MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 120 , black bird in shadow

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Keel came out of Knight Crowe's tent with a sad face.

He kept murmuring something that he hated monster meat in a low voice, making it difficult for others to understand.

Taking off the armor he had worn all day beside his tent, Keel fetched a bucket of water and wiped his equipment with a clean sackcloth.

Xueyasite had fallen asleep early due to fatigue and blood loss, and one of the two guards had gone back to sleep. They didn't set up a tent, but directly spread their bedding on the relatively clean earth brick floor. One slept and the other One guards the Crow Knight.

Of course, sentry is not to protect the knights. The knights don't need them to protect them. The main reason is to block and ask people who may visit in advance, so as to give the resting knights a buffer time to get up.

After all, Kiel understands that even if he doesn't wear knight steel armor and uses weapons specially designed for knights, even dozens of people can't beat him with his bare hands.

He disassembled the armor parts of the iron armor one by one, carefully scraped out the minced meat and plasma stuck in the gaps during the battle with a dagger, and then wiped it repeatedly with a sackcloth dampened with water.

After cleaning one piece, he set it aside to dry. The air here is quite dry, and it is easy to dry things, even without fire.

After cleaning up, Kiel emptied the muddy and **** bucket, then returned to the dreamland in the tent, took out a set of tools for oiling the armor, and walked out.

Anyway, no one was looking at this side, so he was a little more casual.

Dip a small pig hair brush with anti-rust and lubricating animal fat, and lightly brush a layer on the surface of the armor, and then carefully wipe it with a wrung linen cloth until it can reflect the light from the lamp holder.

The places where the armor rubs and moves need more grease to be applied on it, and there is no need to wipe it, as long as the armor is combined and moved a few times.

After everything was dealt with, Keir carried the armor into the tent and placed it in the corner of the tent. He fastened the tent from the inside, got into the dog skin sleeping bag, and gradually fell asleep.

He didn't see that a wooden animal amulet hanging on his chest showed a strange smile.


Ga -


Ga -


Ga -


Ga -

Ga -



Keel was awakened by an ominous hoarse cry.

"Whirring whirring."

He felt his whole body tighten, and woke up from his sleep quite uncomfortable.

His whole body was dripping with sweat, as if crawling out of blood plasma, sticky and smelly.

The surroundings were dark, not the cold underground overnight buildings in the village, but like a dark forest in a cloudy sky.

"This is where?"

He was a little confused, and the surroundings were strange, which made him feel very bad. Maybe something bad is about to happen, or has already happened.

Swallowing a mouthful of spit, Keel rubbed his body, trying to get rid of the smelly and sticky feeling on his body.

But only then did he realize that he was only wearing the loose coarse cloth clothes he wore when sleeping. The solid armor that he could rely on was no longer with him, and it was obviously placed in the tent when he slept.

"where it goes?"

He looked around, but in the gloomy environment, only his dog-skin sleeping bag was beside him.

Hunting with the long sword, Yueshui's head and two-handed ax were not there, even if he put both of them in the tent before going to bed, they were within reach.

This time, Keir really panicked.

He flinched and looked around cautiously.

Surrounded by dense and dark forests, the tall trees looked like dark shadows covering the sky, and there seemed to be more dangerous and dark things hidden in those darkness.

staring at him.

It's like staring at a delicious meal.


Although Keir didn't have weapons and equipment with him, he panicked for a moment, but soon, his confidence as a soldier returned.

He ignored the smelly and sticky feeling on his body, but directly lifted the dog-skin sleeping bag at his feet, draped it across his shoulders, tied the opening rope of the sleeping bag, and wrapped the warm and thick sleeping bag around his body.

As a simple layer of barely protection.

He did this subconsciously, and he didn't even find it strange to do so.

Ga -

There was another ugly cry, but the weird cry of the old man sounded around.

Keel vigilantly tried to find the source of the strange sound, but found that every shadow around him seemed to be the source of the strange sound.

"Speech." No longer swallowing his spit, Keel spat on the ground in disdain.

Only then did he notice that the ground on which he was standing barefoot was not really the ground as he had thought before, but also a large shadow.

"Hey, it's definitely not an ordinary place. It won't be the strange wind grassland. It won't even be the real world!"

Keir was a little flustered, but soon realized that no one could **** him away from the Crowe knight who was close at hand. Just kidding, the Crowe knight could even collapse the entire Kamsey village, no one would I want to trouble Knight Crowe in that kind of place.

And he is not a big shot, or someone with a relationship who needs to be taken away.

An ordinary person, well, maybe not so ordinary, but no one knows, right?

