MTL - MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian-Chapter 826 Emerald Master Captain Hifi

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"Hey! The sixth wave of the Demon army has begun!"

This time there are countless Amor Masters!

Master Amor is a relatively high-level race in the devil. Not only does it have the same characteristics as the double-horned, the stock has a tail, but even a pair of wings behind it, showing the nobleness of this race! []

However, the position of the Emer Master in the devil can not be controlled, but so many flying laws can blame, can form a three-dimensional blow in the air, the ground, this damage will be extremely scary! In general, even if the size of the chariot is more, it will be besieged by hundreds of monsters, and there will be no more places to stand.

With the addition of air units, you can easily stack the numbers on 1000! Once the player loses the chariot to support the blood, the death rate of the si will be higher.

Although the monster si is definitely more and faster than the player, there are four waves of monsters, but the player is one less than si. After all, the attack interval of this ** is getting shorter and shorter, and there is basically no time for treatment to save people. It is.

(ordinary, demon)

Rating: 225

Health: 290120

Armor value: 8800

Magic attack power: 33823-43823


: Deals Fire damage equal to 200% magical damage to the target and deals 10,000 Fire Splash damage to his nearby companions.

The only thing to be thankful for is that this wave actually has no elite blame, all of them are ordinary! But the combination of flight and spell attack will kill people. If there is another wave of elite blame, then everyone really wants to cry.

There is no elite blame, but there is a boss. Because of the third wave, there is also a boss. It is probably the rule of a small boss that will be played every three waves.

(Divine leader, demon)

Rating: 225

Health: 2.25 billion

Armor value: 21710

Magic attack power: 107608-147608


: Summon the Flame Mountain within 40 meters nearby, occasionally erupting, each time causing 240,000 fire damage to the target that is squirting, and rushing out of the magma, every player who touches will receive 50,000 fire damage.

: Summon meteorites descend from the sky, dealing 200,000 damage to all targets within 30x30 meters.

: Combine the soul of a Master Amor, restore 10% of the health, and the target of the integration will immediately die.

Note: Although Hefei is also the devil's commander of Islo, he is very proud and often disobeys the command.

"Boss!" Everyone is very surprised, although they don't look at the earth, but the magic beads are good things!

"Don't worry, this boss also has the skills of demon blending, can only kill small!" Baifa Yizhong laughed.

"Go, it's all ordinary, it's easy to get rid of, but you should also pay attention to your own safety. After all, these monsters are not only long-range attacks by spells, but also can fly. If you are stared by too many monsters, everyone must hang up!"


"Starlight, old rules, you go to open the boss! Pig baby to add starlight, the boss will give you two, don't let it kill people!"


Zhang Yang is only suitable for commanding the battle of these small units. When he is more than one person, he will be big. Fortunately, there is Yugong Yishan sitting in the town to command the army, Zhang Yang does not need to hurt this brain.

Undoubtedly, these flying monsters are very annoying, although it is just a normal level, "" "" but the lethality is very horrible, like a player of level 200 or so, then it is 500,000 blood, it is 10 It’s undoubted that only a monster will shoot down in a round.

The magic spirit is also the most popular configuration, after all, the copy of the earth sanctuary is too difficult to take, and in the npc there is only one option to strengthen the equipment, and can not let the equipment advance, therefore, the holy device is only high-end High-end players in the guild.

Although the monsters have very little blood and are easy to kill, they are not slow to kill the players! Fortunately, the most embarrassing boss was pulled out of the crowd by the stars, although occasionally the idiot-level guy went up to find si, but in general, the boss did not kill a few people, basically a little mob!

It’s no wonder that this wave has no elite blame. The mage who can fly in the air can’t afford it!

Almost three hours, these monsters finally got seven and eighty-eight, and everyone put their eyes on the boss.

As already mentioned above, the sacred device still has a strong appeal to ordinary players. Therefore, many people can't help but ran up. The result is that they are erupted by volcanic eruptions, magma rushing, and meteorites falling.

After almost clearing the mobs, Zhang Yang also joined the siege of the boss, they can not be the holy device, but the magic beads must not let go! God knows if this thing will only fall at this time, how can I miss it.

