MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 227 return

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Yang Feng stepped on the road that was stained with blood. Before going to the grain store in the frozen rock city, Jianguang flashed, and the gate of the grain storehouse built by the steel directly collapsed into countless pieces, revealing a large piece of grain. Large pieces of food.

The half-orc boys looked at the large grain of grain in the grain store, their eyes almost green, and swallowed several times.

The living environment in the Casama area is extremely harsh. The half-orc boys basically have only a few sour and sour berries, wild vegetables, and some edible roots that are barely full. So much food, they are still seeing for the first time.

Conn is slightly respectful, and some can't bear to say: "Can't Caesar, can we find a way to transport these foods back?"

Katherine’s big, talking eyes were also staring at Yang Feng.


"Bring it back!"


Those half-orc boys have also come out.

Yang Feng said faintly: "No, we don't have so much time! Tell you a bad news! According to the great Ian god, the **** lion king Lawrence has taken the 20,000 soldiers of the blood lion hunting group. Come to this side."

Conn’s face changed greatly, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes. The voice shook a little: "Lawrence! It is the demon!!!"

Catherine's beauty is full of endless anger, and there is a layer of fear in the depths of the beauty: "Lawrence, the beast!! He, he came!!"


"He is a demon!!"

"It turned out to be his demon!!"


The half-orc boys were scared to faceless, their bodies were trembling, and their eyes were filled with the color of fear.

Blood Lion King Lawrence is the uncle of the current orc empire of the orc empire, and was banned in the orc empire. It is extremely brutal and has hosted a winter hunt for half-orcs several times.

Others presided over the winter hunting, and they also released water to raise fish, so as not to murder in the Kasama District. And the blood lion king Lawrence is extremely fierce and poisonous. In the first place, the Kasma District’s rebel army was completely killed, and even those who surrendered were no exception, and the villages where the half-orcs rebel had been killed were also slaughtered. Even the half-orc villages that did not participate in the rebellion were killed indiscriminately, and the people in the Casamare district were frightened and hated.

Yang Feng said: "It’s possible to stop the progress of these foods! Otherwise, they will only continue to chase us for food."

Catherine just nodded silently.

Yang Feng took out a tank and poured the fire directly into the grain of the grain store, igniting a torch and throwing it directly into the grain store.

The flame suddenly rose up in the grain depot, and the flame tongue spread quickly between the grain depots.

“The grain depot is on fire!!”

"It's over!!"

"What to do? Aridman seems to have been killed!"

"What should we do now?"


Within the frozen rock city, a unit of the Werewolf. It was in chaos. After Azhman was killed. There is no longer a person in the Copper Wolf tribe who can serve the public.

Some of the originally ambitious copper wolf tribes, when they saw the flame rising from the grain depot, knew that things could not be done anymore. They immediately took the soldiers to escape from the frozen rock city and fled to the copper wolf tribe. Whoever can take the lead to escape to the Copper Wolf tribe can gain a huge advantage.

Yang Feng took the hundreds of half-orc boys directly to the arsenal and opened the door to the arsenal. After everyone picked up a few weapons, it swayed and took everyone away from the frozen rock city.

Before Catherine lived in the nameless village.

Dick stood at the door of the village. From time to time, looking in the direction of the frozen rock city, the eyes are full of worries and worries.

"Is it too impulsive? 4 people. I want to go to the frozen rock city to assassinate the leader of the copper wolf tribe! This is simply an impossible miracle. It is difficult to determine the position of the leader of the copper wolf tribe."

Dick looked far away, and the wrinkles in his brows seemed to be a few more. He smiled and sighed: "There is no way! Even if it is a life-saving straw, we have to catch it. We have no retreat. !"

A middle-aged man with a pair of cats, slowly looking over, smiled bitterly: "Yeah, Dick, we have no retreat, we can only do what we can now, only pray The great Ian God bless them."

The four men went to assassinate the leader of the Copper Wolf tribe in the frozen rock city of the heavy defense, which sounds like a myth.

After those half-beasts calm down from the excitement of the blood, worrying is a very normal thing.

Dick asked: "How about Burrow? What are the reactions of those villages?"

Burrow smiled bitterly: "Basically, I promised to go with us. However, there is a precondition. If Caesar can assassinate the leader of the Copper Wolf tribe, then they will go with us. If not, they will only be like In the past, try to find a place to hide, listen to the fate, and pray that you can escape this winter hunting."

