MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 218 We eat worse than slaves.

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Stimulated by the green trees, the huge and incomparable business group immediately stepped up and rushed toward the woods.

During this time, the red earth wilderness was in the eye, all the red clay that could not be seen. The green forest, as if it appeared in the oasis of people's hearts, nourishes their minds and gives them a hint of moisture in the tight nerves.

It was already lunch time, and a trace of smoke rose from the green woods.

The slaves who were working in the woods began to gather together for dinner.

"God, white bread! These swearing slaves are eating white bread and potato soup!!"

"Damn, how can these squatting slaves eat white bread! This, isn’t this better than Bayi’s lord? Is there any reason?”

"White bread!! It's too wasteful! It's a waste of it to eat white bread for these slaves! Master Ian, it's a waste!!"


The heads of the slave trade groups broke into the woods and were attracted by the fragrance. They came to the places where the slaves ate. When they saw that the slaves were eating white bread, many of the leaders of the business group suddenly became red and heartbroken. The screams.

The staple food of the middle and lower civilians and slaves in the Faso plane is rough and hard, like the root wood. It needs to be soaked with water to make the black bread sticks barely. And the soft white bread made from finely ground flour can only be afforded by wealthy businessmen and nobles.

Some of the fallen aristocrats even had to succumb to reality, and the family smashed the black bread.

The leader of this slave trade group has many ghosts, and the heads of some small business groups are licking dark bread every day. Now I see that the slaves under Yang Feng are licking white bread, and their eyes become red.

The guards of the slave trade groups saw that the slaves were carrying white bread, and their eyes could not help but be red. The guards of these business groups are basically dark bread and drinking water. Now slaves are better than them. Naturally, they are very unbalanced in their hearts.

Jim stared at the white bread, and then looked at the city of wonders in the distance. There was an endless greed flashing in his eyes: "The rich Ian Master, even the slaves can eat white bread. If I bring people How about robbing the city, how many? I have 3,000 people in his hands. He has hundreds of slaves. Even if it is consumed, he can exhaust his spells! Grab the city and then dedicate it to the emperor. Maybe Jim can also become a nobleman!!"

Basically none of the slave traders in Regis City are good people. When they were in the city of Regis, they were barely obeying the law. But as soon as they left the city of Regis and came to the unrestricted wilderness, they became the most terrible beasts.

Every year, many small slave trade groups disappear silently into the wilderness. Jim is able to have such a large force in the city of Regis. I don't know how many small slave trade groups have swallowed the belt bone.

"Jim. Keep your people quiet!"

Clive walked out of the woods with four hundred heavily armed fighters, his brows wrinkled and yelled at Jim.

Jim looked at the courageous, spirited, Clive, who had a strong temperament, and his eyes fell on the fingers of Clive's hands, his eyes narrowing slightly, and the reddishness in his eyes instantly faded. Showing a friendly and awkward smile, greeted him: "Haha. Clive, I am so happy to see you. It seems that your body has been completely cured by Master Ian. Master Ian is really amazing. It!"

"Yes, I and the two hundred brothers have recovered their full strength under the treatment of Master Ian! Not long ago, a wolf cavalry of more than two thousand came to attack us. As a result, Ian The Master used his own power to kill a thousand wolf cavalry. If they didn't run fast enough, I was afraid that all the wolf cavalry would stay here. Their bodies were hung there, do you want to go over? Have a look?"

Clive's secret operation, a sky knight's horror temperament broke out instantly, and the powerful momentum oppressed Jim to breathe a little, looking at Jim like a smile.

What the slave traders are, Clive knows best. If you are stronger than those who are slaves, and give them enough benefits. Then they are your most faithful dog. But once you show a hint of weakness, they will turn into a group of wolves, and rush to eat you.

Jim's gaze narrowed slightly, revealing a happy smile, cheeky and said: "Haha! Great! Ian Master is really amazing! Clive, you have to thank me. If you don't have me, you can't meet Ian. A good man like the Master. And, you are with me, I have not abused you and your brothers!"

