MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 412 Open the three pets mode, the challenge of Yingdaisha

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  Chapter 412 Open the three pet mode, the challenge of Kagedaisha

  Yusheng Dongquan is Kunlun's serious problem. After becoming a sword master, his mentality has improved too much, and his layout ability is very strong.

  Kunlun is restrained everywhere in the hill of knights and dragons, making it inconvenient to move around.

  If Zhao Ba can kill Liusheng Dongquan within 30 days, Kunlun's future activities will be much easier.

  But Yagyu Tosen's strength has grown tremendously since he became a Juggernaut.

  It ranks 14th on the fighter list, and its actual combat effectiveness is terrifying.

  Because of the virtue of forbearance, Zhao Ba didn't know how much his ranking on the warrior list had improved, whether he was higher than Liu Sheng Dongquan, but he still received the military order of Xiaolongfu and got the holy beast stone.

  The Sacred Beast Stone is an amethyst the size of a phantom beast egg. Zhao Ba put his hand on the Sacred Beast Stone, and the immortal purple light centered on him, carved the symbol of a giant dragon outward, and then emitted a holy aura that soared into the sky!

  【Game Tips: You have used the Holy Beast Divine Stone, and you have turned on the three-pet mode, and you can summon three Eudemons pets to fight! 】


  As soon as Qian Duoduo was summoned, he yelled at Zhao Ba, very dissatisfied with Zhao Ba's behavior of calling him into the pet space.

   "Don't be angry, I thought of a way to change your mascot identity."

   Zhao Ba said.


  Qian Duoduo whispered a little, but he was hungry again.

   Zhao Ba took a lot of meat and fed him. After he raised the Medusa pet level to LV.42, he planned to find a secret place.

   If no secret place was found, he would dig a cave by himself.

   Summoning Venus, the Goddess of Beauty, is something that cannot be seen by others. Legend has it that the goddess is both beautiful and good at jealousy, full of scheming.

  If it made her unhappy, Zhao Ba might lose his handsome face.

   Or maybe Zhao Ba will fall in love with some violent old rich woman.

   In short, there will be no good things.

   "There are no caves in this world, but if we work hard to make miracles, there will be more caves."

   Relying on his own powerful strength, Zhao Ba dug out a cave in a short while, took out the tears of Medusa, and prepared to summon the God of Beauty.

  But a game prompt appeared in his sight.

  【Game reminder: You have received the challenge from Kagedaisa-Senra Yaoli LV.45, do you want to start defending immediately? 】

  【Game tips: You can refuse the challenge of others, but you can only refuse once. When Yingdaisha challenges you again, no matter where you are, you must fight! 】

  【Game reminder: Kagedaisha has entered the arena and turned on the live broadcast mode. If you agree to fight, the system will arrange a commentator. 】

   "It's a bit of a disappointment!"

   Zhao Ba looked at the game prompt, and there must be a battle next.

   "You must have been waiting for this battle for a long time, so come on!"

  He said again: "However, you may lose badly!"

  【Game reminder: You have accepted the challenge of Kagedaisha. If you succeed in defending the challenge, you will definitely get an epic piece of equipment! 】

   Zhao Ba's figure flashed, and he had already appeared in a huge bamboo forest clearing. A hundred meters away from him was Kagedaisha who was determined to challenge him.

  【Game Tips: The battle will start in 1 minute. In the live broadcast of this battle, the anchor will be the loyal follower of Chuangshishen Wanglu! 】

   "Hi! Hello everyone, since the last visit to the Spring of the Holy One, we have seen Brother Ba again, but this time he is in trouble again."

  Wang Zhizhi said: "Brother Ba's strength has grown tremendously, but Kagedaisha has been cutting all the way, and he is also getting stronger!"

   "This battle is not only between Ying Daisha and Zhao Ba, but also between Zhao Ba and the boat of mutual aid!"

   "About Kagedaisha, her previous battles are kept secret, we only got some information about him from relevant personnel!"

   "But Zhao Ba has more information, here is all the information he revealed when he fought Medusa!"

  The information displayed by Ying Daisha only occupies a small amount, but Zhao Ba's skill effects and information occupy a large live broadcast area.

   As long as Zhao Ba reveals a skill, everyone will find a solution.

  For example, the Heaven Breaking Slash, the original solution is to use the control skills to interrupt after Zhao Ba uses it.

   But recently, this method has not worked. Zhao Ba has an unstoppable effect. Even if he hits the control skill, he will still release it on the target.

  Finally, everyone concluded a solution, which is to use long movement to avoid attacks.

  As for other skills, there are solutions to them all.

  Although there is a method, but due to the different execution abilities of everyone, the effect is different.

   "The battle will start in 10 seconds!"

  Wang Zhilu finally said.

  The barrage has become very popular.

  This time, it is a barrage form that does not display everyone's name and level, and the enthusiasm for speaking has increased a lot.

  Like the last time Zhao Ba fought with Wu Weitu, everyone's rank and name were displayed together, which immediately made some "big hands" dare not speak, fearing that their strength would be exposed.

   "Kagedaisa looks a little handsome like this, but he's too killer, I can't hold it!"

   "Upstairs, you can't even handle this? Aren't you afraid that Kageyoza will chop off your hanger?"

   "What are you thinking about Kagedaisa? You don't even look at the set of tattoos on her body, she must be more playful than you!"

   "Are you still thinking about girls? Not like me! I only love Brother Ba! Come on, Brother Ba!"

   "Upstairs you are a cute girl, right?"

   "The battle has begun, don't talk about other things!"

  The barrage speech is too stupid, which is also the disadvantage of anonymous speech.

   "I finally met you!"

   "Damn you!"


  The moment Kagedaisha counted down the battle, the black snake tattoo on his body shone with demon light, his teleportation speed became faster, and the demon sword was enchanted similar to poison attack.

   "Third Eye - Fear!"

   Zhao Ba's current reaction speed, even if the special effect of the Juggernaut Crown is not turned on, he can clearly find the weakness of Kagedaisha's first strike.

  The audience felt that Yingdaisha's first attack was too fast, but Zhao Ba still felt that it was very slow.

  Only at this moment, Zhao Ba's third eye flashed a thick red light, rushing towards Kagedaisha.

   But it seems that it has no effect on Kagedaisha!

  【Game Tips: Kagedaisha is protected by the Ethereal Demon. If the skill control level is below LV.55, only by releasing the control skill twice within 5 seconds can it enter the control effect! 】

   "You **** bastard!"

   "Why are you able to kill Wu Weitu!"

   "Why does that **** Midao Yixueliu worship you so much!"

   "You're really annoying me!"

   "Go to Hell!"

  Kagedaisha's hatred for Zhao Ba was not very strong, but under the divine power of the God of Vengeance, she only wanted to kill Zhao Ba and then quickly.

  It's like suffering from a mental illness that can kill people anytime, anywhere.

  Zhao Ba didn't have time to release the second control, he raised his giant sword and blocked the blow naturally.


  Sparks were released at this moment.

   "Stand back!"

   Zhao Ba suddenly changed his sword and used the skill of Rising Dragon Slash, and instantly hit Kagedaisa, and raised the giant sword suddenly.

   Kagedaiza reacted quickly. She believed in her own strength, and the ghost tattoos on her arms shone faintly.

  (end of this chapter)