MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 68 Script not to be repeated - 1

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Still in that study room, the log bookcase stands against the wall, so high that it almost reaches the ceiling, and there are a lot of neat books on it, just looking at it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Hastings sat in front of the desk, holding the information about the latest developments of the Fei family brought by Su Tang in his hand, and watched carefully.

"The news of Feitu's accident has been kept very tight, and the outside world has not received any definite news." Su Tang leaned lazily on the desk, and added with a chuckle, "However, I have arranged for people to pass the news from various channels. The spread has spread, and although there is no evidence, more and more people will believe it if they follow what others say and become a tiger." His eyes shone with light, and his rosy lips opened and closed slightly, like a prophecy, "Fei Home is going to be messed up."

"Fei Tu's death is inevitable." After listening to Su Tang's intelligence analysis, Ning Qingliu said, "The previous plan is no longer applicable, should the treatment of Fei Wushu be changed?"

"Qingliu, bring Fei Wuzheng over here." Hastings raised his eyes, and there was neither sadness nor joy in his gray eyes, "It's time to use him."

Having already anticipated this situation, Ning Qingliu said calmly, "He has been notified."

"The plan can't keep up with the changes." Su Tang lowered his eyes, covered his lips, and let out a low laugh from between his fingers, "I didn't expect to meet Feitu who was alone when he collected insect poppy black crystals in the chaotic star field , should it be said that God is helping us?"

The previous plan for the Fei family was to abolish the heir Fei Wushu. After Fei Wushu lost the right of succession, the Fei family would sooner or later be Fei Wushu. They supported Fei Wushu from the sidelines and gradually took control of Fei's family.

The reason why it was just abolished was because Feitu was still alive. If Fei Wushu died, the Federation could not afford the consequences of Feitu's wrath.

But it's different now.

Feitu is hopeless. During the turbulent period when the Fei family lost Feitu, the bandit leader, everyone will put their hopes on Fei Wushu. At this time, Fei Wushu is an obstacle to them, and it is an obstacle that has lost its backing. It has no threat, can be rounded and flattened at will, and can... erase his existence without any worries.

This is the difference between Feitu being present and not being present.

Without Feitu and no heir, the answer to who the Fei family will fall into is self-evident. Fei Wuzheng is the last and only choice for the Fei family.

Su Tang and Ning Qingliu knew how to treat Fei Wushu, and they looked at each other tacitly, waiting for Hastings to give orders.

But here, Fei Wuzheng arrived at a very fast speed.

During this period of time, he should have been recuperating in the hospital just like Mo Hua. However, if Su Tang and Ning Qingliu could smuggle him out once, they could do it a second time.

After the door of the study room was knocked, Su Tang stood up straight consciously, walked to Ning Qingliu, stood at the edge of the room, and put on an obvious spectator posture that I just watched and didn't speak.

Outside the room, Fei Wuzheng took a deep breath when he heard the word "come in" calmly, tried to make the trembling of his body not so obvious, and pushed open the door.

Stepping on the soft carpet to the middle of the room, Fei Wuzheng silently lowered his head. In front of Hastings, he never had room for questioning. All he has to do is listen and do it.

"Phito is in a coma, and he has at most five years left to live." In the oppressive silence in the study, only Hastings' cold, impersonal voice sounded flat.

What? !

Fei Wuzheng raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked at Hastings in disbelief. How is this possible? !

Su Tang chuckled lightly, drew Fei Wuzheng's attention, and said, "What? Surely you don't know the news?"

Fei Wuzheng shook his head blankly, no one had ever told him about it.

"Brother...Does Fei Wushu know?" His expression was obscure, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

"I should know." Su Tang smiled, "Already actively looking for an antidote for his father."

...Since you already know, why didn't you tell him?

Suppressing the vague uneasiness in his heart, Fei Wuzheng told himself that Fei Wushu must have chosen to conceal the news because he was worried that he would not be able to bear the news.

Just as he had been lying in the hospital for several days without seeing Fei Wushu, who was supposed to be at the bedside to ask for his health, he tried to tell himself that it was because of the busy schedule of the Capital College, Fei Wushu couldn't spare time.

There are many things that are not right, and I vaguely feel that something has changed unknowingly, but what exactly is it, what happened, but I can't tell the reason.

I just feel uneasy. I often wake up from my dream in the dead of night in the hospital, with palpitations and cold sweats, but I can’t remember what I dreamed about. I just don’t feel sleepy anymore, and I stare at the ceiling with my eyes wide open until dawn.

Fei Wuzheng bit his lower lip, he had vaguely guessed Hastings' purpose in his heart, and the fingers hanging by his side trembled slightly. Is this day finally coming?

No matter how complicated his mind was, when he heard Hastings' cold and direct question, he still froze in place.

"Without Feitu, without Fei Wushu, can you master the family?" Hastings asked.

There was a roar in my head, I had expected this day a long time ago, didn't I? It's just a little earlier than expected... just a little earlier...

He stood there blankly, not knowing whether he had been silent for a long time or answered without hesitation. It was only after he walked out of the room stiffly that he vaguely recalled his answer at that time - "Yes."

A word was planted in the depths of his mind like a mantra, and it rang in his ears over and over again with incomparable clarity. Fei Wuzheng went outside, looked up at the blue sky of Capital Star, and the bewilderment in Violet's eyes gradually settled down. Turned into a dark obscurity.

This is the second choice Hastings gave him in this life.

The first choice changed his life, what about the second choice?

