MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 5 Conspiracy Vortex!

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Xinghai's night was lonely for Ye Xuan.

He sat alone at the stall on the side of the road, ordered a few side dishes, and asked for a few bottles of beer to drink.

From Ye Xiaokang's mouth, he learned indirectly what happened in the three years when he became a vegetable.

His parents and Leng Qingcheng's parents died unexpectedly one after another in the past three years, and he became nothing from the future heirs of the Ye family. He was even expelled from the family, and his name was removed from the genealogy.

At the same time, Leng Qingcheng received almost the same treatment at Leng's house, known as the funeral star, and expelled from Leng's house.

Fortunately, Leng Qingcheng has outstanding ability to have his own work and housing, so that he will not be left on the street.

However, in order to pay off Ye Xuan's debts and to maintain Ye Xuan's treatment for the past three years, Leng Qingcheng not only took all her salary in, but also sold her only house, and usually rented it outside. Live, life is extremely frugal.

No matter how much Leng Qingcheng hates Ye Xuan, after all, Ye Xuan is still her nominal husband, and she has fulfilled a wife's due responsibilities and obligations, and has categorically assumed Ye Xuan's debts, and maintains His treatment.

Can be described as affectionate and righteous ...

This woman fits Ye Xuan's appetite.

"This woman ..."

Thinking of the things he learned from Ye Xiaokang's mouth and the attitude of Leng Qingcheng towards him after he woke up, Ye Xuan's face could not help but a helpless smile appeared, and he raised his head and drank the beer in the glass ...

He didn't want to have anything to do with Leng Qingcheng, and went his own way, but judging from the silent contribution of this woman, Ye Xuan undoubtedly owed her a big deal.

If she hadn't tried her best to maintain Ye Xuan's treatment, I'm afraid that body was already dead, then Ye Xuan would not be reborn at all.

Counting down, Ye Xuan owed a life to Leng Qingcheng.

And ... intuition tells Ye Xuan that no matter his parents' death or the strange death of Leng Qingcheng's parents, there must be an unknown secret.

Also, the killer wolf seemed to be asking Leng Qingcheng for something ...

If this is the case, then Leng Qingcheng is undoubtedly always in danger ...

For all this, Ye Xuan had no intention of paying attention to it at all, but he owed a love and a life to Leng Qingcheng.

As a generation of demons, he has clear grudges and grudges.

What's more, as he woke up from the moment he killed the wolf demon, he was drawn into this invisible conspiracy vortex, unable to survive alone.

"Forget it, just help her return this kind of affection! Moreover, the parents who have a physical skin, it can be regarded as an explanation to the master of the body."

Thoughts fluttered in his head, Ye Xuan raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and murmured words in his mouth.

No matter what rounds others set up,

He Yexuan was determined.

It takes too much preparation for him to return to the Western Shura world, and now he starts from this small sea of ​​stars.

After eating the food stalls, drinking the night beer, and looking at the few tickets left in his pocket, Ye Xuan found a hotel nearby to stay.

Today he is homeless and has nothing. This money was contributed by Ye Xiaokang.

Now he is facing a huge problem-not only lack of money to spend, but also a job!

Lying on the bed, carefully digesting the large amount of information in his mind, Ye Xuan was thinking about the method of making money.


Soon, Ye Xuan's eyes brightened, and his face was full of smiles.

In his memory, Black Wolf, the helm of the evil wolf society, owed him a one million account. If he could return this account, it would be enough for him to buy some necessary equipment to support him for a period of time.

What seemed to come to mind, Ye Xuan murmured in his mouth: "I don't know what happened to those guys after three years?"

As Ye Xuan murmured, he sat up, picked up the landline on the night table, and dialed unique phone numbers.

These phone numbers are all mysterious and unique existences. Their owners are supreme existences. They are all Ye Xuan's brothers and friends. But in the end, none of them can get through, which makes Ye Xuan's heart full of worry.

What about those guys?

However, after thinking about it, Ye Xuan shook his head gently. Those guys are all extraordinary in strength and status. There are only a handful of people who can hurt them in the world, and nothing should happen.

"I'm going to worry about what those guys are doing? Right now, I still care more about myself, improve my strength as soon as possible, form a force of my own, and kill back to the Western Shura world."

As Ye Xuan's thoughts flashed, he fell asleep on the bed.

Ye's backyard, in the study.

A middle-aged man in his forties looks elegantly standing in front of the desk, holding a brush in his hand, writing a beautiful neat couplet like a pen and snake, with an invisible momentum and majesty. Spreading out of his body, showing his extraordinary.

He is now the helm of the Ye family, and is also the current patriarch Ye Jianxin!

Standing beside Ye Jianxin was a young man and a young woman who looked particularly miserable. They were all swollen and looked like pigs!

If Ye Xuan were here, they would definitely be able to recognize them, because they are Ye Xiaoli and Ye Xiaokang, brothers and sisters who were flattened out by Ye Xuan.

"Patriarch, you have to decide for our two siblings ..."

When Ye Jianxin finished writing, he put down the writing brush in his hand, and Ye Xiaoli's face was somber and she said aggrievedly.

"Yes, patriarch, you must make us decide ..."

Ye Xiaokang also said aggrievedly at this moment.

"What's going on? How did you two do that?"

Looking at Ye Xiaoli and Ye Xiaokang's embarrassing appearance, Ye Jianxin frowned slightly and asked in doubt.

"Matriarch, you do n’t know that Ye Xuan's waste woke up in the hospital and scolded your dog outside Ye's compound. Our sister and brother were just angry with him and did not expect that he actually beat us like this , Those security guards can't stop ... "

Ye Xiaoli covered her face and burst into tears, saying aggrievedly.

"What? That **** little animal is awake, not only scolding me but also treating you like this?"

Hearing Ye Xiaoli's words, Ye Jianxin's face showed strong anger.

"Yes, he scolded you for being a dog, and he was very cunning, saying that you had murdered his parents in a conspiracy in order to fight for the position of the patriarch. This patriarch should be his only right." Ye Xiaokang quickly agreed.

"This **** little beast! I'm so mad!"

Ye Jianxin's fists clattered and he slapped him on the desk.

"He also said that today he was expelled from the Ye family. In the next day, he wants us to regret it, and let us all kneel at his feet!"

Ye Xiaoli and Ye Xiaokang looked at each other and continued to speak.

"This jerk! Pass my order down, but if any company dares to keep him, using him is against the Ye Group. I want him to have no place in Xinghe and no job. Starve him alive! "

Ye Jianxin's cold words came out of his mouth.


Ye Xiaoli and Ye Xiaokang nodded.

"Come on!"

Ye Jianxin waved his hand impatiently.


Ye Xiaoli and Ye Xiaokang looked at each other and retreated!

After Ye Xiaoli and Ye Xiaokang left, Ye Jianxin groaned for a moment and pulled out an old cell phone to call a particularly strange phone number.

After a while, the call was connected with a cold and magical voice coming out: "Is there anything wrong with the call?"

"It's time for your apprentice to go down the mountain, right? Let her help me kill someone, it's her experience!"

Ye Jianxin's eyes flashed coldly, and he spoke coldly.

"Kill who?"

"Ye Xuan!"

"Isn't he already a vegetative?"

"But he woke up!"

"okay, I get it!"

Hanging up the phone, Ye Jianxin suddenly picked up a writing brush and wrote a "dead" character on white paper!

Strong and revealing, killer!