MTL - Mermaid Effect-Chapter 45

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Rand put down Munster and he quickly opened the door to the balcony.

A bird with a black feather flapped his wings and fluttered at his feet for a while. It left some sticky blood on the floor. Rand noticed that there was blood on his glass door. It was obviously unlucky. The birds are left behind. After a while, the bird stopped all movements. Rand bent down and pulled it up and found that his head had a very serious wound.

The little villain hit the glass door and let himself see God in advance.

Rand shrugged his shoulders and felt that his heartbeat, which was too fast before, slowed down a lot at this moment. However, he was relieved that he was only an ordinary accident, another black shadow rubbed his cheek and once again hit the wall behind him.

The muffled sound of animals* striking with hard inorganics makes people feel a little disgusting. Several feathers flew into the air during the impact, and slowly swayed and fell in the glory of Rand.

"What the **** is this?"

Rand was shocked to see another bird that died on the balcony because of the wall, and was caught in confusion.

Then, the noisy voice gradually became apparent as the fascinating monster gradually approached. Rand walked over the railing of the balcony and was shocked to see that the large ostriches were like chaotic flies in the air. The birds that should have been struck each other, the birds that lost their mobility fell like hail, 砸On the concrete floor, kneeling on the grass, squatting on the car parked on the side of the road - those cars rang a harsh whistle. An out-of-control bird ran into a moving car, and in the scream of the brakes, Rand was horrified to see the steel cage roll up.

In some rooms of the apartment, the pet dog screamed wildly, and some sounded like a wolf in the country.

Among these mixed noises, the world under the Rand apartment is like falling into the scene of a horror film. The entire block was a mess.

Randburn wanted to rush back to the room and pick up the phone to make a call to 911, but he just turned around and suddenly heard a loud noise in a farther place.


Rand felt the ground on the balcony vibrate. He fell, and his ear left a long-lasting white noise because of the impact of the loud noise, which made him have some vomiting. When he stood up and looked back, he saw the other side of the bush and visually smoked dark smoke somewhere two or three kilometers away...

It looks like a small mushroom cloud.

"God, what is going on here?"

Rand’s mind was blank, and he looked at the place and muttered in the whistling sound of the fire truck.

At the same time, in another place, another person asked the same question.

"Who will tell me what is Vinson now?!"

Caroline looked palely at the observation window and looked at Vincent Sifus on the hospital bed.

The man was tied to a semi-concave metal table by countless soft materials. His heavy breathing and frantic struggles made the woman standing outside the window heartbroken.

Several researchers shuttled to the other side of the icy observation window. They were desperately trying to keep it running like a machine that was about to be overloaded. All the monitoring instruments were making a sharp alarm.

"Detected the fourth mental resonance..."

“There is no back seepage.”

"Warning, the subject's body temperature rises again... Heartbeat 167...173...185... Dr. Simon, we need to inject him with the stock solution, Mr. Severus is almost unable to hold it..."

A researcher looked at Vincent's heart rate tester with a bloodless look, his head full of cold sweat.

Simon lowered his head and he didn't even look in the direction of the man.

His fingers fell on his long form in his hand—a quirky metal mesh was shrouded in Vincent's skull, and at the other end, a slender hand swiped on the paper that rolled from the source. It leaves a ripple figure that the normal person can't understand at all. The rugged lines sway below the horizontal line of the paper, and the amplitude is getting bigger and bigger.

"Take another thirty seconds..."

"No, Dr. Simon, stop the observation! You are murdering Mr. Sifus!"

Several researchers wearing two-tailed mermaid badges rushed over to try to break the metal net's link to Vincent, but Simon kicked the abdomen.

"This kind of intensity resonance will definitely cause back osmosis! Manage your eyes, we must take this opportunity to seize the thing, this is our last chance - wait until the end of the 'opening' will mature At that time, waiting for humans at that time will be a massacre! Don't forget the purpose of their cultivation!"

Simon’s eyes were covered with abnormal gray ash, and he waited for the record in his expectation, his face was stunned and the evil was like being possessed by a demon.

