MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 378 Hidden Ascension Ritual, Shy Daphne

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  Chapter 378 The Hidden Ascension Ceremony, Shy Daphne

  【Game Tip: You kill the treasure box monster formed by the high-level silver treasure chest! 】

  【Game hint: You get the sun disc design (epic quality)*1】

  【Game Tip: You get the Emperor’s Ring (Epic Quality)*1】

  【Game Tip: You get Sun Shield +5 (Legendary Quality)*1】

  【Game hint: You get...】

  The giant treasure monster formed by the high-level silver treasure chest finally brought surprises to Zhao Ba.

   An epic ring equipment, an epic blueprint!

   There is also a +5 legendary shield,

  Although there is nothing to talk about other items, Zhao Ba has made a lot of money with just these.

   "Daphne, come here and let me kiss you!" Zhao Ba smiled and said, "The luck I borrowed from you is really great!"

  Daphne said happily: "A kiss? Well, no, but I am willing to share the joy with you."

  Warriors always expect to get better equipment, but women hope to get some beautiful things.

   Zhao Ba will bring Daphne a lot of things she likes after a while.

  【Name: Emperor's Ring】

  【Quality: Epic】

  【Normal Effect: Greatly increases your magic resistance. 】

  【Special effect-Royal Guardian: Consume 500 energy stones and 250 earth demon cores, and you can summon two sand soldiers. The sand soldiers have the same attributes as you, but have no skills, last for 30 minutes, and have a cooldown of 60 minutes. 】

  【Special effect-Sacrifice on behalf of: When you summon a sand soldier, you can exchange the position with one of the sand soldiers. The cooling time is 5 minutes. 】

  【Epic-level special effect-above ten thousand people: If the enemy’s level is lower than yours, when they attack you, the damage will be reduced by 50%, and the control time will be reduced by 50%. 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, the epic hidden special effect-Ascension Body Washing Ceremony will be automatically activated. 】

  【Epic Hidden Special Effect-Ascension Body Washing Ceremony: Holding this ring, under the influence of fate, you can unlock the true secret of the Fountain of the Saints, perform an epic body washing ceremony, and achieve an epic body. The body is the strongest at the epic level, and can be called a demigod. 】

  【Introduction: Ascension Ceremony is a ritual of an ancient empire, but unfortunately their secrets are being followed by magicians. Logan defeated them with supreme power, interpreted the secrets, and improved the ascension ceremony with genius-like abilities, and finally even created a **** body. Spells such as ascension to the gods are also magic handed down after Logan interpreted the ascension ceremony. 】

  The effect of the Emperor's Ring is also very impressive.

  The effect of summoning two sand soldiers seems to be mediocre. The sand soldiers don't even have skills, but they have the same attributes as Zhao Ba.

   What is the attribute of Zhao Ba?

   That is a powerful, invincible existence at the same level!

  Two sand soldiers poking around with sticks can kill a lot of people.

  Epic-level special effects - more than ten thousand people, it is even more reason for Zhao Ba to fight against one hundred, especially against those low-level players, and he is not afraid of their siege at all.

  Although the special effect of more than ten thousand people is ineffective for most of the monsters he faces, and some dangerous players are also immune to this effect, it is useful when fighting in groups.

   Of course, this is not the most precious part of this ring.

   The hidden special effects of this ring are truly amazing!

  As long as he wears this ring and does not die prematurely, he will be able to achieve the strongest body at the epic level and become a demigod.

  Be aware that the player's body also has different qualities: rare, legendary, epic, and mythical.

   Every time you wash your body, the attributes you get can be superimposed.

  If you do a legendary body cleansing ceremony but not a rare level, you will not be able to do a rare level body wash in the future.

   This is the same for Zhao Ba, if he directly performs the mythical body cleansing, he will not be able to do the epic and legendary level body cleansing in the future.

   This will lose a lot of properties.

  Zhao Ba has done the rare-level body washing ceremony, but the legendary-level body washing ceremony has not yet been done.

  In the past, he thought that he should find some good things to make, but now, as long as the attributes given by the legendary body washing ceremony are not too bad, he has to do it.

   The body washing ceremony can be done by others, or you can spend money to buy body washing products, but the latter is more expensive.

   "My body won't last too long at the legendary level, even the epic level is a transition, the ultimate goal is the divine body!"

  His eyes shone.

  Only the divine body can store a large amount of divine power, allowing him to possess truly powerful power.

   His eyes sparkled.

  After achieving the divine body, he will immediately become a real god.

  【Name: Sun Disk Design】

  【Quality: Epic】

  【Normal effect: A portable base above the legendary level and a large amount of materials are required to build a sun disc. 】

  【Special Effect - Solar Charge: During the day, the solar disc will increase the attack speed by 100%. 】

  【Special Effect - Dazzling Light: Consume 500 energy stones, 250 light magic cores, and the sun disc uses LV.55 magic-sunshine on the enemy, causing a lot of light attribute damage to the enemy and making the enemy blind! 】

  【Epic Special Effect - Sun Warrior: Within the range covered by the sun disc, all friendly forces will increase their total attributes by 50%, and their attacks will increase their light attribute damage by 100%. 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, the epic hidden special effect - Sun God will be automatically activated】

  【Epic Hidden Special Effect-Sun God: Consume 2000 energy stones and 1000 light magic cores to turn a player into a "Sun God". 】

  【Introduction: With this thing, you can turn your portable base into the most handsome boy. 】

   Seeing the effect of the sun disc, Zhao Ba wanted to see his luck, and released a design drawing of a legendary portable base.

  But now he feels that if he has not obtained the design drawing of the legendary portable base after completing the divine body, then he will go to the auction house to buy a design drawing.

   Build at least one sun disk before the regional wars anyway.

   This will be a big killer.

   Too much increase for players.

   "Hehe, Daphne, I really want to kiss you!"

   Zhao Ba was very happy, and then took out a lot of things, all of which he bought at the auction house, and handed them to Daphne together.

   "No way!"

  Daphne's eyes looked at those things, and she couldn't leave them anymore.

   But she likes to eat the most.

   While she was eating dragon meat buns, Zhao Ba stepped forward and grabbed her animal ears with lightning speed.

   "It doesn't seem to be anything special, just like Qian Duoduo's ears."

   Zhao Ba estimated the feeling and said.

  But at this moment, Daphne still blushed.

  The ears of foxes are as sensitive as human ears, if not more sensitive.

   "Ah, you bastard!"

  The purple-red ears, which were so ordinary, actually emitted light and heat in the night, like a fluorescent stick, and her face turned even more blushing.

   After a while, the nine tails also emitted a faint light.

   "This is even more beautiful!"

   Zhao Ba said: "Don't move, I want a screenshot!"

  Daphne opened her mouth and bit him down. He was clearly wearing armor, but it had no effect on this little girl, and the damage caused was extremely high!

  (end of this chapter)