MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1672 Strong and invincible

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"Five Star Realm Lord?"

"This guy really hid his strength before."

Looking at the howling Ye Xuan, he felt the breath he showed. Yingjue, Sky Blade, and Earth Spider were all staring, and there was a hint of coldness and surprise in their eyes.

"I will meet him!"

At the moment, Tianbian flashed murderously on his face, stamped his feet, and rushed out like lightning. A cool black blade appeared in his hand, covered with grooves and weird runes, and it was cut directly like a sawtooth. , Collided with the dragon blade that Ye Xuan had cut.


The sound of metal switching sounded, and the terrifying energy turned into a circle of fire waves centered on the two bodies and swept in all directions, making the faces of the people around them involuntarily changed, and they retreated subconsciously to the rear, for fear of being fought by them. Aftermath.

When the blow collided, Ye Xuan's arm shook, and a majestic force exploded, shaking the sky blade out, and then the dragon blade in his hand pierced out like lightning, piercing the heart of the sky blade.

Tianjian's face became cold, and the black sword in his hand blocked it.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Ye Xuan's dragon blade stabbed on the black blade sword's body, and the powerful force pushed the sky blade back and forth, making his expression gloomy and his expression gradually becoming serious and solemn.

The brief fight had already made him understand the extraordinary strength of Ye Xuan.

He was about to fight back, but Ye Xuan smiled coldly, stomping the sole of his foot suddenly, and pure star power poured into the ground.


The roar of the dragon sounded, and the earth shattered. A huge dragon slammed out of the ground in front of the sky blade, opened its huge mouth and bit at him, bringing him an extremely powerful crisis. The gloomy complexion is hard to see the extreme.

At the time of crisis, he didn't even think about it, his figure suddenly retreated, but the dragon continued to bite him like a shadow, so that he could only use offense as a defense to stop the dragon from advancing and swallowing. pace.

A cold light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes, and his right hand was instantly wrapped in devilish energy, and he slammed down towards the ground with a powerful force.

"The Great Demon Prisoner Sky Lock!"


Following Ye Xuan's action, the chains of devilish energy rushed out from the ground without warning, like weird black tentacles. Before the sky blade had time to make any response, his body was entangled, his hands and feet were bound, causing him He was restricted in movement and couldn't break free in a short time.


The roar of the dragon sounded.

In the next instant, the dragon rushed forward and swallowed the body of the sky blade.


Seeing this scene, Lan Chen, Yu Chen and other disciples of the Haotian Medicine Sect showed a touch of ecstasy on their faces.

Ye Xuan is too strong, he only hit and solved the sky blade in an instant?


However, their words just fell silent and the huge explosion sounded loudly.

Under their horrified gaze, a huge black magic blade suddenly pierced out of the dragon's body, piercing its body.

Subsequently, a huge real body of the realm master emerged from the body of the giant dragon. As the real body of the real realm expanded, the huge body of the giant dragon was burst on the spot.

The huge real body of the realm master is surrounded by black star power, holding a magic blade, magnificent and fierce, like an invincible **** standing in the sky, exuding a terrifying aura.

Sky Blade's figure slowly appeared on the shoulders of the real body of the realm master, and appeared in people's sight.

Obviously, at a critical moment, this guy summoned the real body of the world master to resolve the crisis of life and death.

Although his strength is the same as Mu Tiandao as the five-star realm master, his combat effectiveness is obviously not known how many times higher.

Mu Tiandao couldn't compare with him at all.

"Boy, you are quite capable, and you can force this seat to use the real body of the realm master so quickly! However, your destiny ends here!"

Tian Blade stood on the shoulders of the real body of the realm master, the black blade sword in his hand pointed to Ye Xuan, and said coldly.

As his words fell, he jumped and landed on the head of the real body of the realm master. The countless star power in his right hand surged and pressed against the real body of the real body. The majestic star power was like a flood. Entering the real body of the realm master made his body shine with a dazzling light.

He opened his mouth even more, endless star power gathered in his mouth, an energy bomb condensing terror and destructive power was condensing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a devastating breath was quietly spreading out. .

In the next instant, a huge energy bomb was spit out from the real body of the realm master, and it came straight to Ye Xuan with endless killing intent.

In an instant, a strong crisis enveloped Ye Xuan, causing his expression to gradually become solemn.

The power of the sky blade is quite powerful, and the angle is tricky, and the enveloped area is extremely huge. If he avoids it, it will inevitably affect the disciples of the Haotian Medicine Sect, Yuchen, Lan Chen and others behind, causing certain casualties.

For today's plan, only hard resistance.


As Ye Xuan's thoughts flashed through, his whole body demon energy surged, and his hands became imprinted. At the moment of the energy bomb bombardment, his arms slammed open, his hair grew wildly, and the monstrous demon energy centered on his body Diffusion swept in all directions.

Endless energy pillars of demon energy burst out from the bottom of the earth, and a huge demon energy barrier spreads and pushes towards the surrounding with Ye Xuan as the center, continuously expanding its scope.