And next to him, Vinson’s body was stunned like a corpse with electricity. His cheeks were as rough as sandpaper. If you look closely, you will find that under the skin without any melanin, some The fine scaly cuticle is growing, and the skin behind his ear is like a split with three sides arranged side by side. With each breath of Vinson, the cracks start to open regularly. Closing, opening, closing... His eyelids have been completely ruined, the surface of the two eyeballs is covered with a light gray nictitating membrane, and in his temples there are strange red markings, some of which are turning underneath.

No matter which direction, Vinson Sifus is now far from normal humans.

"You have no right to do this -"

"Dr. Simon!"

"Give me an index!"

"Countdown 15 - 14 - 13 -"

The former white-skinned staff who had been stunned by the sudden violence once again rushed toward Vinson in an attempt to end the data capture experiment that threatened Vincent's life safety, and Simon and his assistants had to be like street corners. The little punks started fighting with those people. At the same time, observers who are still sticking to their posts only have to wipe the cold sweat to increase the decibel to determine the progress of the capture.

Honestly, the scene here is no more orderly than the scene in front of the Pine Street apartment in Kansas...


Until a gunshot stops the entire chaotic scene.

Caroline trembled and threw the gun into the ground. She kicked open the door of the observation room (the electronic lock system smoky at the door) and slammed into Vincent, pulling the metal net down. .

"No, can't do this-"

"3 - 2 - 1 - capture success! Spiritual reversal ripples clear!"

Fortunately for Simon, at the same time, the observer’s shouts rang.

On the other hand, Caroline slammed a tube of golden liquid into Vinson's chest. She burst into tears like a lioness who lost her scorpion and snarled at Simon.

"I will let you pay the price! How can you treat him like this!"

After Simon determined that the final data had been captured successfully, the morbid enthusiasm finally faded from his body. His body leaned against the wall and stared at Carolyn's distorted face indifferently.

He showed a sneer at her.

"If it wasn't for your long-term high-dose use of mermaid stock, Vincent Sifus wouldn't be like this now," he said, and then satisfactorily saw Caroline as if the red wire was in the heart and exposed. Extremely painful expression.

It’s earlier than anyone imagines – Vinson Sifus, the controller of the deep white biotech that is too young for others, has actually had visceral failure. However, in order to suppress the board, Caroline and Vinson have had to use a new drug extracted from the sputum as a raw material to alleviate the disease.

Of course, no one thought that this kind of drug, which is simply referred to as the mermaid stock solution, would bring such a big side effect.

The extremely energetic cells of "Serma" are like cancer cells that proliferate in Vincent's body and devour human normal cells. They build a new plug component in this warm and nutritious human body. As in the past, a piece of red scale cuts into a complete blue scale, but no one would have thought that the stocks that have been highly purified and only the gene fragments left can actually grow again with the human body as a nest.

If no measures are taken, Vincent Sifus will soon be completely reduced to a medium before the growth of low-grade blue scales...

After finally concentrating enough strength for his weak body, Simon finally stood up and walked toward Caroline step by step.

In theory, Caroline, who was much taller than his position, shrank in front of this savvy researcher, but Simon completely ignored Caroline’s unintentional display.

He grabbed Caroline and forced Caroline to look at the strangeness on Vinson's face.

"Dear Miss Caroline, have you not realized the seriousness of the matter?" He said, "The assimilation in Mr. Sifus is still within the control range until this morning, but in the last forty minutes. In it, he has been assimilated by 30% - can cause such a strong resonance, can only explain one thing, the escaped experimental body 7371 determines that the cockroach becomes a red scale, whether you want to admit it or not, it is now The leader of the Serb group, and Vincent Sifus is just its vassal... Look at the erythema on his face, Miss Caroline, look at them, this is the resonance of the community in Mr. Sifus The body causes further assimilation. Do you know what this represents? This represents the red scale, the experimental body 7371, undergoing the second phase of evolution, and its second pair of eyes will begin to release the membrane, which means that its gonads also begin. Mature, in the natural environment, a red scale at this stage, is ready to breed the next generation, the scarcity of the individual, it will have to carry out the global The pursuit of red scales. If you still can't understand why everyone is on the verge of this, let me tell you that in order to support the most primitive reproductive instinct of all creatures, its aggression and mental strength will be An extremely dangerous state of riots."

Simon lowered his eyes, and his eyes were many times deeper than his actual age, staring straight at Caroline, a doll.