The boss is particularly fierce, the flame meteor is basically non-stop, facing the corners of the rams, and the flaming mountains are also littered everywhere, not only will the flames spurt, the magma that flows out forms an intricate "river." Touching it is 50,000 damage!

Fortunately, although this flaming mountain has a mountain character, it is actually the size of a grave. If you really have the level of "mountain", then everyone should not play. This whole Chiri City was flooded by magma.

This range of blows is absolutely fatal for the average player, but it doesn't make much impact on the promotion of these top players. In particular, Zhang Yang, even if he has been immersed in the magma, his damage to him is more than 4,000, which is completely negligible.

After the mobs si, the boss also lost the ability to restore the blood volume, and soon the player was unable to take care of himself, mourning to hang up and burst out of the equipment.

Zhang Yang’s eyes are fast and quick, hey, a few pearls will grab the four pearl-like things in the hands, and then look, it really is the next product magic beads!

"Warrior, grab so fast, what is it?" The green shirt is just in front of Zhang Yang, he shot without a quick, and took a void. He is very curious, because he doesn't have much interest in the land-level boss. How does Zhang Yang seem to be the one who grabs the battle?

Zhang Yang thought about it and sent the property of the next product to the other party. This information will not last long, the other party can certainly know through other channels, and Yan Huang is currently a partner of the desert smoke, the other side has asked, and deliberately blocked, it is not beautiful.

"There is still such a thing!" The blue-shirted son laughed and said, "The next time you come out with the boss, we will be welcome, and fight with you!"

Zhang Yang is also a smile, but he is not worried. He must know that grabbing the spoils is a kind of learning, and his team has Han Yingxue and Wei Yaner two financial fans. If you don’t look at the little girl, you will hold four pieces of holy devices in that smirk. ?

This is the same as when buying discounted goods. Women will have endless fighting power at this time, far from being comparable to male players!

Do not give the player the opportunity to resurrect the companion, just listen to the system prompt, the seventh wave of the demon army has appeared!

This time the monster type is evil eyes!

These monsters are like octopus. Under the oblate body, there are eight tentacles, and the biggest part of the torso is a huge eyeball, which is full of gray light, giving people a feeling of si.

(ordinary, demon)

Rating: 230

Health: 252630

Armor value: 9160

Magic attack power: 35526-45526


: Issues a ray full of si gas, dealing Shadow damage equal to 200% magical damage to the target.

Unlike the previous wave, although there are no bosses in this monster group, there are many elite-level evil eyes. Tens of thousands of elite monsters are definitely more harmful than a boss, but because this group of monsters can't fly, the threat to the player is lower than that of the previous wave of Amor!

This low is also relative. The most powerful part of the long-range attack blame is the ability to collect the second person. Although it is also very fragile, the key is that the player can't afford it!

The role of the city wall finally came out. Yugong Yishan commanded the whole staff to retreat to the city, relying on the city wall to block the vision, and dismantle "" "" to divide the monster army! As long as there is no spike in one round, the player has the possibility of being brushed up, and suddenly reduces the casualties.

Zhang Yang, these people, rushed to the outside of the city with their mounts, and launched a mad bombing of the monsters underneath. Because these monsters do not have the ability to fly, they have less blood, as long as they fly to the sky, naturally there is a treatment in the safe position to increase blood.

However, the city wall was riddled with magic turtles during the fourth wave of attacks, leaving a lot of gaps. Although these gaps may not be able to pass through, the octopus-like evil eyes can be worn with small holes. In the past, from all corners into the main city, launched the most powerful battle.

Si hurts a lot!

This wave of attack ended very quickly, only lasted for 2 hours, but the player was hit hard, sharply reduced to 12 million! But people are a lot less, but the quality is extremely high. At this time, there are basically no people below 190.

However, it is foreseeable that the eighth wave of monsters will reach 235, and players below 205 will be level suppressed. This situation is extremely grim!

"We are still quite good here. The South Gate has the biggest loss. At present, there are only 6 million people left. Even if we can survive the next wave, the ninth wave will never be able to survive!" Baifa Yizhong sighed. "The situation at the East Gate and the West Gate is better, but there is no good place to go. According to statistics, there are still about 9 million remaining people!"

Zhang Yang thought for a moment and said: "You go to contact, after the eighth wave, we give up the four gates, all gathered in the city government!"