MTL - Misplacement Game-Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

The fifth day on the cruise

Xu Ziyue went to the restaurant early in the morning to get breakfast. In the crowd, he saw the guide of the red-red hat and red flag at a glance.

Xu Ziyue looked at it all around, and there were not many ills that came to the restaurant to eat breakfast so early, and they were all sluggish, probably showing how heavy their experience in these days was.

Xu Ziyue walked over to the tour guide and then smiled and asked with a friendly smile: "Guide, have you seen it for a few days?"

The tour guide made a weird two steps back, and nodded bluntly. "What's the matter?"

Xu Ziyue, how do you feel that this tour guide is evasive to yourself?

"There is nothing special about it. I just want to ask, is there any special person on this ship? Besides the tourist crew?" Xu Ziyed the guide and prepared to shake his head. He added, "You have not said the cruise ship." Will the master give a big gift to those who have collected the seal?"

The action of the tour guide shaking his head stopped.

Xu Ziyue took the opportunity to ask: "What is the name of the cruise ship owner? You said the name of this cruise ship before? Can you tell me again?"

The tour guide was silent for a while, and the more he noticed that he turned his head in the other direction, just like listening to something.

The guide looked like after thinking for a while: "...Westminster, the name of the cruise ship, Westminster is also the name of the cruise ship owner."

"Westminster..." Xu Zi caught the hair.

The tour guide saw that Xu Zi was wondering what he was, but he did not intend to stay here. "I have to leave without other things."

"Well, thank you." Xu Zi nodded and showed a grateful smile to him.

The guide □ hurriedly left, but before he spoke to Xu Ziyue, it was obviously nothing to do. He walked around here in the restaurant, walked there, didn’t eat, but looked at the people in the restaurant.

Xu Ziyue brought breakfast back to Auston's room. Along the way, he silently recited the name "Auston Westminster" in his heart.

... It’s really pleasing to read.

Aston was as gentle as usual, saying that he would go to the children's paradise today, and he would go with him.

The children's paradise is on the tenth floor. Xu Zi is pushing the wheelchair of Auston. He has not yet walked there. When he looks far away, he finds that there are not many people in the children's playground.

The entire children's paradise area is made up of colorful colors and a variety of cute patterns.

Brushed into light-colored columns to create an entertainment program for children to climb. Climb to the top floor to sit on a rotating slide, or slide down with a vertical column. Only the highest point of this climb is nearly five or six meters from the ground. The slide is not the type of cylinder. The armrests on both sides are very low. If you accidentally, you may fall out of the slide track.

There is also an inflatable climbing game, but the bottom is not inflated, even if a seat belt is tied to the body, it will be dangerous to fall.

Next to it is a small piece of plastic stuffed into a small room, where the cabin can be drilled in, but only children. Adults can only go in half of the body, and the other half will be exposed only outside.

There are also areas where playing sand and carousels are so harmless...

However, it is not too sure to hurt Xu Zi. This must be safe in the normal world. Can be in this world...

Xu Ziyue pushed Auston to the entrance.

Auston said: "You go in and play, I will wait for you outside."

"Well... good." Xu Zi did not directly ask the name of Auston's surname. Because if he asks, Auston will not necessarily tell him. Even if he is in Gansu, what if it is fake?

Xu Zi is afraid that he can't stand the courage to face the face and then doubt him.

I still concentrate on my own exploration, and then I know some of them really want to ask again.

There is an employee wearing a doll costume at the entrance of the children's paradise. The hood of the doll was not worn on the employee's head, and the hood was caught between the arms and the body.

The look of the staff looks easy and makes people feel intimate. There was a faint smile on his face, unlike the ones he had encountered before.

The staff said: "Welcome to the children's playground."

"Well. I came to get the seal. How can I get this seal?"

There are three children in the park who are only seven or eight years old, and their parents are sitting outside the park.

There is no green label on the head, indicating that they are not players, just ordinary tourists npc.

“Playing in the children’s paradise for half an hour, you can successfully experience half of the game.”

Xu Zi nodded. "Okay, thank you."

Xu Ziyue took off his shoes and went to play as required. To be honest, these things have not been played for more than ten years. They only vaguely remember to play in similar scenes when they were young, and then they will follow adults.

He looked back at Auston and saw that Auston was also looking at himself. On the look of Xu Ziyue, Auston waved his hand with a smile.

This gives Xu Zi a feeling of being watched at all times.

Xu Ziyue first went to play the inflatable climbing hill. He stood on the edge of the inflatable mountain and found that there was no safety measure at all. There is always a rope attached to the waist for the equipment of reality, and one will be fixed under the cymbal to ensure safety.

But this ground is just a plain floor foam, there is no rope on it, if it accidentally falls down... The chance of falling to adults is, but not big, it is easy to fall out of a fracture. It is.

Xu Ziy feels that his **** is faint and painful.

Xu Ziyue grabbed the rope on the inflatable mountain and slowly climbed up.

If Auston is the owner of the cruise ship, he must know what it is after the gift of twenty seals. On the one hand, Xu Ziyue can't make himself seem too different between a group of horror players, on the other hand, he has to complete his own game tasks. Fortunately, there are a large number of people in this game. He can actually collect such stamps.

But if there are fewer and fewer people, there is nothing on their cards, and he will not know what information to exchange between the players of the horror game... Others will doubt it.