In the study, Su Tang squinted his eyes slightly, watched Fei Wuzheng leave the study, then raised the corners of his lips, and said coolly: "What a pathetic fellow."

"Speaking of which, the Major General is too ruthless." He glanced at the expressionless Hastings, and joked, "Without you, Major General, what kind of brotherly brothers he is now."

Hastings looked at him indifferently: "Su Tang, you have spent too much useless time on Skynet recently."

"Uh..." Su Tang was stunned, speechless, and said helplessly after a while, "I really can't hide anything from you, Major General." He restrained his smile, and said seriously, "It's just to pass the time, it won't delay Let's get down to business." His serious face is so solemn that people can't connect with the previous seductive image, but they are all the same so that people can't see his emotions.

When he finally left the study, he heard Hastings' unwavering tone: "Without me, they wouldn't be brothers and sisters."

Without him, there would be someone else who would change Fei Wuzheng's life that should have been smooth sailing.

Su Tang raised the corners of his lips clearly, who made his status so embarrassing.

Fei Wuzheng, who left the garrison barracks, did not go directly to the hospital, but hurried into a tall building.

The elevator stopped on the fifty-seventh floor, and his hurried steps became hesitant, but he still stopped outside a room door, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Who?" A man's vigilant voice came from inside the door.

"It's me, Uncle Hongying." Fei Wuzheng said softly.

"It's Wuzheng." The door was opened, and the tall Red Eagle stood at the door. The light in the room came from behind him, forming a huge black shadow that enveloped Fei Wuzheng. He touched Fei Wuzheng smoothly. Touching Fei Wuzheng's head, his voice was gentle, "Why are you here?"

Fei Wuzheng raised his head and looked into his eyes: "Uncle Hongying, something happened to Feitu, and he will die for up to five years."

Hongying's hand was stiff on Fei Wuzheng's head, and it took him a long time to find his voice: "Are you sure?"

Fei Wuzheng pursed his lips: "The major general said."

"That's true!" Hongying's excited voice trembled a little, he dragged Fei Wuzheng into the room, and couldn't suppress his smile, "I thought it would take longer, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. It's so fast! We're going to attack Fei Wushu next, right? Does the major general have a plan? This is really..."

The door locked with a "cluck", blocking Hongying's joyful incoherent voice.

In the dormitory, Fei Wushu, who was activating the spirit guidance device, sneezed loudly. He rubbed the tip of his nose, and looked dissatisfied at Adolf, who was sitting in front of the desk with a bitter face: "It's immoral to speak ill of people behind their backs. !"

Adolf lay down on the table listlessly, and looked at him aggrievedly: "Brother! Can I call you brother?! You have made me like this, how can I have the courage to dare to blame you? You Say yes?"

Fei Wushu glanced at the rows of dazzling data, and laughed a few times with guilt: "I was wrong."

Adolf glared at him again sadly, took a deep breath, and plunged into the information again.

—What are the necessary skills for cultivating Fei family housekeepers? Why does he have to be the butler of the Fei family? Didn't he just help him a few times, why did he sell himself to Fei Wushu? !

Adolf was chanting in his stomach, but his eyes were focused on scanning the lines of text. Although this kind of thing is really difficult and obscure for him, but seeing that Fei Wushu Hun'er is not here these days, he reluctantly helps out. After that guy finishes what he should do, throw these prepared documents and materials over and smash him to death.

Glancing sideways at the person lying on the bed, Adolf clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, really, he can still play the game if he has something on his mind! The most important thing is that you don't share your thoughts with your brothers! Fei Wushu, you are so **** disrespectful!

Unaware that he was being resented, Fei Wushu greeted Qin Yi energetically after arriving in the Heyue galaxy: "Hey, little Yiyi, noon... no, good evening."

It was already late at night for Pei Xiangxing.

"En." Qin Yi replied lightly, and continued to immerse himself in the analysis of the fusion of medicinal properties.

Lanlot, that is, Gu Yu of the Heyue galaxy, is lying on the experimental table rubbing his waist at this moment. In the game, this body is too weak to accompany Qin Yi's day and night workload. For the first time, Lott felt what it means to be powerless, what it means to have a backache, a backache, and leg cramps.

"Get out of the way." Qin Yi glanced at him lightly, "Lie down on the ground when you're tired."

Langlot smiled wryly, and stood up straight, hey, hey, his body doesn't have the strength of your ninth-level gymnastics, Mr. Qin!

"Xiao Yiyi is concerned about you." Fei Wushu explained leisurely in the spiritual world, but Qin Yi was the only one who heard it.

"Quiet." Qin Yi ordered concisely.

He was carefully observing the fusion reaction of the medicine in the glass vessel, his dark eyes were staring at the light yellowish blue liquid without blinking, and his expression was serious. Fei Wushu wanted to tease a few words, but looking at it like this, he couldn't say anything at all.

He only saw the light blue color in Qin Yi's eyes, which was very conspicuous and glaring on his ice-white skin. The corners of the tightly pursed lips revealed a sense of indifference and alienation, but looking at them now, they felt a little more tired and haggard.

Day and night, I searched for information, calculated formulas, conducted experiments, improved formulas, and started over and over again. It was boring but I never stopped to take a good rest. No matter how powerful Xiao Yiyi is, there will be times when she gets tired, right?

I don't even know how to say thank you.

But I don't want to say thank you to Xiao Yiyi at all, such unfamiliar words.

Fei Wushu watched quietly, thankful that he was a spiritual body, otherwise he would not believe the words that the wind blows his eyes.