MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 240 Defeated the Legion

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A group of black gas appeared on the faces of all the generals of the Hunting Legion and the members of the Masters.

Everyone saw this scene and they were amazed.

"Damn, I am poisoned!!"

"We are poisoned!! When is it!!"

"Damn, when is this? When have we been poisoned?"


The generals of the Hunting Legion were all face to face, and the eyes were flashing with endless panic, and the discussion was full of fear.

Amoedo took out a bronze mirror and looked at it for a while. He screamed: "My face, no, no, my face, how can it be like this!"

Amoedo was a glamorous face and won the favor of His Majesty the Emperor. If his face is no longer beautiful, then the favor of the Emperor’s Majesty will leave him.

Amoedo hugged an arm of Bagus Archmage and pleaded with a loud cry: "Bags Master, save me!! Save me!! When I return to the capital, I will let you kneel down." Give you many rewards."

"Don't panic! This poison is not a poison that cannot be lifted. I..." The words of Baggs had not finished yet, and he vaguely felt that Yang Feng looked at him with a smile.

A severe pain rushed out of Bagus, and he couldn't make a big spurt of blood directly from his own. He was soft on the ground and couldn't move.

Although the spirit of the magician is strong, their bodies are too weak. In the poison of Yang Feng, as long as Yang Feng does not give them time to cast spells, they have no resistance at all.

The generals of the Hunting Legion were vomiting blood to the ground, and the banner that represented the handsome flag also fell to the ground.

The entire Hunting Legion collapsed, and tens of thousands of fighters fled. Many of the fighters fled to the half, and they vomited blood and smashed on the ground. Can't move.

From the city of miracles, eight thousand slave warriors emerged and rushed toward the remnants of the Hunting Legion.

The eight thousand slave warriors couldn’t fight hard, and they used to catch prisoners. It was a good one.

In addition to some soldiers fighting to escape into the depths of the red clay wilderness. The rest of the Hunting Legionnaires were slain by the slave warriors.

A few hours later. Yang Feng commanded the thousand cavalry to slowly enter the city of wonder.

On both sides of the road to the city of wonders, stood full of slaves bought by Yang Feng!

"Justice will win!! The city of miracles will win!"

Yang Feng entered the city of miracles, holding high swords and loud.

"Justice will win!!"

"The city of miracles will win!!"

"Long live Ian Master!!"

"Long live Ian Master!!"


From the city of the miracle, there was a burst of cheers from the earth. The slaves looked at Yang Feng, and their eyes were filled with the color of worship.

With the power of a thousand cavalry, he directly penetrated the tens of thousands of troops of the Hunting Legion. Killed the Hunting Legion. This kind of thing. Only legendary heroes are enshrined in the legend, and legendary heroes with peerless courage can do it.

From the bursts of enthusiasm, Yang Feng sensed that the power of faith spread on his body. Obviously, after this war, his reputation in the city of miracles has increased a lot.


Inside the prison of the City of Miracles.

In a huge prison, there are more than one hundred magicians. These more than one hundred magicians are a horrible force. They can use the magic to easily destroy an army of two thousand people. It is a pity that because of the poison of Yang Feng, no strength has been exerted. He has been slain by him.

Yang Feng slowly walked into the prison, followed by Babu and ten cattle and half-orcs.

I saw Yang Feng coming in. The more than one hundred magicians showed a hateful color.

Yang Feng swept the more than one hundred magicians and said faintly: "I am the Master of the City of Miracles, Master Ian, I am now, to recruit you, people who are willing to work for me, stand to the left, unwilling Stay in place or stand on the right."

The more than one hundred magicians stared at Yang Feng, and they all showed a hint of ridicule. They are all noble and incomparable magicians. How could they be willing to loyal to Yang Feng, a wandering mage who has no background, is unstable, and has offended the Morrisian Empire.

Yang Feng waited for a while, and saw that no magician had any movements and patted his hands.

Babu went straight up and took a long knife and pointed at a magician. He snorted: "You, would you like to work for my master?"

The magician spit directly, and he was very proud of his arrogance: "Hey, a group of slaves."

"If you don't want to, then go to hell!" Bab's eyes chilled directly to the front, and the head of the magician was cut off directly, and the blood was sprayed out of the cell and spilled.

The hundred magicians saw this scene, a slight glimpse, and then there was endless fear in their eyes. They are noble wizards who will be respected by countless people wherever they go. Even for captives, many people will entertain them with good food and drink, waiting for their owners to redeem them with ransom.

Now a noble magician has been cut off by a low-lying half-orc slave, which is incredible.

A magician's face turned loudly and snarled: "Ian, are you crazy? We are noble magicians, you even let a half-orc slave kill Camacho. If this thing is spread, it will never There are magicians who come to you. The magician of the entire Faso plane will be against you."

Yang Feng underestimated: "If you are all here, can you not pass it on?"

The more than one hundred magicians heard the words, and there was a cold in my heart.

A magician suddenly said loudly: "I am willing to pay a ransom!! 100,000 gold coins, no, one million gold coins! I am willing to pay a ransom, please take my life around me, and I am free."

A magician is far more expensive than an ordinary person, but even so, a million gold coins are not a small amount for a magician. Usually one million is enough to redeem a magician.

Yang Feng shook his head with some regrets: "It's a pity that I don't need money now, so I don't have a magician! Since you sent it to your door, then only death and the two options for me."

Babu pointed to another magician with a long knife and snorted: "You, would you like to work for my master?"

The magician fell into a state of hesitation.

