MTL - Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress-Chapter 6562 Dream is not a dream (part 1)

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Ji Wuyou had a dream.

A long, real and sad dream.

She dreamed that she became a fish, a weird fish.

She was swimming in a vast ocean, constantly swimming, she didn't know where her destination was.

It's like she is carrying out a load-bearing run every day.

Difficult, but must persist.

Because she knows that one day, she will reach her destination.

I do not know how long it has been.

She finally reached the other shore.

She saw a man on the shore.

The man's sword eyebrows and star eyes, dressed in ancient clothes like armor.

He seemed to be worried about something, frowning.

Transit? !

When he saw the man standing by the water, Ji Wuyou couldn't help but utter surprise.

Why is Ling Ri here?

But when she tried to make a sound called Ling Ri, she found that she was just making a strange sound.

On the shore, Ling Ri looked over.

When he saw himself, his brow frowned, only indifference in his eyes.

Behind her, someone was pulling her.

Ji Wuyou hurts, someone is pulling her hair.

When she turned her head, she was agitated.


It's a real mermaid, not the kind of beautiful mermaid in fairy tales.

She was blue-grey, covered with ugly scales, and they were staring at her with halberds in their hands.

Ji Wuyou actually understood what they said.

The effect is that she can't get close to the alien.

That foreign race will come to **** their treasure.

The people they hate are those who are decent and decent.

Ji Wuyou was escorted back to the water by them.

She only discovered that she was in an ocean.

In addition to her appearance, she has also become a mermaid, although her appearance is somewhat different from those of the mackerel, she has also become a mackerel.

The dream is like running water.

After that, she and the gang of sharks fought badly, in order to save Lingri, she finally died.


The body was cold and turned into a phantom in the water.

Lingri, Lingri, you must live well.

"Am I dead?"

Ji Wuyou stood in the blank sea.

She bowed her head, but there was nothing under her feet.

Ji Wuyou knew that she was dead.

Only the dead have no reflections.

So, is this a dream, or is she really dead?

Around, there is a vast area of ​​water.

The sky cannot be seen from above, and the ground is not grounded below.

The sky is so big that she doesn't know where to go.

Lonely and cold, struck like a tide.

"Ji Wuyou."

There was a voice calling her from a distance.

Ji Wuyou subconsciously followed that voice.

She walked around.

I don't know how long it has been.

Until the blank waters disappeared.

She arrived at a place that looked familiar.

Everything here is withered, and there is only a white mist around it.

Nevertheless, Ji Wuyou felt very familiar.

She must have been here when.

"Where is this place?"

Ji Wuyou looked around.

"This is Hongmengtian."

This voice.

Ji Wuyou was surprised.


She remembered the name.

This is... the place where she and Ling Ri met in their dreams.

Hongmengtian, she will never forget this name.

But here, how could it be like this?

Ji Wuyou remembered that even if it was submerged by water, the once green sky of Hongmeng was a land outside the world.

She remembered that this place once belonged to Ling Yue... Ye Lingyue.

Ling Yue is Ye Lingyue, she is Ling Ri's sister.

Whether in dream or in reality, she is Ling Ri's sister.

This is the outer world belonging to Ling Yue.

Although, Ji Wuyou doesn't know what the world is.

"who are you?"

Ji Wuyou asked cautiously.

Although she didn't know the source of the voice, she could feel that the other party was not malicious.

Something fell on my shoulders.

Ji Wuyou raised his hand, and a leaf fell on her palm.

The moment the leaves fell.

The surrounding white mist spread all at once.

"Purple Hall."

That voice was hollow and remote, but it seemed to be in my ears.

Ji Wuyou turned around and saw a tree.

The tree is very high, but the leaves are almost gone.

The trunk is silvery white, with an inexplicable sense of holiness.

I just don't know why, the tree trunk is already mottled, and the bark has already grown cracks. It seems that this tree has experienced countless years of destruction, and it looks like it is already in its dying year.

"Your name is Zitangsu?"

Ji Wuyou wanted to reach out and touch the trunk.

But her hand froze in the air.

The other party does not want to touch it.

"Sorry, I don't mean to offend. It just looks like you are sick."

Ji Wuyou knew he was reckless.

This tree actually gave her the illusion of rejecting people thousands of miles away. It was a very proud tree.

Ji Wuyou thought to himself.

"Sure enough, you also got a part of supernatural power."

The tree said with emotion.

"Supernatural power? You mean the ability to see people's fortune?"

Seeing that the other party was not malicious, Ji Wuyou's voice relaxed a little.

"So, can you see my upcoming destiny?"

"Zi Tang Su" asked rhetorically.

"Darkness lingers, and there is a red blood and light disaster, you are not good."

