MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 166 The change of the main city of the Dark Elf

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The mechanical artillery, who had remained silent, quickly adjusted the muzzle, aiming at the dark wisdom trees of the giant vampires, and madly bombarded them.

boom! boom! boom!

Wan cannons sing!

Almost in an instant, the blood-sucking vines that surround the magic snake's fortress were torn apart in the fire and splashed. The horrible artillery fire continued, and the wall of the magic snake fortress was directly smashed, and a large piece was collapsed, revealing a huge mouth.

The Magic Snake Fortress originally had the support of nine Warlock Towers. The fortress sky was all over the banned squad. The fortress wall was also under the force of the Warlock Tower.

But there are no warlocks in the Dark Elf, and those Warlock towers fall into their hands and are of no use. The magic snake fortress will be so fragile and vulnerable.

After the magic snake fortress was blasted out of a huge mouth, countless animal-type mechanical swordsmen swarmed in and waved the electric shock sticks to the dark elves.

The dark elves were also madly resisting, but when they encountered the animal-type mechanical knife, they were directly hit by the electric shock sticks. After a convulsion, they fell to the ground.

In the beauty of Beverly, there was a desperate color that looked terrible: "It’s over!! How could it be so simple? How can the city of steel be so powerful?"

"Because the iron and steel of the city of steel city Yangye is really too strong!"

A voice suddenly rose from the back of Beverly.

Beverly was shocked and turned her head and saw that Deferia stood quietly behind her.

"I am the snow white lady of the Iron City, I am here to catch you! Who told you to be so conspicuous, and that he was fancy, and you are unlucky."

Defei Liya smiled slightly, and the jade hand pointed at Beverly. An ice and cold air burst instantly and blew on Beverly. Instantly freezes Beverly into ice.

Originally, with the strength of Beverly, even if it is not the opponent of Defei Liya, it is not necessarily impossible to escape from Defei Liya. However, under the sneak attack of Deferia, no move has been passed. It was directly frozen into ice.

"Master Mother!!"

The dark elf guards around Beverly have changed their faces. They have attacked Defei Liya.

Defei Liya’s hand was raised, and the mantra was silently recited in the mouth. A group of cold and cold air broke out instantly and blew toward the surroundings.

The dark elf guards around Beverly were frozen into ice sculptures in the cold wind.

Defei Li smiled and grabbed Beverly, and her body shape shook, disappearing directly from the magic snake fortress.

Lost the commander of Beverly. The dark elves, who had almost collapsed, finally collapsed completely. One by one, they lost their helmets and rushed out of the magic snake fortress and fled in all directions.

Yang Feng took the magic snake to the back with a breeze.

After the magic snake fortress was seized, Yang Feng continued to send a mechanical army to continue to advance to the depths of the underground world.

After becoming the lord of Satsuma, Yang Feng dispatched various machine insects to sneak into the underground world and carried out road detection.

The Black Dragon Empire also had human merchants and powerful people who had been lucky enough to travel to the Dark Elf main city and survived from the Dark Elf main city.

The mechanical insects sent by Yang Feng explored along that road and expanded along that road. Look at the terrain of the underground world.

At present, although Yang Feng has not fully grasped the terrain of the underground world, the most important headquarters positions of the two underground world coalitions leading to the main city of the Dark Elf and the main city of the demon have been fully clarified.

All the way up. Destroyed and ruined, all the forces in front of Yang Feng were crushed and crushed by the 200,000 main battle robots.

On the third floor of the underground world, the Dark Elf main city is in the depths of the Holy Spring.

"The big master, there is an emergency military obituary." Outside the holy spring pool, there was a crisp voice.

Sha Yuena did not mean to let the person in, cold and ice: "What, say?"

From the holy spring pool, there was an anxious voice: "The devil's fortress has fallen, and the mother of Beverly is unknown. The mechanical army of the Iron City has broken through the first layer of the underground world. We are in the underground world. Several investigative positions on the second floor have also lost contact."

Sha Yuena was a pretty white face and shouted: "What? The magic snake fortress has fallen? How is it possible? In the magic snake fortress, there are 30,000 elite warriors. And the mother of Beverly. How can you not keep it for a day? Do you dare to deceive me?"

The devil's fortress has Beverly guards, and there are 30,000 elite dark elf warriors, hundreds of dark elf magicians, even if the big warlocks attack, it is not so easy to fall. At least two or three days can be adhered to. Two or three days is enough for the Dark Elves to react.

However, the horror of Yang Feng's mechanical legion far exceeds Sha Yuena's imagination. It is easy to directly flatten the magic snake fortress and drive straight into it. If it enters the unmanned environment, it will kill in the direction of the dark elf main city.

The crisp voice sounded again: "The big master, I absolutely can't deceive you. All the information is verified by us, no falsehood. We also used the magic to test. Please come out to preside over the overall situation and lead us. Kill all those monsters."

Sha Yuena’s face changed and she was almost shocked by the shocking and shocking.

In order to get rid of the radiant energy in the body and restore your body, it takes at least half a year to recover from the strength of Shayue Na. During this time, she could not leave from the holy spring pool. Once she is found to be weak, I am afraid that it will end in a miserable end.

Sha Yuena indulged for a while: "Go to Joanna! No, let Erics preside over the overall situation. Send people to the evil eye tyrant, the cave demon, the great devil Barek, the magma giant, the black dragon king for help. They are willing to take the shot and try to agree to their requirements."

The underground world is home to many powerful races that have been forced by human warlocks to escape to the underground world. After thousands of years of recuperation, many powerful creatures comparable to the Great Warlocks have emerged.

However, just as the human forces in the ground world are intriguing, it is not the same. The major races in the underground world are also intriguing, fighting for resources.

