MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 69 On the Terrible Nature of Sickness (1)

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Chapter 69 On the Fear of Sickness (1)

Ji Weixi waited for a long time, and the small milk bag had not come out yet.

She went to the door of the toilet and shouted, "Son? Is it finished?"

No one responded to her. Ji Weixi panicked and was about to break in to see what happened. Suddenly she had a spine on her back.

She turned her head mechanically, Li Shaoling's face frosted, and her eyes stared at her like a cold pond.

Is he a ghost? He walks without sound.

Ji Weixi apparently felt the danger, and she smiled back as she stepped back: "It's a coincidence ..."

Li Shaoling stepped forward step by step, his voice was cold: "I heard, you want to run?"


Ji Weixi couldn't understand: "No."

He sneered: "liar liar!"

What is he talking about, why can't she understand?

The little milk bag stuck his ears to the door panel and heard the sound of Li Shaoling, he was relieved.

Daddy is finally here!

He kicked open the door of the toilet, rushed to Li Shaoling, hugged his thigh, and milked his breasts: "Daddy, you are finally here!"

Ji Weixi understood for a moment, she looked coldly and tried to catch him in his arms and punish him.

"Ji Jiayu, you are so diligent in this small report!"

The little milk bag hugged Li Shaoling's thigh tightly, "Daddy save me!"

Li Shaoling held Ji Weixi's wrist in his arms.

"What are you doing! Let me go!"

Ji Weixi was struggling because he was betrayed by his son.

Li Shaoling stared at the anger and stubbornness on her little face, and suddenly remembered that he was ugly again and again because of her during the day.

The reason why he didn't find her for a day was because he was very angry and waiting for her to coax.

She said indifferently that she actually went to the coffee shop to meet the male client and had to run away from work at night.

He threw away the work at hand, and came without a word, but she still didn't give him a good look.

Does he look so lethal?

Li Shaoling's eyes were cruel, and his voice was cold: "Ji Weixi, dare you run, I killed you."

Ji Weixi's struggling movement stopped. She looked at him with a serious expression and swallowed. "What about you?"


"... where is the son."

"Sent to the orphanage."

She died, and he stayed with her, whether in heaven or hell.

This way they can stay together forever and never have to worry about where she goes.

Ji Weixi was so scared that goosebumps were up.

Mom, it ’s so sick.

She looked horrified: "Li Shaoling, you pervert!"

Li Shaoling leaned forward, clasped her back of her head, and attached her thin lips to her earlobe, exhaling the moist and hot breath. Seriously, "Actually, I am more perverted in bed."

Ji Weixi's face flushed instantly, and he added a faint sentence: "You have experienced it."


Ahhhh, she wants to die.

She blushed and gritted her teeth: "Smelly rogue!"

Li Shaoling was expressionless. "A bright and hooligan is always better than a hypocrite."

Ji Weixi mocked: "You are not a hypocrite."

Hypocrite hypocrite.

Li Shaoling calmly responded: "I am your man."

Ji Weixi carefully looked around, "You are not my man!"

She angrily took the hand of the small breast bag and left, Li Shaoling held her hands violently, pressing her step by step, pressing her against the wall.

His dangerous squinting eyes: "This is your excuse to meet me with another man on your back?"

The small milk bag looked at her parents' position, and quickly covered her eyes with her little hand, and dared not look.

With a questioning attitude, Qi Weixi was very strong and crushed. Ji Weixi bravely replied, "What does it have to do with you?"

It's ok?


Li Shaoling took out his mobile phone and made a phone call: "I made Mo Nanfeng."