MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 73

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By the time Boyce returned to the dormitory, it was a little late.

Garcia looked at the clock that Boyce put on the table in the bedroom, and then couldn't help looking at the door, frowning, it's been a long time since Boyce usually came back.

But he hasn't come back yet.

The person who delivered food to Garcia at night reminded him that Boyce might be back later today.

Garcia looked at the time, but it seemed too late...

Boyce had just returned to the dormitory when he opened the door and saw Garcia waiting at the door.

The mermaid frowned, as if she was a little unhappy because Boyce returned late, but after seeing Boyce's face, she swallowed what she wanted to say.

Boyce glanced at him, said "I'm back", then lowered his head and started to unbutton his coat.

The mermaid did not intervene at this time. After Boyce took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, Garcia had already turned around and entered the bathroom.

After a while, Garcia came out of the bathroom, Boyce walked into the bathroom with his pajamas, and suddenly froze for a moment.

The quilt Boyce used to brush his teeth was filled with water, and the toothbrush squeezed with toothpaste was placed sideways on it.

He turned his head to look at the open bathroom door, where Garcia stood, staring at him.

"Thank you." Boyce thanked Garcia.

"No thanks." Garcia paused, then added, "It's what I should do."

After Garcia finished speaking, Boyce, who was still wearing a tired face, suddenly looked at him and smiled. Garcia didn't know why, but he still followed him and laughed.

Garcia took a few steps forward, stopped in front of him, reached out and touched his still smiling eyebrows: "You still look better when you smile."

After Boyce came out of the bathroom, instead of going to bed immediately, he sat at the table and opened a document.

Boyce immersed himself in the information for a while, finally unable to bear the scorching gaze behind him, he raised his head to look at the mermaid who was suddenly quiet today.


Boyce closed the document and looked at the mermaid with a worried look: "What's wrong with you?"

Garcia leaned down, put his hand between Boyce's frowning brow, and exerted a little force: "You are very tired now."

The merman's tone was affirmative, and he turned sideways to let Boyce see the laid pillows and the laid quilts.

His actions told Boyce: You should rest.

When Boyce was stunned, Garcia put away the materials on his desk and put them in a drawer.

He knew that Boyce had the habit of reading materials before going to bed, and also knew that these materials were not necessary to read. After doing this, he looked at Boyce, and he meant that he would force him to rest if he did not go to rest.

Humans are still too fragile...

Garcia watched Boyce lift the quilt and lay down, thinking to himself, before the transformation, he must let Boyce take care of his body.

At night, Boyce slept on the bed as usual, and Garcia slept on the ground.

Feeling that Boyce should have fallen asleep, Garcia straightened up and carefully climbed into the bed.

Boyce was very disciplined when he slept and would not move around casually. The bed in the research institute was not very narrow for a person, and Boyce slept next to the wall, leaving a large space on the bed.

Garcia moved his upper body to the bed, and then moved half of his tail to the bed.

After Garcia lay down, he turned his head to look at Boyce with his back turned to the back of his head, and hesitantly stretched out a hand to gently put it on his waist.

After a while, he felt that Boyce had no sign of waking up, and Garcia moved closer to him, his head close to the back of Boyce's neck.

Garcia's hand on Boyce tightened, and he couldn't help licking the skin on the back of his neck. The canine teeth rubbed lightly on the human skin, almost unable to control the desire to bite.

The eyes of the mermaid in the dark showed malice towards humans.

The canine teeth slid across the skin, but didn't cut through the flesh, and the merman's body leaned forward a little, fitting the human body.

Garcia thought that even if he were to transform Boyce while he was asleep, he might not know.

Then they completed the transformation unknowingly, becoming the aliens in their eyes, and finally had to leave with themselves.

During this time, Garcia tried to find the reason why Boyce coaxed himself and was unwilling to leave with him.

In the end, one of the reasons was attributed to Boyce's also seeing himself as an outlier.

A trace of pity flashed in the mermaid's eyes, maybe he shouldn't have made a promise to Boyce so early that he wouldn't be deceived in any way.

Otherwise he could now make up a lie and get Boyce to promise to be transformed by himself, just as the cyan mermaid tricked Collins.

But he had made a promise to Boyce that Garcia would not cheat Boyce.

Even in his eyes, Boyce was a liar.

After a while, Garcia moved his head back a little, but still pressed against the back of Boyce's neck, and closed his eyes around his waist.

Boyce felt the movement behind him stop, and the tip of his right finger moved slightly, but in the end he didn't push the hand on his waist away. His originally closed eyes opened, but there was no sleepiness in them.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2021-01-2600:00:52~2021-01-2700:21:53~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle for the night;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!