Thinking of this, Keir hesitated again.

But no matter what happened at this moment, he had to pick himself up and act.

Indecision wastes opportunities and often loses the initiative in events.

He cautiously approached the surrounding trees, and lightly touched them with his hands.

Trees that look black like shadows turn out to be very ordinary when touched. Keir let go of his nervousness a little, and immediately tore off a branch with a thick wrist, keeping the cut at a slant when tearing it off.

Trying to make the stick in your hand sharper, if not more threatening.

With a piece of wooden stick in his hand, he calmed himself down, carefully observed his surroundings, and tried to find a way out.

"Can't you just let yourself feel the pain and then wake up from a weird dream?"

He felt that there might be a strange dream around him, so he whispered tentatively: "Ms. Apolfina?"

Unexpectedly, his gentle question caused a great change in the surroundings!

The shadows of the woods suddenly became taller, abstractly raised to an unattainable place, so that the slightly dark weather could still be seen, completely saying goodbye to Keel.

At the same time, Keir noticed that the surrounding shadow-like forests that were within reach were also moving away from him in an instant. It seemed that he was receding, but it seemed that he was moving away from those things.

Obviously, his footsteps did not move at all.

Kiel held back his uncontrollable expression, clenched his teeth, and kept twisting his body and neck, paying attention to all the changes around him.

"You're not Ms. Apolfina, are you?"

Kyle asked tentatively.

Then he added a mocking sentence: "Because the surroundings are pitch black, there is no sense of beauty. There is a sense of mystery, but it is not beautiful enough."

What responded to Kiel was a loud "ga——" strange cry.

"Gah! A Drunken Dreamer?"

A question rang out from the top of Kiel's head, and Kiel reacted immediately, and stabbed the wooden stick in his hand fiercely into the sky.

"Gah! You hurt me, boy!"

The weird cry sounded again, and the wooden stick in Kiel's hand seemed to be much heavier for a while.

Looking up, Keel found a big bird squatting on the top of the wooden stick, half the size of a human being, covered in dark gray with different shades, just like the surrounding shadows.

This monster is like a huge crow and an owl, with a pair of shiny black eyes, it is looking down at him as it lowers its head.

A black bird's beak with a beautiful curvature is opening and closing, spitting out human words, and spitting out vocabulary unhappily.


Keel was taken aback, not knowing whether the thing was good or evil, and how it got on top of his head.

Immediately frightened, he threw the wooden stick in his hand.

But the thrown wooden stick still seemed to be held by someone, perpendicular to the ground, fell to the side, and stood firmly on the ground.

"What! Who are you?"

Kiel took two steps back, immediately put his arms in front of his body, posed in a fighting posture, and at the same time mobilized the life energy in his body, 'quickly' filling his whole body with activity.

Big Bird looked at Keir's reaction with disgust, and then spoke again: "Little guy, before asking who is the person, shouldn't you introduce yourself politely? Who am I? Then, who are you?"

Unexpectedly, Keir didn't pick up his words, and didn't introduce himself stupidly.

Because he is not a country fool, he has lived in the prosperous city of Kendall for a long time, not to mention the few bards who often appear in the tavern, it is the park opposite the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce, where the wealthy people rehearse He has also seen a lot of local dramas performed.

In the drama story, all viewers are repeatedly warned not to respond passively to something in a strange event or environment, but to actively question the other party.

Force the other party to answer!

Because one question and one answer is itself a kind of primitive contract.

And any contract with a strange existence is not a good thing, so be vigilant.

"Who are you? How did you get me here? And why did you get me here? How did you get out? What is your relationship with Ms. Apolfina? Answer my question! Bird!"

"Gah! Who are you calling a big bird? Poor little guy! Before you is the howler of crows, the haughty hunter of flying eagles, the shelter and hunter of flying species, the whimper in the night, Protector of Wings, Patron of Hunters, Ancient Messenger of the Wilderness, Budolib Dorab Yika! I am the Shadow, I am the Wings, I am the Hunter, and I am your dark nightmare!"

Keir's reaction was very strange, as if he was trying to hold back a laugh, he tried his best to pull his facial muscles and control his tongue, so that he didn't laugh when the **** bird reported himself. sound.

But all of Kiel's slightest movements were caught by the pair of dark and shining eyes in front of him.

"Irreverent boy! What are you laughing at?"

Keir didn't answer the other party's question, but talked about things he didn't want to close: "Master Bu, what, can you make the surroundings brighter?"

