MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 16 My last stubbornness

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Gu Xizhou saw Si Yu's expression on his face with a very unnatural expression, and raised an eyebrow, "Did you just pull me again?"

"I saw it, I can't help saving you, right?" Si Yu reluctantly laughed at himself. "Because of the death compensation of the two fugitives, I was told to the police station today. I just saw the police car rushing towards you two at the door . "

Gu Xizhou gave him a wink, then Li He is not cold because of you!

"What's going on?" Fang Zhi looked blank, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Si Yu said as he walked: "It's getting late, it's not early to get to the top of the mountain, and it's not safe on the mountain at night. Now that you know him, you can explain it to him."

"Okay." Gu Xizhou nodded and called Shang Zhi, not only Fang Zhi had doubts, he also had doubts in his heart.

Fang Zhi looked at Gu Xizhou and Si Yu, and when they saw their bland expressions, the whole man was blank.

"Is there a string of red numbers in Fang Zhi's sight?" Gu Xizhou asked.

Fang Zhi: "Well, there is a string of numbers, many zeros ..."

Gu Xizhou said: "This number represents the countdown to your life. If you die in this world, you will also accidentally die in the real world."

Fang Zhi: "..."

Gu Xizhou: "In addition, you may see something that cannot be explained here."

Fang Zhi heard the words for a moment and asked, "What is it?"

Gu Xizhou: "Supernatural phenomenon."

Fang Zhi's expression of "You make me funny" stared at Gu Xizhou: "I, I don't believe this! I have a police badge to protect me! Brother Gu, we are police! Believe in science!"

Si Yu glanced at him with a slight disdain in the corner of his mouth. "Then you better not believe it at all, you won't be so scared when you die."

Gu Xizhou: "Will you speak? It scared us Xiao Fang! But I don't believe it will die faster, it is true."

Fang Zhi: "..." Brother Gu, you don't speak much!

A gust of wind passed, and it was clear that it was the summer wind, but Fang Zhi felt that his back was cold.

Gu Xizhou saw Fang Zhi a little nervous, patted his shoulder and said, "Rest assured, I have experienced a world before, and those things are not very scary, just follow me."

Fang Zhi nodded, and after hearing Gu Xizhou's explanation of the rules in the mission world, the whole person was faint. He is a true downright materialist! Don't believe this!

After a brief conversation, Gu Xizhou, they have reached the position near the top of the mountain, can already see the outline of the villa, Gu Xizhou told him: "Call me Gu Ran here, call him shake star."

Fang Zhi hesitated for a few seconds when he heard the name. Thinking of catching the murderer the last time, after the glass window fell, Si Yu called him Brother Gu, "Last time, Brother Gu ..."

Gu Xizhou interrupted his words and confirmed his thoughts. "Yes, the last time I chased the murderer was my countdown to death, and that was my first time in the mission world."

Fang Zhi: "..."

He recalled the picture of the glass falling to the ground, and the tragic situation of the two people, swallowed and believed.

Before riding to the villa, Gu Xizhou dissatisfiedly asked Si Yu, who was quiet and said, "Yes, I have more than 40 hours in my life. Why am I suddenly here? There is no contractual spirit in this world . "

Si Yu: "..." What exactly are you wronged?

"It's because of him." On the way, listening to Gu Xizhou's scolding for a long time, Si Yu could not bear to point Fang Zhi, and the named Fang Zhi was aggressive, "His life time is counting down, you hold his hand ... I grabbed your hand, so I was mistaken by the mission world that we were going to team up to experience the mission, and threw us together. "

Gu Xizhou heard the words, and his eyes fell on Si Yu's body. "The last time ...?"

Si Yu: "..."

Gu Xizhou looked at him with a speechless expression, and even wanted to roll his eyes, and patted his shoulder. "It's too bad, brother! Rest assured, my brother will take you out!"

Si Yu: "No, please stay away from me in the future, it will be fine to meet you."

Gu Xizhou: "..."

The hilltop villa has two huge iron gates, and the door is filled with yellow sunflowers. Before the three of Gu Xizhou reached the summit, nine people had stood at the door of the villa. When they saw the three of Gu Xizhou, a few of them simply introduced their own. Name, the nine people at the door formed a small group, but the largest group had five people, led by a bearded man named Lei Ge.

Soon the sight of several people from Gu Xizhou fell into the door of the villa. Inside the door was a man sitting in front of the man with a huge drawing board, which just blocked the man's face and body.

"Why are you all standing at the door and not going in?" Gu Xizhou frowned and asked the first ones.

Brother Lei rolled his eyes and said, "Are you so blind on the door?"

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Gu Xizhou and Si Yu looked at each other, and Si Yu's gaze fell on the door. At that moment, he heard the person next to him open his throat and shouted at the opposite person.

"Hey, inside, can you help open the door?"

Brother Lei was startled and quickly grabbed Gu Xizhou and asked, "What are you doing!"

Gu Xizhou: "Tell him to open the door for us! Isn't this just him?"

Brother Lei lowered his voice: "It's not clear if it's a person or a ghost!"

But Gu Xizhou called the man, but the man didn't seem to hear it, and still didn't come to open the door. It was getting late, but in the mission world, if he couldn't find a place to sleep, it would be really dangerous!

When Brother Lei was anxious, he sent three young men who were looking for a way back, and shouted in surprise: "Lei Brother, there is a dog hole on the left wall! Can climb in!"