Babu did not hesitate and did not hesitate. Kill the head of the magician directly: "If you don't want it, then die!"

Seeing the body of the magician whose head was seen, the magicians were all cold and full of fear.

Babu pointed to another magician with a long knife and snorted: "You. Would you like to work for my master?"

The magician's face changed dramatically. Straight up, stood on the left and shouted: "I am willing, don't kill me!!"

Under the threat of death, a magician hesitated, helplessly got up and stood on the left. More than a dozen magicians who did not want to surrender were directly cut off by Babu.

Inside the prison. Soon there was only one Bagus.

Baggs said: "Ian. If I don't want to work for you, would you kill me?"

Yang Feng smashed the railroad: "Yes."

Baggs said one word: "We are both believers of the goddess of the magic net, you kill us like this, isn't it afraid that the goddess of the magic net will anger?"

Yang Feng smiled coldly and said: "This is a city belonging to the goddess. You magicians, dare to attack a city sheltered by a goddess. I did not treat you as a heresy, tied to the stake and burned to death. It is already giving you face. It is."

The magicians trembled one by one, only to feel that the air was cold. Burned to death on the stake. That is a cruel criminal law than the dagger.

Baggs was also found to have no language. He was silent for a while, and finally sighed long: "Well, I am willing to work for you."

"No resistance!"

Yang Feng pointed to a bullet, a needle that only contained liquid nano-robots flew directly out and stabbed the arm of the magician.

The magician's face changed slightly, but after seeing the body, they silenced, letting the needles stick over their arms.

After those nano liquid robots were injected into the magician's body, Yang Feng hit a ring finger. The magicians only felt a pain in the body, a mouth, a black liquid spit out from their mouths, spilling the earth, stinking. .

After spitting out the black liquid, the magicians suddenly felt that the body became much refreshed.

Yang Feng said faintly: "This kind of alchemy can remove your body's toxins and strengthen your physical fitness. But once you want to betray me, these alchemicals will kill you directly. I will remind you now, I hope you don't do stupid things."

The magicians heard the words, their faces suddenly changed, and they were silent.

The mystery of magic is endless, and many potions have magical powers. There is nothing unusual about a potion that can control others.

Yang Feng patted his hands.

Lena immediately walked in with more than a dozen maids and bowed to Yang Feng: "Master, what do you want to order?"

Yang Feng faintly pointed to the nearly 100 official magicians: "Bring these distinguished magicians down and arrange them!"

After Lina bowed to Yang Feng, she turned to the magicians and said, "Yes, master! Masters of magicians, please come with me!"

The magicians looked at each other with a sigh, but they got up and followed Lena to the outside.

Yang Feng turned and walked toward the depths of the prison and pushed open a room directly.

In the room there was a man, a glamorous man, Amoedo.

"It's a man who wants a woman more than a woman!" Yang Feng entered the room and saw Amoedo, his eyes lit up slightly and praised him.

After seeing Yang Feng, Amoedo changed his face and asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Feng smiled slightly: "I am the owner of the city, Ian. General Amoedo. Are you still used to living here?"

Amoedo is like a woman who is generally nervous and growls loudly: "Not used to it. It is too dirty and too stinky! There is no carpet, no red wine, no incense, I don't want to stay here for a moment. Let me leave I will pay the ransom. Is one million gold coins enough?"

Yang Feng was very refreshed and said: "Well, I will let you leave here. I hope that after you leave, you will be able to send your ransom and one million gold coins in the future."

Amoedo whispered a little: "You just let me go?"

Yang Feng said: "Yes. There are too many bandits outside. It may not be safe for you to walk alone. You can pick up ten of your most trusted guards to **** you to leave here. We will prepare enough water and food for you. I will Command the army, attack the clay city, and ask you to leave as far as possible."

Amoedo looked suspiciously: "What are your attempts?"

Yang Feng said faintly: "The Maurice enemies are so powerful that our city of miracles can only fail if we can win. Maybe one day, I still need the adults of Amoedo to say something to me before the emperor."

Amoedo's eyes shone with a smile: "Okay! I am still a bit weighty before the emperor's squatting. If it is at that time, I will definitely say a few words for you."

After the deliberation, Yang Feng immediately released the more than a dozen guards selected by Amoedo and Amoedo, and gave enough water and food to the Amoedo.

Clive looked at the back of Amoedo and hesitated for a while before asking Yang Feng: "Adult, I have something unknown! Amoedo is the head of the Hunting Legion Army that we finally caught. Just put him in this way. Is it too cheap for him?"

Yang Feng suddenly asked: "What do you think of Amoedo?"

Clive scorned: "He is a waste. Let him come to be the head of the army, and Emperor Morrisen simply blinked."

Yang Feng smiled faintly: "He is not a waste. There are a total of thirteen men who are under the guise of Emperor Morrison with him. In the end, only he survived alone. Those who attacked him were in five. Within the year, they fell one by one. Only the Prime Minister of the Morrisian Empire, Casimiro, was alive. You said that he was not very powerful?"

Clifton took a breath of cold air and his eyes were full of shock. In his eyes, the man of Amoedo is a rabbit selling ass. Such a rabbit has turned down the heavy ministers of the Morrising Empire one by one, and the ability of the Amoedo court to fight is strong.

Yang Feng said profoundly: "We can't kill people like this. We must protect them as much as possible! Morrisne Empire is a giant tree. Without these locusts, we can hardly compete with it!"

Clive was silent for a while before he nodded firmly. (To be continued~^~)