Big Bird was very unhappy, staring closely at Kiel who was holding back his laughter, wondering why this mortal was laughing, even if he was holding back, he could tell at a glance that this rude mortal was laughing just now.

what's so funny!


He flapped his wings, but his body didn't move, not even the wooden sticks under the bird's claws that were perpendicular to the ground moved. Only a few **** of the wings, and the surrounding shadows partially faded.

The shadowy forest that seemed far away in the distance was still far away, but the trees overhead that could shade the sky receded, revealing a dark sky.

Cloudy days are also daytime, providing at least a small amount of lighting.

Kiel finally had a clear view of a large area around him.

It's all black, with a little gray mixed in, but not much.

The stone is black, like a large opencast coal mine. The grass was black, as if someone had scribbled it with ink on the parchment.

The low shrubs are also black, and the thumb-sized berries on them are also black. It looks like a curled up beetle, and it looks like a fruit that may be eaten.

"I am Budolibdolabuyka, impertinent mortal! Remember my great name, he will be the key to change your life.

Become my believer and offer me your best sacrifice! Ga—

Be my messenger and spread my name! Ga—

Become my priest and guide more people to worship me! Ga—

The best sacrifice, I will let you get the best hunting ability! Ga—

Recite my name ten thousand times devoutly, and I will give you the ability to glide through the shadows! Ga—

People who worship and grow with me, I will let you catch every hunt, and the arrows will chase the bull's-eye! Ga—”

The pitch-black big bird yelled excitedly on its own, as if everything was as it should be. Keel was not as excited as the big bird, but calmed down.

He rubbed his arms, and then rubbed his chin with his fingers. As he grew older, his chin also began to grow a beard. Although it was still a little soft, it was at least a beard, wasn't it?

Keir thought, the one in front of him should be a small bird wood carving captured from the powerful and weird archer he defeated in Dead Leaf Village.

He remembered that when he was fighting that archer, it was indeed weird that in the small house, there were a lot of weird wing flapping sounds.

Moreover, the blinding Sun God church blessing that had been tried and tested before had only failed on that person in so many battles.

Looking at it now, combined with this big bird, no, it is a god, boasting the mouth of the sea.

This person really has some skills to give to others.

It doesn't look like you're lying.

Moreover, he had shown this seized thing to the priests of Saturn in the army. Although the other party didn't know it, he still asked Kiel for face. The answer of the **** was that the **** of nature related to birds The Prayer Statue, which can be touched to get help in battle. But that's all.

There is no existence of this Bubuka **** in the town, and everyone has never heard of it.

If Kiel came here halfway, it’s okay if he didn’t know the news, but the Saturnian priest he asked asked other priests who accompanied the army, and the different churches didn’t know the origin of the prayer statue of this god.

The locals don't know it, and even the professionals in the special church don't know it, and they have to ask the gods to find out.

Keir looked suspicious. Could it be that no one believes in this seemingly unintelligent god?

Could it be an outdated primitive **** of nature?

Otherwise, how the other party confidently asked what he wanted and what he could give, so fluently and urgently, even in the words that seemed to be alms, it implied that he was asking for alms.

Have you seen how other churches do it?

Gods never appear in the eyes of humans other than the priests under him. UU Reading They only communicate in their own minds. What is this?

This is so cool!

They have the capital to pretend, although you need to believe, but this is something that benefits you, it is impossible to ask you to believe in him.

After all, the gods are real, they are there, or here, in short, they are around everyone, and they are involved in everything.

It doesn't seem to be there, but it's everywhere.

But this one, although he seems to have manipulated Kiel at this time, forced him here, and seems to have grasped the initiative of the incident, but why are you, a big bird, just talking non-stop? .

Brother, give me some benefits first, and I will take the initiative to do things for you, and you don't need to end up in person like this.

Shabby, too shabby.


"Gah, you seem to be thinking something very disrespectful, mortal!"

The **** bird stared at Kiel displeasedly, and Kiel also smiled. This time, the smiling face did not have the meaning of sarcasm, but a relaxed smile after finally understanding the matter.

"Ga—, are you relaxed? Why? What's the matter? Mortals, answer me!"

The big bird twisted its black head left and right, and its black shiny eyes rolled to look at the human in front of it.

"Hello, Bu, uh, let me think about it, Mr. Budolib Dorab Yika, great god, can we get to know each other in detail."


"Yes, look, whether it's praying to you or offering prey, don't they all know you a lot?"

"It makes sense. Mortal, what do you want to know?"

Kiel sat down, wrapped his dog-skin sleeping bag tightly, and then asked: "My lord, how about starting with the guy who touched your statue before?"