Great Demon World!

The majestic energy bomb bombarded the demon qi cover, making a dull collision sound, and could not shake the demon qi barrier at all, and it was absorbed and corroded by the demon qi barrier in an instant, turning it into nothingness.

Then, at the moment when the Sky Blade and the Earth Spider, Yingjue and the three of them had not had time to react, the entire Great Demon Realm engulfed them.

When they reacted, they were already trapped in the Great Demon Realm. A large amount of demon energy that corroded all things gushed out from the ground, and the densely packed monsters evolved, slaughtering them and biting them.

At the same time, there were demon air pillars bombarding them.

At this moment, they clearly felt that the slow transformation of the star power flow in their bodies was greatly suppressed, and their strength was also weakened to a certain extent.

Especially Tian Blade, he obviously felt that his speed had slowed down, and the connection between him and the real body of the realm master had also become extremely weak.

The entire radius was blocked by Ye Xuan’s Great Demon Realm, and a large amount of demon energy poured into his body, causing his aura to rise steadily, his hair flying, and a magic armor on his body. Formed, the cloak flutters with the wind, like a demon king.

This was Ye Xuan's first use of the Great Demon Realm after his strength increased, and the effect seemed to be pretty good.

His cultivation base was even promoted from a five-star realm master to a six-star realm master due to the influence of the Great Demon Realm. Although it was only a one-star improvement, it was enough to make his combat effectiveness undergo an earth-shaking change.

"Tianblade, don't play anymore, solve him quickly!"

Feeling the change in Ye Xuan's strength and aura, Earth Spider and Ying Jue flashed a cold light in their eyes, and shouted sharply without hesitation.

At this moment, they already felt a hint of crisis from Ye Xuan.

However, they still had no intention of doing it. In their opinion, the Heaven Blade was enough to handle everything in front of them.

"Got it!"

Hearing what the spiders said, the sky blade took a deep breath and nodded gently. The star power inside his body flowed and five golden energy planets appeared around him. At this moment, his momentum rose wildly, and the black sword in his hand also All quietly changed at this moment.

He held the sword in both hands with a solemn expression, and took the real body of the realm master to slash it out!

"Tianzhu! Kill!"

With the icy stern shout coming out of Tian Blade's mouth, the black blade in his hand slashed out.

With this action of him, his real body was also cut out with a single sword, and black holes appeared in the void behind him, and the dense sword energy turned into a flood of sky and bombarded Ye Xuan at this moment. Away.

At this moment, the entire Great Demon Realm was replaced by dense sword energy and flying swords.

Hundreds of thousands of sword auras, thousands of flying swords, at this moment, are whizzing towards Ye Xuan at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering him completely, leaving him with no retreat at all. At all.

At this moment, the entire Great Demon Realm became a world of sword energy.

The monsters evolved from the devil qi were annihilated under the bombardment of the sword qi and flying sword.

This time, Tian Blade obviously used his full strength and displayed an attack he was proud of.

Tianzhu is his most powerful trump card.

Under such an attack, even the six-star realm master would have to be hit hard and dying!

"It's a bit capable, the people in the Black Soul Palace shouldn't be underestimated!"

Seeing the attack from the sky blade, watching the densely flying sword aura and flying sword, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed a dignified, indifferent words came out.


At the moment when his words fell, a cold light flashed in his eyes, the endless sword flow turned, and the dragon blade in his hand slashed out with a sharp sword.

The sharp sword aura bloomed, and the void was torn apart, revealing a huge black stygo across Ye Xuan.

Sword Eye 36 Types: Broken River!


The countless corpses roared in the black stygo, seeming to feel that they rushed out of the stygo madly, rushing towards the sky blade, but it was a pity that they were torn apart by the dense sword aura and flying sword.

However, these flying swords and sword qi couldn't pass through the black Styx at all, hurting Ye Xuan at the back, as if he was in another dimension.

" this Dragon Emperor's Sword Eye Thirty-Six Form?"

"Damn, that guy has a relationship with Dragon Emperor?"

"I heard Master Heitu said that the one who came out of Earth Star was a descendant of the Dragon Emperor, named Ye Xuan. Could it be this kid?"

Seeing the huge Styx, Sky Blade, Earth Spider, and Ying Jue that emerged, their expressions all changed in unison, shock and amazement flashed in their eyes.

They had seen such a move from a distance back then.

The Dragon Emperor used this trick to kill 100,000 powerful enemies!

Their Black Demon Temple was looking for the kid Ye Xuan, but they didn't expect to be encountered by the three of them.

If he could kill this kid and bring his head back, then it would be a great achievement!

"Don't froze, let's do it together and kill him!"

All the attacks were resolved, and Ye Xuan's identity was recognized.

"it is good!"

As his words fell, Earth Spider and Yingjue looked at each other and nodded. At this moment, they also launched an attack on Ye Xuan, rushing towards Ye Xuan at a super fast speed!