Even if he threw the card into the sea, he did not do anything. It may also be thought of by a player with a paranoid paranoia who is self-defeating and then suppresses what kind of mind, such a person who might frame other players.

In this case, it is not as good as Xu Zi’s own initiative. He arranges time to experience it everywhere, get all the seals, and finally satisfy his curiosity about gifts.

If the system tells Xu Ziy that he is as dangerous as other players, Xu will not take his own experiments to experiment with these projects. But he won't do anything...

Therefore, the more Xu is afraid of fear, and then a little bit of stimulating heart to try to experience the 20 projects.

Xu Ziyue was shocked down from the inflatable mountain. He went to the pool filled with plastic **** and played the ball casually. After that, he went to play a few games like sand...continuously outside. There are a few players. Instead of coming in directly, they stood outside and watched Xu Ziyue. Knowing that Xu Zi has come out safely, let the staff stamp him, and they have to go in one by one.

After Aston looked at it, Xu Zi turned over and looked at his card and asked, "What happened?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and looked blank. "No. It just's too easy, some unreal."

"Get the seal, are you not happy?"

"No, I am very happy." Xu Ziyy put away the confusion on his face and smiled at Auston.

He didn't play all the games in the park, but he played with easier and faster speeds. Just think of what the staff said to experience "half of the game"... Has he reached half?

When I said that the carousel, Xu Zi began to count silently when he sat up. When he got down, he probably counted more than two hundred, and there was a rocking cradle... The range in the field was quite big, and he didn’t go back and forth too much. note. However, it was while playing and walking, and then half an hour went to the entrance and exit.

As a result, the employee told him that he had finished...

There was Auston next to it, and Xu was inconvenient to wait for the results of other people, so it didn't take long for him to leave with Auston.

In the morning, Auston took the seal of the table tennis and chess room with Xu Zi, and at noon was the meal in the cafeteria.

In this way, he has eight seals.

After lunch, Xu Zi told Auston that he was going to find someone else to go on board with him, and then he was very reluctant to bid farewell to Aston for an afternoon.

If he can't figure out the identity of Auston, he will always think about it!

Xu Ziyue left Auston and hurried back to the first ten-story children's paradise he went to in the morning...

The ten-story corridor plays a soothing children's song, and the song echoes in the empty walkway. The sound is like a child standing around the invisible sight of human beings, and then singing songs around you.

Because Xu Zi did not find the speaker to play the song...

He walked quickly to the entrance of the park, then looked at the paradise staff who was a little surprised by his arrival again, then turned a corner and walked to the side of several players.

Xu Ziyue asked: "How can I get the seal for this project?"

Several players glanced at Xu Ziyue’s head and replied: “It’s all right to play the items in one day. If you really play, just touch it and don’t count it.”

Xu Zi touched his nose. "Thank you."

They thought that Xu Zi had to go in and experience it, so he quickly stopped it. "You don't go. It just happened."

"What happened?"

"Well. Someone just fell off the slide and fell to the ground in a very strange position." The player's face was ugly, "The limbs were all broken, and they collapsed and collapsed."

"There is another one, the whole body is twisted and stuffed in the small house, or was discovered by the players behind. When I saw it, the player who was stuffed in the small house... I don’t know when it was dead. The body is hard. No one knows how he got in."

"As for the other players..." The player who talked to Xu Ziyue smiled a bit. "Now want to come out, but I was told that I couldn’t come out after all the games have been successfully completed. So we are standing here now, we dare not go in. Only I can see if there is any one inside that can come out."

"I know, thank you." Xu Ziyu bowed to them, thinking about another place that went in the morning. He bid farewell to several players and hurriedly ran towards the elevator.

Not far away, he looked back at the entrance to the park.

The staff at the entrance to the park smiled as always, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth did not change.


Table tennis and basketball are on the 12th floor of the cruise ship. Xu Zi went to the table tennis room and saw several players change their seals. They are relaxed and ready to go outside.

When they saw Xu Ziyue, they were a little vigilant, and then they hanged a sly smile on their faces and walked over to Xu Zi.

Xu Zi wrinkled his face and didn't recede. "Is there anything?" This expression is obviously not a good person.

"Don't worry, we are here to tell you a message."

"We are not looking at you alone. Are you afraid to tell you if you are not well informed?"

Xu Ziyue looked suspiciously. "So what do you say?"

"We have discovered what people who are parasitic by sea monsters will become like after the body collapse." They smiled and said, "After the sea monsters leave, the body of the body will completely squat down, the eyes will be deep, and the eyes will fall off. And ah..."

"Don't say it, it's almost done." Someone still can't stand this description, just a little stop. Although they are happy to see the faces of other people's fears, they don't like to be scared.

"There are players already..."

The player shook his finger. "No, we found the ship's employees. That is, the sea monster's goal is not just the player, but everyone on the ship."

"If you wait until they seal the staff, they are also parasitic... What do you say we do?"

Xu Zi looked at them a little at all. "Then you are not the same?"

This group of players laughed. "We all have twelve seals. It is already gathering. What are you afraid of?"

"Well... it's really amazing. Right, have you gone to basketball and children's playground?"

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

Xu Zi raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the first player. He said with a strong heart: "Let's be careful."

He also wants to figure out the identity of Auston, and then he has to go to the chess room to have a look and not talk to them.

The author has something to say: Promise the little snake girl, see me thicker today!

Yesterday, the typo was not changed... I was so sleepy that I wanted to sleep. Haha...

——2k novel reading network