MTL - Medical Princess-Chapter 1228 This happened

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You old folks look at me one by one, I look at you without talking.

If this is an ordinary junior, there is no need for Shao Jing to say anything, they will inevitably rebuke. This one is now Princess Concubine, and no one dares to really offend her.

"Second uncle, Sansao is not in good health and cannot turn against her will. It is really inappropriate for Zhao to enter the house at this time. If it is not because ... in fact, I also want the reputation of Xingguohoufu to be better." Looking at Shao Jing's somber face without blinking, he smiled slightly and took a faint answer.

Three bedrooms can be separated, but the big and second bedrooms cannot be separated.

The title of Hou Fu is still in Shao Jing's hands, but the position of this son is in the big house, which originally represents the inseparability of the big house and the second house.

"Mr. Concubine meant that the big room should also be divided?" Shao Jing screamed loudly.

Qing'er's face sank. Xingguohou was scolding his master.

Shao Wanru waved his hand gently, motioning her not to act lightly, raising her eyes slightly, the bottom of her eyes was faint: "Uncle, I just said that I agreed with the three sisters, but the second uncle asked me Is it right? Does the second uncle find our two sisters in the big room annoying? "

This remark was so stern, Shao Wan looked as if his eyes were like a pond, his face cooled down.

The big room had only their siblings, and she could indeed speak on behalf of Shao Yuanhao.

Shao Jing settled down and pressed down the anger of his heart. He had thought it was just a comedy, but now he was so excited that he couldn't control the anger for a while.

"My concubine, it's my job!" Shao Jingdao said.

Shao Wanru's face calmed down: "What does the second uncle mean? Is it necessary to make a distinction? Is it necessary to force death?"

"Erbo, we have to separate our three bedrooms, we must separate them. This is a bad reputation, we ca n’t afford our three bedrooms! Your second bedroom is already married, and then we will have a few of our three bedrooms. No ... no family affairs have been scheduled, if I ... I'll go like this, their family affairs ... their family affairs ... what to do? "

The third lady cried, coughing while coughing, holding her chest tightly, and the coughing was almost out of breath, and the girls on both sides hurriedly patted her on the chest, and finally saw that she eased over, "Erbo And it will be complete. "

Shao Sanye saw that the three ladies were like this, but they still thought about their children, and they felt sad for a while. The children in the third room did not have a relative. If the third lady had another three long and two short, it would be a burden. In three years, the two daughters couldn't afford it first. Should this be a burden, would the two daughters still marry?

Thinking of this in my heart, I fell on my knees with a "thump": "Mother, second brother, let us share the three bedrooms. Second brother can do this for a daughter, I can do it, I still have Two daughters! "

He was talking about Shao Jing's outside maid.

The Jiang died before the second brother had to bring an outside maid into the door. The third master Shao thought that the main thing here was because of the outside maid. I heard that the outside maid was not too young. In good times, it's not good to be burdened again. The reason why the second brother stayed outside despite Jiang's death, must let the woman enter the house, and it must be for this reason.

His second brother is not a person who feels dizzy when he sees a woman. It is impossible to do so for this maiden.

Shao Sanye is really the truth!

Shao Yanru left the palace with a fake death. This is her only chance to return to Xingguohou's house. How could she let it go. Even though the niece of Xingguohou's house has fallen, it is at least better than an outside maid. Endless possibilities.

"I beg your mother, Erbo will be perfect!" The third lady held her hand, making difficult voices, and the voice became lower.

Mrs. Tai on the couch desperately moved her hands and feet, and she hated poison in her eyes. She wished for the life of Mrs. San, but she couldn't use anything, but struggled to make a sound to remind others of their anger.

But her futile resentment did not enter the eyes of everyone present.

Everyone's eyes fell on San Shao and Mrs. Shao.

"How do the old people feel?" Shao Wanru looked up at the stunned patriarchs and asked softly.

"This ... this ..." Clan Lao was also helpless, and things changed so fast that they never thought that Mrs. San would be so utterly utterly.

"This ... it's better to discuss it from a long-term perspective!" Said a clan old man with a long beard and procrastinated.

"When is the long-term plan good? Even if we can afford to wait, what Sanjiu looks like ... can't wait for the second uncle, let alone this situation in Sanjiu's eyes." This talking tribe is old.

The old hand of the clan clenched and lowered his head, which he couldn't answer.

The situation of Mrs. Three is very bad, and even an accidental one may really suffocate on the spot. If something goes wrong, who can afford this responsibility.

An outside maid in the second room has nothing to do, but she ca n’t wait. The three ladies are like this. Could she still wait for her to breathe in this tone, but not everyone can think about it subjectively.

