, everyone can only watch the fire keep burning and burning, and finally nothing is left.

  Su wanted to clearly remember the fire that night. He could clearly hear the screams from the fire through the thick walls and windows.

   The scream was extremely shrill, like a curse full of hatred, accompanied by firelight lingering in the dark night sky of Xiaoyao Zhuang, and it did not disappear for a long time.

  The cafe was quiet for a while.

   None of the three at the table spoke.

   Su Yao's eyes were a little red, and he lowered his head and stirred the coffee in the cup.

  Ruan Qi straightened his body, his thin shoulders trembling faintly.

   Xi Jiu looked at her pale face in distress, put her hand on her shoulder, and put her in her arms.

   Ruan Qi leaned on him, closed his eyes, then looked up at Su Yao.

   "Su Yao, how do you know that the villa was set on fire by those children? Did the people from Xiaoyao Village say it?"

  Su Yao didn't seem to expect Ruan Qi to ask such a question, and his expression was a little dazed for a moment.

"Everyone said that at the time. The night the villa was on fire, all the bodyguards in Xiaoyao Village went to put out the fire. I hid in the house and heard them cursing that someone had poured gasoline in the villa, and the fire was too big to put out. There were only those children in that villa, and it smelled so bad that no one else would go in. Therefore, only those children could pour gasoline and set fire to the villa.”

   Ruan Qi: "Where did those gasoline and lighters come from?"

  Su was stunned for a moment, but was stopped by the question.

yes. The people from Xiaoyao Village never entered that villa. Every time they went to throw the 'rubbish', they just stood outside the door and threw the 'rubbish' inside, and then left.

  Since no one will enter the villa, where did the petrol and lighters that the children use to start the fire come from?

   On the first day, my aunt had a stomachache as usual and died in battle. An update today, a normal update tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)