Until this time, she still had only Vincent Sifus, who was about to become a past tense, and she did not realize how terrible the destructive power of a humanoid weapon in the courtship period.

Simon thought.

What is even more desperate is that the escaped experimental body 7371 is an artificial creature compared to the real native race.

It is deliberately cultivated, full of biological weapons that kill people*.

And when this bloodthirsty* mixes with the most primitive hormonal impulses of the creature, Simon is simply not willing to imagine that scene.

So, today, knowing that data hunt is likely to cause Vinson Sifus to further deteriorate, he still insists that he must get it back before the **** thing causes great harm. It should be a place to stay.

"Dr. Simon... I think you should look at this."

The confused voice of the observer interrupted the stalemate between Simon and Caroline.


Simon came to his side, he looked at the screen and immediately understood why the observer made such a sound.

"Are you sure the final data capture is correct?!"

He slammed the screen, and the two rippled feedback points on the top were flashing light—one in New York and the other in Kansas.

"It's impossible... there is only one red scale, it's impossible to have two locations... give me the data, I have to count it again!"

Simon rudely pushed the observer aside.

Through the mental reversal phenomenon that was carried out from Vincent, they managed to trace back to the rippled feedback point - but the map that was now displayed was like a slap in the face of his face.

“Kansas is an inland city. At the beginning of the red scale growth, they have no way to leave the water environment for a long time. I think we can rule it out.”

The observer said weakly on the side.

At this time, another observer hurried to Simon.

"We contacted Nasa and the Earthquake Observatory. A few days ago, a geomagnetic storm occurred in the northern hemisphere. There was a problem with the power grid in Kansas. There was a transient overload of the high-voltage grid and a chain explosion. I think we are going to the Kansas backtrack. I’m afraid it’s just an electromagnetic pulse that broke out when the grid was overloaded...”

United States--


Pine Street

“...the chaos in the pine block has been going on, and the power sector says they can’t be sure how long the residents of the area will wait in the dark...”

“Experts say that geomagnetic storms will affect some animals...”


Rand closed the radio and came to the window.

The sky is already very late, but the urban area that should be lit up in peace is dark.

In the afternoon, the explosion caused power outages throughout the area, without the interference of artificial light, and the moon that hangs down in the night sky is extra bright and bulky. Rand didn't find the emergency light in the room. He replaced the gadget with his mobile phone but quickly the phone was dead. It seems that what he can do now is only lying on his comfortable bed and then sleeping... but Rand can't do this.

Because Munster has some other conditions.

When he saw the chaotic RAND returning to the room this afternoon, he found that Munster was not in the place where it should be. The wet marks on the carpet allowed Rand to find it under his bed, but he found himself unable to get Munster out of the bed as easily as before. Of course, he did kneel on the ground and reached out to try to get to Munster, but he touched something else.

Some slimy gums.

Rand didn't know what it was. In short, it was neither mucus nor vomit. They exude the unique taste of Munster, milky white, and soon became a little sticky after exposure to air. Hard block. If you must be a metaphor, it is probably like a chewed chewing gum that is completely dried up.

It took Rand a long time to wash the unidentified material from his hand, and when he returned to the room again and put his head in the gap between the bottom of the bed and the ground, he was surprised to find it at the bottom of the bed. A corner that he could never reach, Munster had already surrounded a "wall" with that strange substance.

Or, it built a nest there.

The author has something to say: I think I need to explain it...

The scream of the little monster did not trigger a geomagnetic storm, but it happened to happen on the eve of evolution.

The flock of birds is because of its screams... but it has been covered by the geomagnetic storm.

Have to say that it is a protagonist's life...

Then talk about some of the problems in the previous episode.

First of all, it is Mick's liver problem. What he eats is the right hepatic right hepatic right three leaves... You can have a mother and then know why his body damage is very serious.

In addition, regarding the medical expenses, he lived in the neurological hospital for a long time (meaning the consumption of savings) and then ushered in the collapse of the cause. The medical insurance problem in the United States does not want to say more... Anyway, just know that is that The medical system on the side is very cruel to those who can't afford medical insurance. Don't be brainwashed by some chicken soup in the country... (I don't know how to explain when I see a reader's message)