Looking at the gradually dark sky, Brother Lei heard the words, apparently relieved, and immediately led the person to the past. He also kindly called the three of Gu Xizhou.

"Dog hole? ... No, I don't drill a dog hole, this is my last stubbornness!" Gu Xizhou clung to the door for determination.

Brother Lei: "..."

Si Yu: "..."

Fang raised his hand weakly, "I don't want to drill a dog hole ..."

"Huh, it's all about to die, still care about drilling dog holes?"

"Oh, I'll see if it's dark after a while, they don't climb dog holes!"

The other eight said in a weird and eccentric manner, leaving one after another, Fang Zhi glanced at the few people who left: "Gu brother, what shall we do now?"

Gu Xizhou spread his hands and looked at Si Yu, who had not left, "Why don't you go with them?"

Si Yu: "Me? Have you ever seen a handsome guy like me drill a dog hole? Big husband, martial arts can't bend!"

Gu Xizhou: "Oh, little white face."

The people inside let them shout and ignore them. Gu Xizhou and Si Yu doubted life rare. Is this dogged mission world full of malice, do they have to pierce the dogs for the poor and helpless people? ?

When Gu Xizhou was a little skeptical of life, Fang insisted weakly and said, "Gu brother, you said he ... can't you hear it?"

"It's possible!" Gu Xizhou heard the words, picked up a big fist stone from the ground, and threw it hard, just hitting the man's paint bucket, and the person sitting in the yard looked at the gate and saw The three of Gu Xizhou, with a smile under their eyes, sounded as good as a lark, "You are finally here!"

The girl was wearing a white dress and short skirt with ponytails. Her eyes were round and big, and she was very beautiful. She put down her paint pen and ran over to open the door for a while, and said, "I have been waiting for you for a long time, hey, what about the others Why are there only three of you? "

Gu Xizhou whispered, "They went to drill a dog hole."

Gu Xizhou thought that the girl should not hear, but did not expect the girl to laugh, "Why don't they call me a cry, really!"

Gu Xizhou frowned and said to himself: "This is not a deaf!"

Seems to have heard Gu Xizhou's words, the girl gave him a particularly unhappy glance, saying in a voice like a lark, "I'm deaf, but I'm great now, I can understand your lips, don't think me I don't know you just said me bad things! "

Gu Xizhou: "..."

After talking, the three of Gu Xizhou almost understood that the girl was Lin Meng. Because of her father's family, her family left the country to live in a foreign country when they were very young. This time, the family went home to visit relatives and returned to their former residence. Old villa, invited classmates and friends who had a good relationship with the girls before, and let them come to the family to gather together.

"Did you even learn to paint?" Si Yu asked, pointing to the painting sandwiched on the drawing board.

Lin Meng nodded and looked at the three as expected, as if waiting for a compliment, "I learned it when I was bored abroad, is it good-looking ?!"

"Good-looking." Gu Xizhou said this sincerely. There are six people in the picture. The girl is standing in the middle and holding a baby. Her parents are standing on the left and right sides, and there are two hairs on the back. The white-haired old man, six people stood in a field of yellow sunflowers, the skin of the girl and the baby in her arms was white, and the skin of the other four people was darker.

Gu Xizhou glanced again at the beautiful girl in front of him, and the charming little girl next to the lively TV drama sweet smiled, and couldn't think of any supernatural phenomenon in such a place.

The three followed Lin Meng into the villa. She pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit anywhere. I'll get you something to eat. The mountain is so high. You must be tired if you come up!"

After that, the girl went to the large double-door refrigerator in the living room, took out the water and snacks from it, and handed them to Gu Xizhou. "Drink some water and quench your thirst."

Lin Meng finally handed a bottle of water to Fang Zhi, because the range of movement was a bit large, and she lifted the white skirt to her thighs. Fang Zhi, who was closest to her, closed her eyes subconsciously, and Lin Meng also noticed and called " Close your eyes! "

When Fang held his hand down, his face was a little red, and he explained, "I, I didn't see it! Don't worry!"

Lin Meng heard the words, her eyes bent into a small moon, and smirked: "Really or fake?"

Fang Zhi looked upright, "I swear!"

"Okay, I believe you!" The girl smiled, and heard Fang Zhi solemnly say-

"Don't wear such a short skirt in the future ... it's easy to get rid of it."

Hearing Fang Zhi's words, Lin Meng slightly hesitated and nodded: "Okay."

Si Yu: "..."

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Then suddenly someone knocked on the door. The three Gu Xizhou reminded Lin Meng that she trot all the way and opened the door to the guests outside, while Gu Xizhou and Si Yu looked at each other.

When Lin Meng came in, he brought Lei Brother's dog-climbing dogs into the cave. Some of them were a little bit embarrassed and covered with mud. Before this, the mountain had been raining. Everyone's clothes were mud. On the sofa, Gu Xizhou and the three of them, Brother Lei gave a stun.

"How did you come in?"

Gu Xizhou pointed to Lin Meng, who had just walked behind them, and said, "Sister Miss opened the door for us!"

Brother Lei: "But she just ignored you!"

"Miss Sister has bad ears and can't hear the sound, so we lost a stone." Gu Xizhou blinked and said that he was throwing a stone in the air with his hands.

The people who came in the dog hole looked at him silently, and then turned to look at Lei, who took them to the dog hole: "..."

Brother Lei: "..." 2k novel reading network