The resistance of the half-orcs to the winter hunting is just to find a place to hide and listen to the fate of life, trying to escape the winter hunting. The winter hunting of the orc empire, after all, is limited in time. After a certain degree of seizure, it will be evacuated. It is also a huge expense for a group of 20,000 elite soldiers to eat horses. The army of the orc empire cannot stay in such a barren area as the Casama area for a long time.

Dick suddenly asked: "Why is Caesar's chief assassinating the leader of the Copper Wolf tribe, not Catherine?"

Boluo Ping said: "Catherine is what we grew up with. What strength does she have, are we still unclear? Even if she gets the guidance of the gods, it is absolutely impossible to have the strength to assassinate the leader of the copper wolf tribe."

Dick was silent for a while, long sighed and nodded slightly.

"That is!! Someone, some people are approaching our village!" Burro suddenly looked nervous and stared into the distance. His eyes flashed a sigh of relief: "I will go back to the village and let everyone hide."

"No!! No!! It is Caesar, it is Caesar. They are back. They are alive!! My son, Chuck, is alive! Thank God!! He has finally survived!!" Dick’s eyes are round, The body trembled, some incoherent, and the eyes were filled with tears.

"Haha!! They are alive!! Haha!! I will go back and tell everyone this good news!! I will go back and tell this good news to everyone!!"

Boro was also excited and incoherent, jumped up directly, as if he had become a young man, and rushed directly into the village.

"Caesar is back!! Caesar adults are alive and coming back!! Everyone is coming out!! Caesar adults are alive and coming back!!"

As soon as Burrow rushed into the village, he shouted.

"What, Caesar, they are alive!!"

"Are they alive back!!"

"So, the leader of the Copper Wolf tribe, was they assassinated?"


From the village there were more than a hundred half-orcs, many of them were representatives of other villages. These days, they are just like the years in this village. Now they hear the news of Yang Feng and his party. They are all excited and come out from the village.

Then all the orcs flocked to the entrance of the village, and they saw Yang Feng and Catherine walking side by side, followed by Conn and Chuck behind them, behind Conn and Chuck, followed by hundreds of orcs armed with weapons. juvenile.

Conn held the spear with the head of Azhman high and shouted: "We are back!! Caesar has killed the leader of the Copper Wolf tribe, Azhman. This is his first class! Great Iraq. Long live the goddess! Long live the great Caesar!!"

"It's done!! They actually did it!!"

"Killed! They actually killed the leader of the Copper Wolf tribe, Azhman."

"This is a miracle! Only the guidance of the gods can achieve the miracle!!"

"Our half-orc family, finally hope!!"


The half-orcs looked at the spear in the head of Azhman's head, burst into tears and shed tears of excitement and excitement.

"Long live the great Ian god! Long live the great Caesar!"

"Long live the great Ian god! Long live the great Caesar!"


From the crowd, there was a burst of cheers.

Yang Feng was able to clearly perceive the power of a trace of faith from the bodies of the half-orcs, and then absorbed the cosmos created by him.

Dick slowly walked over to Yang Feng, kneeling on the ground, bursting into tears, but awe-inspiring: "The great Caesar God makes the adults, thank you very much, and brings hope to our half-orcs."

Numerous tears flowed from the eyes of the half-orcs. The more than one hundred orcs came to Yang Feng and squatted on the ground, bursting with tears and expressing their most sincere gratitude.

In the midst of countless years, the suffering family of the Orcs has never seen hope. Even the emergence of the Orc Rebels is a breeze that is easily suppressed by the orc empire and human slaves.

Now a **** sent a gods, almost a miraculous way, four people in the area assassinated the leader of the Copper Wolf tribe in the frozen rock city and guarded by thousands of werewolf warriors. This made the half-orc family finally see a glimmer of hope.

The half-orc boys saw tears and burst into tears, one by one in front of Yang Feng.

Chuck hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed slightly, and also squatted in front of Yang Feng, and there was no longer a contempt for Yang Feng. In the battle to assassinate Azhman, he has already seen the magical place and powerful power of Yang Feng. Such a person is how he can exist. He is also a half-orc, and he longs for the freedom and dignity of the half-orcs. (To be continued~^~)