MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 109 Li Shaoling, my man, hurt him before I pass!

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Chapter 109 Li Shaoling, my man, hurt him before I pass!

Mrs. Li is still brainwashing: "Ji Weixi, for your son, you have to think carefully!"

Consider that you bought a watch!

Ji Weixi's fists clenched sharply, she turned, her voice was extremely cold, "Don't make yourself so great, you're right to let Li Shaoling return to Li's house, you're right to help him, but are you right? There is no selfishness? Li Shaoling's ability to sit in today's seat was won by his own strength. You can give him Li's control because he listens to you and can use it for you! "

"Actually you don't have him in your heart at all. You just think of him as a puppet from the beginning to the end. You never thought of him from his perspective!"

Because of excitement, Ji Weixi shivered slightly. She smiled coldly: "Oh, illegitimate child? What is the illegitimate child? Should the illegitimate child be deserved? Should he be scolded or deserve no right to live ?! No one is born to choose his identity Right! Li Shaoling respects you nothing more than that when you brought him to Li's house, he has paid far more for Li's family than you have for so many years. "

"I'm the most disgusting person of your moral abduction. Who do you think can't live without Li's family? I tell you, old lady, he can take the entire Li family as his own, but he didn't do it. You should know better than me! "

Ji Weixi said, "Just punch you, my son will never go back to Li's family! He has me, Li Shaoling, how silly is anyone else to say that he is an illegitimate child? You old lady eyes Blind, can't you make it? "

"Oh yes, and Li Shaoling is my man, and I want to hurt him to pass my level first! But you are about to die, in order to avoid being punished in Yin Cao Di Fu, you better accumulate morality in the Yang, I have a special temper No, you have nothing to do with my half a dime. I can be mad at you, so if you are afraid of death, please close my stinking mouth! "

Spray manure everywhere!

After finishing speaking, Ji Weixi pushed open the door and went out. He threw the door heavily and was deafening.

The old lady was pale and pale, breathing hard, and was about to die. She was holding her chest and panting hard, very distressed. She exhausted and shouted, "Come ... come!"

The maid was so frightened that she hurried to the doctor.

On the second floor, an instant mess turned up.

Having said so much, Ji Weixi was very heartbroken.

She was about to go downstairs, and a figure in Yu Guangzhong set her in place like a sculpture.

In the dimness, the man leaned against the corner of the wall and grew like a jade, but had an indescribable depression.

He was looking at her side by side, with sharp and angular faces, deep under the eyelids, bottomless pupils, and tear moles on the lower eyelids, which added a bit of enchantment.

Ji Weixi growled in his heart, has he been here?

So what she said ...

Did you hear everything? !!

by! !! !!

Li Shaoling slowly walked towards her, and the empty hallway gradually amplified his footsteps.


The sound seemed to step on her heart.

Standing still, Li Shaoling looked down at her, silent.

Ji Weixi's nervous palms were sweating.

Li Shaoling pulled his lips and laughed: "You said, I'm your man?"

"No!" Ji Weixi quickly denied, fearing that he might have misunderstood, "That ... I only said that on purpose."

Li Shaoling was silent and looked at her.

It's like questioning in silence.

Ji Weixi wrung his head to explain: "Don't look at me like that, I really meant her to say so ..."

He kept silent, she was going crazy.

Shouldn't she be so angry with Li Li, so Li Shaoling is angry?

After all ... he was so filial to her.

"You ... blame me on your grandma?"

Brother, you talk.

Ji Weixi admits that she said a little too much, but she is very happy,

She said wrongly: "I'm not angry with your grandma in the future, can you stop ... uh?"

Suddenly, Li Shaoling held her in her arms, tightly, her breathing was not smooth.

He's too tall, and he embraces Ji Weixi to raise his head, and has to stamp his feet.

Li Shaoling's head was buried in her shoulder socket, her breathing was heavy and heavy.

Ji Weixi felt a little trembling in Ding, and just when she wanted to say something comforting, he had let go of her.

He looked at her with a broken light flashing in his eyes and smiled: "What do I do, I seem to love you more."

For a moment, Ji Weixi felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and it burst into the heart, and then the whole exploded.

He actually ... loved her.

The whole person instantly seemed like she had fallen into the honeypot.

Ji Weixi stared at him with a frown, his brain was blank, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

Li Shaoling looked at her slightly sluggish eyes, approached inch by inch, and pressed over.

Tonight, he was as gentle as water, and Ji Weixi was pinching his jacket, a little nervous.

For the first time she felt ... kissing was so enjoyable.

When loosening, Ji Weixi saw his clear eyes reflected in his clear pupil.

Suddenly she thought of what the old lady said to him.

He must be very sad when he heard it at the door.

Ji Weixi's ghost sent God to hug him.

He stiffened noticeably, then hugged her back.

In the room not far away, there was chaos, and the situation of the old lady Li was very bad. Ji Weixi and Li Shaoling embraced each other like this, as if only the two of them were left in the world.

Ji Weixi closed his eyes, and his warm chest crossed her cold body. She felt the urge to be old with him for a moment ...

Li Shaoling's eyes were bleak, and there seemed to be water in his orbit.

He was protected by a woman for the first time, praised by her for the first time, and showing off like a proud gesture.

He has been accused since he was small.

The reason no one dares to scold him now is because he took a frightening seat.

It is those people who dare not scold, not because they are convinced.

He used to blame himself for being an illegitimate child, but now he doesn't think so.

He became Ji Weixi's bragging capital, then he would protect her for life with this capital.

Ji Weixi calmed down, released him, and scratched his head a little awkwardly: "That ... your grandma's condition doesn't seem to be great, would you like to see it?"

Li Shaoling petted a smile: "Okay."

Just then, Wilson took the small milk bag upstairs.

"Mummy!" The little milk bag immediately loosened Wilson, ran happily to Ji Weixi's feet, and looked up at her: "Well, mommy, why are your lips so red?"

"Wow! Did you and Daddy make another sister again!"

What the **** is this!

Ji Weixi's face became hot, and his eyes threatened him fiercely: "I'll hit you again!"

The little milk bag pursed and hummed coldly.

He has a little distrust of Li Shaoling now.

My sister hasn't come out yet. Well, my dad must not, Stone Hammer.

The old lady Li was lying on the bed inhaling oxygen, her eyes closed tiredly, and it seemed that Ji Weixi had lost her life for half her life, and the whole person lacked anger.