MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-Chapter 14 Bureau of Abnormal Affairs

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All night long.

Panic has been spreading.

Uh ...

When bitch.

Under the overcast sky, the dim light shines on the earth.

A Chinese and foreign.

At this time, a few special black cars were parked, which perfectly matched the night.

The tadpole is like a tiger, huge and spacious, giving a hard and reliable feel.

Two people got on and off the car, two men in trench coats.

About thirty years old, with his big back on his head, and wearing dark sunglasses at night, covering his face.

一 One of them looked around for four weeks and said, "No problem."

"Let's go and see."

They walked into the campus.

As soon as one foot was stepped in, a cool wind blew through them, and they felt a cold and cold breath that had not completely dissipated.

The two ignored the two and went directly to the security room.

at this time.

The young security guard shivered and looked terrified, as if he had seen something terrible.

同事 His colleague sitting opposite the affair bureau is asking what just happened.

"Just now ... Lao Li and I went on patrol as usual. He said very little recently, and I didn't care. During the patrol, he suddenly diverted to the dormitory. I thought about what happened last month and didn't follow me. I I went to the teaching building alone. "

"It was just a while ago, I heard a loud noise, a loud noise, as if something was broken."

"I was scared and ran back to the security room. I couldn't reach Lao Li afterwards. No one responded."

He took a deep breath and paused: "I'm afraid it's the same as that time again, and I ... then I called the school leader, and then called the police, and then you all know what happened."

看着 He looked at the staff, his expression panicked, and asked cautiously, "Is this all right here?"

好 "Well, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't think about it, don't spread the news at will, understand?"

The security guard looked at the staff's eyes, swallowed, and nodded hurriedly.

Ended the inquiry, she went outside, first letting people go to hypnotize the security, and then said blankly to the two newcomers:

"Recorded the situation of the parties. The basic investigation has ended. The ghost was killed in the ghost realm. In reality, it is impossible to find too much information. Now you need to look back at what happened before."

The period from the young security officer's report to the arrival of the anomalous handling station was less than half an hour.

Afterwards, the affairs bureau began to investigate the beginning and end of the matter, and finally determined that there were no traces of ghosts.

Then arrange a series of things for the school, organize the information, and protect the surrounding residents from being affected.

After making the arrangements, you need to understand what happened, so the two people came here.

The two replied, "Let's go, don't you say there is a body?"

"This way."

As he walked, she also explained: "This evil spirit is attached to the school's security guard. Before that time, we didn't notice it. Now it's dead, it's strange to die, and no clue can be found."

I followed her to the school playground. Under the lights, I saw a cordon on the playground. A dozen people were taking photos around a place to collect information.

When I walked into the place where the corpse was, there was a scorching smell. In my eyes was a scorched plastic playground. The burn marks were regular rectangles, and the body was lying in the center of the marks.

He is like a coffin.

The corpse's body is still intact on the surface, but under the skin, all flesh and blood, internal organs and bones have been reduced to ashes.

The flames seemed to burn from the inside to the outside without destroying the integrity of the body.

怪哉 怪哉!

The two walked around the corpse a few times, and kept sighing.

These abnormal events are really stranger than one.

After observing for a while, one of them took off the sunglasses.

I saw that under the sunglasses, his right eye was actually pure white, and his pupils and eyes were completely integrated, making it impossible to distinguish.

The other person's left eye was white.

The two together are just a pair of eyes.

A pair of eyes that look through the yin and yang and trace the soul.

They closed their normal eyes at the same time, leaving only pale eyes.

At this moment, a black smoke came out of the charred body and entered their eyes.

The power of squinting eyes comes from ghosts, and they are also coincidental. After surviving from the ghosts, they acquired this strange ability.

The black mist is the residual power of the ghosts. They use this power to trace some clues that happened before.

Reality has realistic investigative methods, and Ghost Realm has unique means of Ghost Realm.

The ghost realm is not in the real world or even the material world. According to the existing theory, the ghost realm should be the spiritual world and a projection of reality.

Each person's mental strength is different, and ghosts are the same.

Therefore, each ghost domain is different, and its performance is different.

The black mist was flowing, and gradually formed a tiny black eyeball in their pale eyes.

So slowly a blurry black and white world appeared in their sight.

Decayed and ruined.

They stood on the ground of this barren world and saw the traces of burning left on the ground.

However, these are all illusions, just the remnants of the previous evil power.


In addition to the power left by the dead body, there is another.

It's faint, it is about to disappear, and the floating wandering is hard to detect.

The two gazed intently, and gradually formed a complete trace in their eyes.

A trace of movement.

From the school dormitory ~ ~ to this overgrown playground.

Another ghost!

For a moment, the two looked at each other, an incredible look appeared in the pale eyes.

and many more!

He continued to trace back, and they found that the ghost had finally disappeared.

He is the kind that disappears forever.

At this time.

The black eyes began to disappear, and the eyes became completely white again.

Their sight also returned to normal, and it was the staff waiting for the news.

Then they saw her and told her.

After listening, she frowned. "Another ghost?"

Then suddenly realized, looking at the corpse on the ground, his eyes instantly became clear: "It is that student! That student is back! Then kill this ghost!"

The two looked at each other, wondering, "But the student has been killed by the evil spirit, and no soul will be produced."

"But what do you explain?"

The two were silent for a moment, I don't know how to answer.

Is it true if you see it with your eyes closed?

Their power comes from ghosts.

Wicked, this is unpredictable.

But there is no other explanation.

No ghosts have appeared in the school, and the matter has been resolved.

mission completed.

Except for the inexplicable ghost, the reason is unknown.

They started to pack the dead body and remove traces.

I soon.

It's over.

Except the young security guard and the middle-aged security guard who will not be working tomorrow, everything is normal.

Uh ...

Lieyang City, Bureau of Handling of Abnormal Things.

Archive room.

"The haunted incident in the First Middle School has ended, and the archives are now classified under the fifth category and sealed."