MTL - Metropolitan System-Chapter 2033 Target appears

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The second thousand and thirty-three chapters appear

"Blood in the end? Are you also worthy?"

Jiang Bai sneered.

"The fate comes!" The red dragonfly is also unambiguous, urging his own immortal magic weapon, one side of the Jinpa, flashing immortal atmosphere, throwing out, the guests between the heavens and the sun, become boundless.

There are hundreds of gemstones on the top, which are composed of a series of transparent diamond-like treasures, which are descended from the sky and wrapped in Jiang Bai.

In a moment, Jiang Bai was wrapped up tightly.

At that time, the face of Hung Hom showed a smile on his face. He laughed and laughed at himself: "I thought you were so powerful. It turned out to be a silver-like rifle!"

"The treasure that I thought was the Sun and Moon double ring? And I know, I am a great place in this world."

"Even if I am immortal, I will be wrapped in treasure, and I will be turned into blood for a moment!"

The voice just fell, and the red-speaking words that were prepared to say a few more words were not spoken. The mouth was slightly stupid.

She regarded the treasures of the heavens and the earth, Jinkun Pai, and claimed to be able to smelt the immortal treasure to wrap the river white.

Can be wrapped in Jiang Bai but no eggs.

"蚩拉~" came a sound, and the heavens and the earth were smashed by a hand. At that time, it was shredded by a hand. Jiang Bai reached out from here and it was as simple as punctuating a piece of paper. Pa gave a big hole.

Just straight out and walked out.

A little effort, the immortal treasure between the guests, the sorrow, was shattered by Jiang Bai.

While throwing away the rags on his hand, Jiang Bai said: "What is it? Is this a good thing to say is baby?"

Hung Hom was completely dumbfounded at this time. At that time, she wanted to escape when she turned around. She had already seen it clearly. She would never be Jiang Bai’s opponent. The people in front of me were terrible.

Even in the vagueness, she felt that this man was even more terrified than his master, the abyss.

I don’t want to think about it. Red 芸 ran away and didn’t care about the companions around me. Now she can’t manage that much.

It is a pity that she has not had time to escape, Jiang Bai has been blocked in front of him.

A punch of "砰" directly flew her out, followed. . The body automatically disintegrates in the air and is torn apart.

Such a scene made the purple-haired old man in the sky who was playing with Li gauze stunned, and turned around and ran.

It is a pity that it still did not run into a sword. Under the blessing of Jiang Bai, he had already flown out and directly fell him down.

It was the treasure left by the ten goods that had just died. It was picked up by Jiang Bai and directly lost. It was slightly blessed and killed on the spot.

It was clean and neat, and there was no muddy water.

In such a situation, Rao is a nervous and tough Li gauze is a bit dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Bai with a blank look, the sword of the dominating sword flying in the air, bursting with trepidation, not showing his body, just constantly shaking, This expresses the fear in its heart.

This made Jiang Bai can't help but smile. I didn't expect the brethren of the sword to be so embarrassed.

The sword of the ruler that Jiang Bai knew was completely judged.

"What the **** are you? Why are you close to me?"

After being surprised, it was replaced by fear and alert. Li gau looked at Jiang Bai and asked carefully, not too unkind, for fear of angering Jiang Bai.

She is not afraid of death, but she does not want to die innocently. Jiang Bai’s power is enough to make her fear.

"I have said it, my name is Jiang Bai. This time I am looking for someone called the Lord of Destiny."

"For you, I don't lie!"

"Reassured, I am not malicious to you. If there is, I believe that you have seen my performance just now. You have no ability to resist, even if you have advanced to immortality."

Knowing that the other party’s mind is on some alert, Jiang Bai smiled and responded, appease Li Li, let her not think much, and she did not have any maliciousness towards her.

"Lord of Destiny? I have never heard of this name!"

"Destiny is the supreme being. I have imagined that one day I will be mastered, and I will not claim to be the Lord of Destiny. I just want to be the Lord of the Lord, the King of the King, the ruler of the Lord, but the fate is above all else and despise all beings. ”

"There has never been such a name, and the name of the Lord of the Way is not taken indiscriminately. There are reasons for it."

"Like the Lord of the Abyss, master the rules of the abyss."

"The Lord of Chaos, Master the Rules of Chaos"

"The Lord of Fire, master the universe."

"These are unwritten rules, the master of destiny.. Then we must master the way of destiny? How is this possible! The elusive fate, how can be mastered, it can be called omnipotent."

"There is no such person at all!"

Li Weishi said with a positive face, Jiang Bai knew that she was not joking, and she expressed doubts about her own for 120,000 points.

Just because of his strong strength, there is no clear explanation.

If her temper is a little bit worse, let her strength say something more, fearing that she must point her mouth to yell.

I don't know if she will do this. Anyway, I will change it to Jiang Bai. I will definitely do this.

I thought about what Jiang Bai wanted to explain. Some things, Jiang Bai felt that there was nothing to tell the Lord of the Lord. After all, everyone was a comrade in the trenches, and they also accepted the kindness of each other.

After gaining the inheritance of the other party, it is a half-apprentice's role. Many words cannot be said to others. It seems that there is nothing to say to the master of the ruler.

Just don't know if she can understand.

After all, she is not the king of kings in the future.

Just want to open again, suddenly found a small bronze mirror fluttering at the waist of Li gau, Jiang Bai was a glimpse at the time, saw Li gau glanced at himself, then thought for a moment, the bronze mirror floated around the waist.

There seems to be a shadow there, and I communicate with Li.

This bronze mirror turned out to be a black-tech general jewelry communication device, and it is not known what material is created, and how widespread it is, but the afterlife has been completely lost.

There seemed to be someone talking, and Li Xiaoyao responded softly. The other party was used to isolate the voice. Although Jiang Bai was able to listen, he did not want to spy on the privacy of others.

So Jiang Bai did not do this, just waiting quietly on the side, watching Li gau, waiting for her to communicate with the other side, then explain to her, tell her some secrets.

What people didn't think of was that the bronze mirror shimmered and fell from the front of the Li gauze. When it fell into the waist, it waited for the opening of the river, and Li Li, who stood there, looked at Jiang Bai with a strange look.

Looking up and down for a long while, Shen Sheng said: "My old friend just sent me a message. Recently, a young man appeared in Wandao City, holding a treasure wheel, able to see the fate, and suspected that the cultivation of destiny is immortal."