Clive and the two hundred soldiers of the Iman Principal's Guards were high-value goods, and Jim naturally did not treat them badly. If they raise their feelings and face the yellow muscles, those ladies will not like it.

Clive smiled faintly: "I really should thank you for this. But now, bring your people into the city!"

Jim is quiet: "Okay! Right, are all the slaves here eating white bread? It's too extravagant!"

Clive said: "Not!"

Jim was a little relieved, and the slaves in the district actually ate the same as his big businessman, which made him feel unbalanced!

Clive said: "Only a hard-working slave can eat white bread. Those who are lazy can only go to another place to lick dark bread and clear water."

Jim's cheeks suddenly sucked.

The heads of the business groups who came around were not very good-looking. Their standard of living is only equal to those who work hard in the city of miracles.

The heads of some small business groups are even darker. They basically eat brown bread every day, and only eat white bread when they are on holiday. Their lives are simply worse than slaves. Of course, that's because they are too embarrassed.

The escorts of those business groups were also black-faced, and they thought about the idea of ​​job-hopping.

The slaves are all looking forward to each other.

Jim curiously asked: "Isn't the city of miracles not lacking food? So for those slaves to eat white bread, can the food survive?"

The leaders of the slave trade groups also erected their ears. Especially those who transport food are even more nervous, as if waiting for the trial to wait for Clive's answer.

Clive was proud to answer: "The great Master Ian cast spells that cleaned up part of the land of the red clay wasteland. Now the land can be used to grow the bread trees that he has improved. The bread trees can be harvested three times a year. Each season, you can harvest five kilograms (with skin) of breadfruit (non-bread flour) from an acre of land. And the land for growing bread trees can also mix some potatoes, sweet potatoes and other crops. From now on, we will miracle The food in the city is completely self-sufficient!"

The heads of the slave trade groups sucked one by one, and there was a shock in their eyes.

The merchants who brought the food came over were crying and sulking, and they almost depressed to cry.

Jim's eyes turned and smiled and said: "The seeds of the bread trees, can I buy some back? I can pay for the purchase!"

As a keen businessman, Jim immediately noticed the huge strategic value of the bread seed. Once the bread tree is popularized, it will have a huge impact on the entire cost plane.

Clive smiled. "Sorry, these things are not responsible for me. You can go to Lina or discuss with Master Ian."

Under the guardianship of the four hundred soldiers led by Clive, this huge slave trade group directly entered the city of wonders.

As soon as he entered the city of wonders, Jim saw the wide and neat streets of the city of miracles. On both sides of the street, trees were shaded and beautiful buildings were built.

There is a layer of cement on the street, people come and go, but there is no trace of garbage, and there is no manure. The whole city looks neat, clean and beautiful.

Jim sincerely exclaimed: "It's a beautiful city! Master Ian is really amazing. He not only has strong magical power, but even the design city, he is definitely a master figure. I see the emperor, in many ways. It is no match for this city of miracles."

Randy looked around and sighed for a while: "I can't compare it! I have been to an imperial capital before, except for the nobility area and the city of Huangcheng, the rest of the area is littered with dust and livestock and human feces everywhere. When it rains, you can't go out without wearing rain boots. This city is the city where the best people should live!"

The head of this huge joint slave trade group is Jim and Randy, two of the most powerful slave traders in the city of Regis.

"That's the lake!! I didn't read it wrong! It was the lake!!" Suddenly, Jim gambled and pointed to the distance, his voice trembled.

"Lake!! My God! That's a lake!!"

“How is it possible? How can the red clay wasteland have a lake!!”


The eyes of those merchant leaders also looked in the direction of Jim's slightly fat fingers, and all of them showed a shocking color.

After the war of the gods, due to the blood pollution of the gods, plants within the red clay wasteland are difficult to grow. The climate has also slowly changed, the water vapor is thin, and there are not many rains in a year.

It is impossible for the entire red clay wasteland to have a lake. Even if the lake is artificially built, the water vapor will be evaporated continuously due to the arid climate, eventually becoming a dry dead lake.

Now in the city of miracles, there is a huge lake, which is simply a bad day. (To be continued~^~)