MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 168 Storm the Dark Elf City

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(ps: for the unmatched Wansou plus more)

Joanna’s heart was full of suspicions, and there was a wave of shaking on the pretty face: “How can the demon family fall to the city of steel?”

Yang Feng’s cold command: “The gunfire covers!”

Five thousand mechanical artillery officers adjusted the muzzle and launched a round of gunfire shooting toward the dark elf main city.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of guns rang, the ground moved, and the sound was hundreds of miles.

The dense artillery fire fell on the wall of the main city of the Dark Elves. A round of artillery fire killed and wounded more than 3,000 dark elves, and burst into screams from the dark elves.

"A terrible spell cannon!"

Above the walls of the Dark Elf main city, all the dark elves hide under the cover of the city walls, and their hearts are full of fear.

"This dark elf main city is really a hard bone!"

Yang Feng's brow slightly wrinkled, and the depth of his eyes flashed a touch of dignified color. He just saw it very carefully. The power coverage of the artillery artillery fires should have been 45 meters in diameter, but there was a mysterious force in the dark elf main city, which hardened the power of the artillery fire to three meters. about.

And the 50,000 mechanical artillery volleys together, if you can completely cut a hill on the earth. But the 50,000 artillery shells blasted over the main city of the Dark Elf, but only a trace of the smoke of the smoke on the main city of the Dark Elf, unable to shake the dark elf main city.

Yang Feng asked the 50,000 mechanical artillerymen to carry out two cover-up shellings in succession, and the effect of the shelling was getting worse.

Above the wall, all the dark elves were hiding. They hid in the caves of the dark elves, and they were not affected by the artillery.

Countless dark elves have entered the Temple of Goddess Rose, kneeling on the ground, respectfully praying.

The power of the vast and pure faith has fallen into the image of the goddess Rose in the center of the temple. Then through the statue to release a powerful and pure power, firmly guard the dark elf main city.

The dark elf main city has been blessed by the goddess of the goddess of gods for thousands of years, and has begun to transcend the common customs and possess the power of terror. This main city is the greatest heritage of the Dark Elf family, and it is also the greatest cost of the Dark Elf family to stand on the ground and the underground world.

Everything believes in the gods. The gods shelter the things.

The racial viability of being sheltered by the gods is much stronger than other races. That is why. Among many eccentric faces, many races have the gods they believe in, and those gods also shelter the races they guard, and the two depend on each other.

Even the warlock's world, before the rise of the first warlock dynasty, was also the world ruled by the ancient gods, and all races believed in the ancient gods. Under the rule of the ancient gods.

After the rise of the Lord of the First Warlock dynasty. Leading the human warlock to kill, seal, refine and refine the ancient gods who ruled the world, and to destroy the gods, this opened the first brilliant first warlock dynasty.

After the first warlock dynasty, the human warlock continued to grow and develop, and possessed the power to transcend the gods, and then attacked the ectopic plane and plundered the knowledge and civilization of the ectopic plane.

In the battle of colonization of human warlocks to conquer other ectopic planes, encounter ancient demon, ancient demon, ancient devil, giant, dragon

Wait for countless powerful enemies. The most powerful enemy is the gods of the opposite face.

The Eighth Warlock Dynasty was attacking a plane with a powerful god. Fighting with the mighty gods of that plane, both sides lost, and the internal chaos within the imperial dynasty. This will collapse.

It is precisely because the gods are so powerful, although the goddess of the goddess is lascivious, shameless, to provoke the dark elves to kill each other and to kill each other. The dark elves still respected her for thousands of years and did not dare to have any scorn.

Power is the truth, weakness is sin!

"Fighting helicopter!"

Seeing that the shelling effect is not great, Yang Feng brows slightly wrinkled and ordered.

Twenty Falcon heavy-armed helicopters suddenly flew up and flew into the sky about three hundred meters, flying toward the main city of the Dark Elves.

Yang Feng’s gaze fell on the top of the 20 Falcon heavy-armed helicopters. Once the Falcon heavy-armed helicopter can fly into the dark elf’s main city, he can directly use airdrop tactics to directly drop 100,000 animal-type mechanical knives. Enter the dark elf main city.

The twenty Falcon heavy-duty helicopter gunships suddenly flew two hundred meters away from the main city of the Dark Elf. The propellers continued to rotate, but did not scrape a little hurricane. After they swayed, they fell directly from the sky to the ground, and they slammed into a group of 20 fireballs.

Yang Feng flashed a touch of dignity in his eyes: "The air ban, there is no flaw!"

If the main city of the Dark Elf does not have a ban, it has long been captured by human warlocks. There are many flying spells among human warlocks, and there are many human warlocks who train a large number of flying supernatural creatures. If they can fly, a central flowering, the dark elf main city is directly killed.