"Second Brother, I'm begging you, let's break up, you can't tell the difference, she ... she ..." San Shao was sweating on his forehead in anxiety, and Mrs. San's situation was bad at first glance. When he softened, Mr. Shao took the wife from Yahuan, and his voice grew louder. "The second brother's daughter is a daughter, my daughter is also a daughter, and an out-of-door virgin is the only thing I want." For the death of my brother-in-law for an outside maid, if this is the case, we will all die in the second room here, so that your two nieces will not be able to marry before. "

Shao Sanye is very mixed up. He usually doesn't pay much attention to Mrs. San, but now she is angry. She can't support her anymore.

Shao Jingqi's teeth clenched. This useless younger brother did not dare to speak to himself in the past, and now dares to provoke himself to say such things.

"Second uncle, please let go of uncle and uncle!" Shao Wanru said coolly.

Others are all juniors, and dare not speak. She is different, and her identity is here. Even if she talks, no one can take her.

"Okay ... well, split ... split, split the three rooms out." Shao Jing's words were almost forced from the roots of his teeth, and he could no longer be made to say that he forced his younger brother-in-law to death because of the virgin affairs. Now, the third wife is not Jiang, and she has a good reputation. Although she has been in Xingguohou House for so many years, it is not a great role, and Mrs. Tai does not take her seriously.

But outside the house has been very good, something really happened, not to mention that Shao Sanye is a joke, it may be a big trouble, just now Shao Wanru is sitting here, and will not let himself get away.

Shao Jing took a deep breath and pressed down the sweetness in his throat.


"Thank you Erbo!" The third lady was holding the tone to make trouble, listening to Shao Jing's sigh of relief, the whole person softened, and fainted in the arms of San Shao after a word.

Shao Sanye's expression changed quickly, and he immediately sent someone to call for a doctor. Fortunately, the three doctors were always on the doctor's side, and the doctor came soon.

"Third brother, you really want to split up. After the split, you will just be an ordinary family, no longer a child of Xingguo Houfu?" Shao Jing didn't care about his brother-in-law's condition, but said coldly.

"Second brother, rest assured, I know, thank you second brother!" San Shao now only wants to split up, and this is what he didn't want. Now he can only bite his teeth and ask for separation.

He had always been afraid of Shao Jing, and he was not afraid at this time either.

The situation was so troublesome that Shao Jing said that it was useless. The clan elders were here again, and Shao Wanru of the big house was also there. Shao Jing was downcast and shared the things in the three rooms with Shao Sanye.

Mrs. Tai was also stunned, Zhao Xiran accompanied her into the back room, and asked the doctor to come.

Shao Wanru couldn't leave at this time, she now represents the big house.

This time the family was divided into three bedrooms. If they were to be divided, they should be shared together, but because of the special nature of the large bedroom and the second bedroom, and because the family separation was proposed by the third bedroom, there was no objection.

Sanfang took the initiative to ask for it, but the reason was that Shao Jing wanted an outside maid to enter the door, and there were clan elders to watch. Shao Jing couldn't really lose the three rooms. As for Shao Wan, he was generous, saying There are three more rooms. The wife's health is bad, and Shao Sanye can't do it. Shao Caihuan and Shao Cailing are not married, and they will have to dowry afterwards.

There are many benefits to the three bedrooms.

Shao Jing saw these benefits, but could not say anything, and was angry and annoyed.

Shao Wanru agreed, and it was she who offered to compensate the three-bedroom. Of course, he could not be stingy as the second elder brother, which made him feel the benefits of letting E Niang enter the door.

If E Niang had already entered the door, it would not be possible for her to suffer such a big loss. The second room still lacked an elder who presided over the inner courtyard. He was a man, and he couldn't talk to his niece here!

Shao Hua'an is also a man, so it is not convenient for him to say anything. Although Zhao Xiran is a big sister, this ordinary person's identity is in front of the identity of Princess Concubine.

Shao Jing then quarreled and angrily divided the three rooms out.

When I learned that they were separated, Shao Caihuan and Shao Cailing were very calm. They let them tidy up their own yard. After three bedrooms, they did not live in Xingguohou House. They had a large house, and the location was good. The land is not small either. This is what Shao Wanru proposed to compensate the three houses in Xingguohou government.

Originally, this house was not intended for the three-bedroom. Shao Wanru proposed it, and Shao Jing had to agree.

Xingguo Hou's house was in a mess, and the three-bedroom man started to move things out, and someone went there to clean the house. For a time, it didn't seem to be a funeral, it seemed to be doing something lively. Some people outside carefully inquired about the news.

The three-bedroom entrants were basically in and out, and the three-bedroom entrants were in the house in the past. At this time, I heard that the three-bedroom was separated, and also got a lot of benefits. Since then, I have become the master of the house. I was in a very good mood. When someone asked me, I spread the word in 1510!