MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-Chapter 47 Fog

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The fog has rendered all aerial equipment useless.

的 The signal of the drone is sometimes absent, there is only a dark darkness in the camera, nothing can be detected around them, and they lose their target.

The Luan River water no longer rushes, the calm water flows slowly and quietly makes people scared.

"All teams pay attention to safety, special forces are prepared."

The armored vehicle stopped functioning and retreated.

A special team wearing a new full-cover combat suit came to the front.

They fixed a half-meter-high instrument on the shore of the river with a tripod. After the instrument was started, a slight blue light was emitted from the top, and the lights connected to each other to form a circular protective circle.

Misty wandering outside the protection circle, unable to break through this layer of glimmer into their team.

This fog caused by anomalies has the effect of blocking reality, and now everything around them is weakly connected with reality.

The range of influence depends on the extraordinary strength of the mist, and what will appear inside is full of randomness.

Once 进入 enters the mist, it is equivalent to entering the demon's world.

This is the same reason as Ghost Realm.

The world where the ghosts should exist is the ghost realm, which is equivalent to the spiritual world. It is a reflection of reality, and its form is dilapidated.

The different strengths of the ghosts will affect the degree of ruin of the ghost realm. The more ruined, the stronger.

The demon demon is located in the mist. The changes here are more varied, equivalent to a mysterious fantasy. It is a distorted image of reality, and it is difficult to get out.

队伍 This team is the main force of Lieyang City. In order to solve this anomaly, the Heterogeneous Bureau sent a considerable amount of power.

如此 Even so, they still lack enough confidence.

大 Under the attack of the first round of artillery, the demon was not destroyed. They did not know whether it was still injured and how much power remained.

Now the fog appears. Although the demon's influence on reality has been reduced, these people are directly in danger.

Nervousness has been spreading, but firm faith has made them stand here.

"The connection with the outside world is broken."

At this moment, the fog completely shrouded the place.

Weiguang formed a hemisphere to isolate them from fantasy and reality, temporarily avoiding direct contact with the anomaly.

"Wait, maintain order and don't leave the circle of protection."

The tadpoles are in the mist, and their experience is not to move randomly, because they do not know where they will go next.

危机 The crisis around the world is heavy. Until there is not enough assurance, staying in place is a more appropriate choice.

The leader of the team looked at the time on the watch and judged in his heart that it should be time.

"catch him!"

At this time, an exclamation sounded suddenly in the quiet team.

I turned around and saw a teammate's eyes confused, walking towards the outside of the protection circle dumbly.

The others hurried forward and threw him, grabbed his body, and slapped him on the cheek.

After a few seconds, the man's eyes regained clarity, and he looked anxiously at his anxious teammate.

He asked, "What happened?"

"You just walked out!"


"What do you see?"

His eyes pondered: "It seems to be my mother."

Hearing this, the crowd froze.

He was an orphan. He grew up in the army from a young age. He has never seen his relatives appear.

大家 "Everyone, don't stare into the mist all the time."

After understanding what was happening, he could not help but feel a little fear in his heart.

Quickly followed his teammates back to the middle of the protection circle and stopped looking at the fog.


He was almost deceived. It seems that even with the protection circle, the strength of the opponent can still affect their spirit.

后 After this incident, everyone in the team is more focused and pay attention to the teammates next to them to avoid accidents.

The calm lasted for ten minutes, and they were startled by the sound of the razor-sharp blades that frequently rang.

Looking out of the protection circle again, only one figure was moving in the dim fog.

The influence of the evil spirits is deepening.

The fog alone cannot affect this area, so increase the intensity and use monsters in the illusion to change the area.

It must be hiding in the dark, waiting for the chance to wipe them out instantly.

注意 "Attention! They are here."

The armored vehicle turned and aimed at these dark monsters.

There was no hesitation, and the roaring cannon sounded again.

的 If something can be solved by frying, there is no need to send someone up.

The flames tore the thick fog, and the huge shock wave kept the surrounding space constantly oscillating, but the fog did not disappear at all.

好像 Except for the sound, nothing seems to have happened.

After a round of artillery bombardment, the dark figure disappeared for dozens of seconds.

As soon as they watched, they suddenly appeared outside the circle of protection.


不足 A few meters away from the protection circle, dozens of monsters like zombies suddenly appeared.

的 The service they wore can be seen vaguely as it was hundreds of years ago, and the flesh and blood of the whole body rotted to reveal the dark bones.

The monster snarled at the protection circle, and the form became severe instantly.

Such a short distance, it is no longer possible to use hot weapons to attack.

Hissing roar kept ringing, and everyone was waiting, ready to destroy them.

The battle will erupt in the next second.

At this time, a beast sounded again.

The sound of puppets penetrated the layers of fog and reached their minds.

Angry, painful ~ ~ growl.

They heard the emotion in the voice.

内 Inside the mist.

The golden light appeared.


碰撞 The harsh, low-sounding metal collision, a huge figure constantly emerging.

Captain Bian looked down at his watch and said, "Support is coming."

One minute ago.

外 Outside the fog.

河 In the real world, the river has long been calm.

A helicopter flew from a distance and hovered over the mist.

The howling wind brought a hint of gunpowder, and the mountain beside the river valley continued to drop gravel, making the river water more and more turbid.

下方 Under the helicopter, the original team here lost track.

"Lao Li, we are here!"

建 Li Jianguo observes the traces around him, perceives the strange energy remaining in the air, and makes a preliminary judgment on the strength of the demon.

"Why is this big demon suddenly rioting?"

"I don't know."

Li Jianguo thought about it and said, "I'll go and solve the fog, you stay away from here."

"it is good."

Looking at the night, he was not fully prepared, and the old man Li was temporarily unsure about solving this monster, but it was no problem to solve the current crisis.

Howling wind poured into the cockpit, causing the clothes to whine.

The old man Li Li stood on the edge, his eyes exuding dazzling light, and he saw the hidden demon through the fog, and immediately jumped down and fell into the thick fog.

The wind whizzed beside me, and the mist in front of me spread away, lest I avoid it.

As I approached the ground, old man's cyan robe wobbled constantly, and his body suddenly stopped, his speed suddenly decreased.

Landed slowly, adjusted his breath, pulled out his sword, and stared sharply around him.