Sha Yuena was also forced to have no choice, and this had to ask for help from other powerful forces. what can be confirmed is. Even if the forces are willing to send troops to help, the dark elves will certainly have to pay a terrible price.

"Yes! Big mother!"

The dark elf maid standing outside the sanctuary of the Holy Spring flashed a ray of light and respectfully responded with a sentence, then retired.

Inside the hot spring pool of a villa in the main city of the Dark Elf.

A beautiful woman with long blue hair and beautiful appearance, no matter what the male woman will admire at first sight, is carrying a dark elf maid who reports to the military.

The beautiful woman who killed the man and the woman smiled. In the depths of the beautiful glimpse, a touch of cold light whispered: "In such a critical situation, Sha Yuena is still not willing to come out to preside over the overall situation. It seems that she was seriously injured in the battle of the Iron City. Even at such a critical juncture, she is still reluctant to hand over the power to me, but to the **** of Etrus, it seems that her defense against me is really deep!"

This beautiful woman, who looks beautiful and beautiful, is the legendary Joanna in the dark world of the underground world. She is also the strongest of the three great warlocks in the Dark Elves.

The three tribes, Sha Yuena, Luo Mi Laiya, and Joanna, are the three great warlocks in the Dark Elves. If you use the eccentric power system. They are the three legendary powerhouses among the dark elves.

Among them, Luo Mi Laiya is a dragon who sees the tail. Almost no one has ever seen her true-faced lone ranger and assassin. Sha Yuena is the great priest, and Joanna is a sharpshooter with the most powerful shooting skills of the Dark Elf. After Sha Yuena's fall, Joanna is the most hopeful person to take over the position of the big mother, so Sha Yuena is also very prepared for Joanna.

In the beauty of Joanna, there was a cold and cold cold road: "Since you are guarding me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

when! when! when!

Within the main city of the Dark Elves, only the bells of the Dark Moon Clock, which may be ringing at the end of the life of the Dark Elf, suddenly sounded.

The high-rises in the main city of the Dark Elves changed their faces and quickly gathered in the direction of the temple.

The bell of the Dark Moon Clock sounded. All high-level officials must gather in the temple once they are slow. The whole family will be regarded as the rebellion of the dark elves, and the whole family will not stay.

The dark elves' high-levels quickly came to the Great Shrine.

I saw that in the great temple, I went to Joanna in an armor and sat directly on the throne where only the great mother could sit.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the dark elves are suddenly changing, and their hearts are stunned, and there is a hint of ominous premonition.

The dark elf this race is tempted by the goddess Rose, and it becomes awkward. The conquest of the same race continues, even within the same family.

A Shayue Na's blouse frowned, and stepped forward and shouted: "Joanna, there is a throne where the great mother can sit. You have passed!"

Joanna smiled faintly: "Sha Yuena has been unable to govern. From today, I am the new big mother. You all, don't you immediately meet the new big mother?"

The dark elves in the hall are facing each other and I don’t know what to do.

The name of Shayue Na’s confidant changed, and loudly accused: “Sha Yuena’s master is still there. How can you become a new master? You are a rebellious! Joanna, you still have time to close it. Otherwise, wait for Sha Yuena’s master and mother to appear, and to spread the drow and blame the demon, it’s your end.”

The spiders and the blame demon are the monsters that have been defeated in various struggles and have been tortured and refining. All the dark elves are very afraid that they will become such monsters after they die, and as a result, they will not be able to rest their souls after death, nor will they be able to enter the goddess of the goddess Rose.

Joanna smiled a little, and her figure appeared directly in front of the heart of Shawana. A sword flashed, and the battle was comparable to that of the second warlock’s Shayue Na. Blood has fallen to the ground.

Nasha's confidant vitality was extremely tenacious. After being cut into two pieces, he still did not die immediately, but issued a scream of sorrow.

Joanna stepped on Shawana’s confidant head and brutally slammed Shayue Na’s head, and then smiled and asked the dark elf’s top around him: “Who else wants to question me? The position of the big master?"

"I have seen the big mother!"

The high-level faces of the dark elves immediately met the wind and made the rudder respectful.

Since Joanna has summoned the dark elves, they must have set up an ambush. The dark elves are also experienced countless conspiracy tricks, and the old fritters of countless coups, how can they die in vain? Even Shawana’s confidant is always honestly bowing, but what they turn in their minds, no one knows.

Joanna’s mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile: “Very good! I know that most of you don’t accept me in your heart, it’s okay! Come with me, let me see what Shah Nana’s mother is now. What?"

After the speech, Joanna turned and walked in the direction of the holy spring.

The dark elves were looked at each other and followed Joanna and walked in the direction of the holy spring.

boom! !

Along with a loud bang, the gate of the holy springs, with the addition of powerful defensive spells, was directly smashed.

Joanna took the lead and walked into the holy spring pool. She looked at Sha Yuena, who was soaked in the holy spring pool. She smiled slightly: "Sister Shayue, I am coming to see you!"

Sha Yuena turned hard and looked at Joanna, her face bitter, and the color of despair in the beauty.

The dark elves at the back of Joanna also saw that they were soaked in the holy spring pool, lost their legs, their heads were still beautiful, and their bodies were full of various radiation tumors.

"Long live Joanna's mother!!"

"Joanna is a mother and mother!"


Seeing the tragic form of Sha Yuena, the dark elves at the back of Joanna immediately changed their attitude and praised Joanna loudly.

A shaman’s confidant was very shameless in front of Joanna’s body and respectfully said: “Can the master and mother make me a traitor who colludes with humanity? This traitor is very sinful, I will make her A beautiful sculpture is dedicated to you." (To be continued~^~)