"Strong attack!" Yang Feng thought of electricity, directly ordered.

After Yang Feng contributed the magic snake fortress, it was almost non-stop, and went straight to the dark elf main city day and night, just to conquer the main city before the dark elves had to come and convene allies.

Once the Dark Elves have brought together all the powerful allies, the difficulty of the main city will be ten times more difficult.

One hundred thousand animal-type mechanical knives flashed their electronic eyes, and they rushed forward together. In an instant, like a horse galloping, the earth shook.

Joanna hurriedly ordered: "The night of the moon is smashing the car, let go!"

In the dark elf main city, one of the brakes, the light flashed, three hundred dark moon blades were launched together, three hundred nights of the moon blade instantly shot, immersed in the dense animal-shaped mechanical knife group .

The three hundred dark moon blades were under the guidance of the dark elf magician. Each of them smashed twenty animal-type mechanical knives into two pieces. Under one attack, six thousand animal-type mechanical knives were directly formed. Two cuts fell on the way to the charge.

The 100,000 mechanical knives of the charge fell like a piece of wheat, and more than one-twentieth of the mechanical knives were split into two. The price paid by the Dark Elf family is 10,800 high-grade magic stones, equivalent to more than 140 million inferior magic stones.

"Cannon cover!"

Yang Feng no longer thought about what was seized, and immediately issued an order.

The 50,000-door heavy artillery roared again, and slammed into the dark elf's dark moon blade.

"Twisting force field!"

"Shadow of the Wood!"

"Bimu Shield!"


In the dark night's bladed position, a dark elf magician casts defensive magic against the heavy artillery shelling.

If it is outside the main city of the Dark Elf, those dark elf magicians have long been torn by countless guns. However, within the main city of the Dark Elves, the power of artillery was greatly weakened, and their power was greatly enhanced. One plus one minus, Yang Feng heavy artillery bombardment was actually hard to be blocked by the dark elf magician. Only twenty or so dark night blades were smashed by Yang Feng’s artillery.

Seeing that the six thousand animal-type mechanical knives were split into two pieces, Yang Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a wave of hands, 10,000 animal-type mechanical knives continued to join the ranks of the assault.

At the same time, three thousand engineering robots quickly came to the wreckage of the six thousand animal-type mechanical knife soldiers, and quickly recovered the wreckage of the animal-type mechanical knife soldiers and transported them to the rear.

The dark moon blade shot by the dark moon blade was very sharp, and even the big warlock could not resist it. However, it is the moon blade they shot too sharp, and the damage to the animal-type mechanical knife is not great. Once it is repaired, it can be put into the battlefield again.

Suddenly, a huge stone weighing more than ten tons and several hundred tons was projected from the dark elf main city and smashed toward the animal-shaped mechanical swordsmen.

The boulder fell from a height of 100 meters, and on the body of the animal-shaped mechanical knives, they directly smashed the shields on the body of the animal-shaped mechanical knives, and at the same time, the animal-type mechanical knives were torn apart, and the parts were four. Splash.

Under the bombardment of those megaliths, more than four hundred animal-type mechanical knives were smashed and even exploded.

Yang Feng saw this scene, and the dough was slightly pumped.

The mechanical swordsmen who were crushed by the boulder, even if they recovered their wreckage, need to be sent back to the ground world arsenal to be re-manufactured. In other words, before this war ended, Yang Feng could not recycle them.

The 100,000 animal-type mechanical knives stopped before they came to the moat in the main city of the Dark Elves.

In the moat in front of the main city of the Dark Elf, the black liquor tumbling, and a bubble appeared constantly, and there was a trace of black mist.

As soon as the animal-type mechanical knives approached the moat, there were many cases of slow corrosion in the body.

Yang Feng’s eyes also flashed a touch of dignified color: “Dark Poison River, the most terrible moat in the main city of the Dark Elves, once dropped into it, even the big warlock-level powerhouse will be eroded into slag.”

"Put the arrow!"

Joanna screamed, and suddenly shot countless arrows from the top of the dark elf main city, and shot at the animal-type mechanical knives.

Most of the arrows were blocked by the protective cover of the animal-type mechanical knives, but there were still more than 3,000 arrows that penetrated the shields of the animal-type mechanical knives and pierced them.

Among the more than 3,000 arrows, more than 300 arrows were directly blown open, and two hundred animal-type mechanical knives were blown into pieces.

In the dark elf master city, the strong as a cloud, many archers' archery can even shoot through the second warlock's protective spells. Under the blessing of the temple, they became stronger. (To be continued~^~)

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