Ji Wuyou has a heavy tone.

When she was a child, she had seen a similar sight.

When she was four or five years old, she didn't know that she had magical abilities.

One of the Dalmatians she raised, when she was four years old, one morning, she saw it surrounded by black and red air.

She told her family at the time, but no one in her family saw it, they just regarded her as a childish remark.

But that day, after Blob went out, there was a car accident.

After that, she knew that she had power that no one else had.

Something happened later, because her ability would always make her parents unhappy, so she simply hid it from others.

After reading, she reminded others several times because of kindness, but she was regarded as a weird person.

Until she met Ling Yue and Xin Lin, they, like Ling Ri, were the only people who did not treat her differently because of her special abilities.

Therefore, if she wants to become a demon hunter, she also wants to survive like a normal person, using her special ability to survive.

"You are not great either."

"Zi Tang Su" didn't care about it.

"I seem to be dead."

Ji Wuyou was a little sad, sentimental that he would never see Ling Ri, Ling Yue, and Xin Lin anymore.

"You are not dead, and everything you saw happened in the past."


"You who used to be, are indeed dead."

"You mean, after I gave Transit my part of my supernatural power, I died?"

"Not bad."

Ji Wuyou was dumb.

Therefore, she has died in Hongmeng Heaven.

"You sacrificed yourself in order to transit the sun. You have already lost your soul."

The words of "Zi Tang Su" reminded Ji Wuyou some past events.

"But I'm alive again. I remember. I died, and then, you saved me, you said that you let me re-enter the cycle!"

Ji Wuyou suddenly raised his head.

She remembered, remembered everything.

She indeed lost her soul within Hongmeng Day.

But before she was completely annihilated, she was rescued.

Because of reincarnation, she forgot something.

The words "Zi Tang Su" reminded her.

No wonder she felt so familiar here.

No wonder, she would find that voice kind.

The original Zitangsu called her soul in this way, allowing her soul power to reconsolidate, forming a ghost.

"You are a purple hall, silver-haired, purple eyes, and purple hall. But why are you like this?"

Ji Wuyou remembered that he was erratic and arrived at a place.

There are Sanskrit sounds lingering, and some people are chanting sutras there all year round.

She is just a ray of ghost, in order to restore the three souls and seven souls, she stayed there for a hundred years.

A hundred years later, she was able to re-enter the cycle.

The man who saved himself is a very handsome man.

He doesn't eat the fireworks in the world, he is cold, only when he looks at a portrait, his eyes will have a trace of temperature.

It's a pity that she never saw clearly what a man saw.

After a hundred years passed, he told himself that he could enter the cycle again.

He will send her back to the world when she came, modern.

Ji Wuyou doesn't want to go back.

She begged Zitangsu to send her back to Hongmeng Tian.

But the man told her that she must go back to modern times.

"Go back to where you came from."

"One day, you will meet again."

With that sentence, she returned to modern times.

"It's really you, Zitangsu! You have become a tree, why are you in Hongmeng Heaven?"

Ji Wuyou has thousands of puzzles in his heart.

But there was a moment of silence to answer her.

Deathly silence.

I almost forgot, this man is more stone than stone.

Ji Wuyou slandered.

In the hundred years of practicing soul power with him, this guy probably said no more than three sentences.

"When I didn't ask."

Ji Wuyou is very knowledgeable and interesting.

"Wait, you grew up in Hongmeng Heaven, Ling Yue... do you know Ling Yue?"

Ji Wuyou looked at the decay of everything, and the devastated Hongmengtian thought of something.

"Tell her that black is not black, and white is not white."

Zitangsu answered this time.

"Black is not black, white is not white?"

Ji Wuyou pondered the meaning of this sentence.

But before she continued to ask, what did this sentence mean.

The white mist suddenly became dense, and the white mist quickly swallowed the tree.

"Zitangsu! You haven't made it clear yet."

Ji Wuyou sat up in shock.

In the dormitory, Ye Lingyue and Xin Lin were also alarmed.

Ji Wuyou was sweating profusely, and met the surprised eyes of two friends.

"Worry-free, what did you just say?"

Xin Lin was very happy to see Ji Wuyou wake up.

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

She hadn't heard of it just now, Wuyou called "Zitangsu?"


Ji Wuyou found out that he had returned to the dormitory.

"Why did I return to the dormitory? Why are you so surprised? Am I dreaming? I dreamed that I was dead, and I dreamed of Ling Yue and...

Ji Wuyou was still a little muddled.

The intertwining of dreams and reality makes Ji Wuyou feel very unreal.

The next moment, Ji Wuyou's cheek was severely pinched by Xin Lin.