MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 747 I hate tower defense!

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Quickly describe the magic circle, and soon a magic of underwater breathing was released by Sui Yu and blessed on himself and Jessica.

The principle of underwater breathing magic is to decompose oxygen and other breathable air from the water, so that people can breathe normally underwater for a period of time.

Of course, in order to prevent oxygen poisoning, this magic actually has a strict usage time limit.

And Sui Yu used it at this time not to decompose oxygen from poisonous gas, but for the auxiliary function of underwater breathing magic.

That is, it can store a certain amount of air like an oxygen cylinder.

Breathable air is rapidly decreasing due to the intrusion of poisonous gas.

Sui Yu's purpose was to collect enough air for himself and Jessica to store as much as possible before the breathable air was reduced to a certain level, so that he wouldn't have to worry about being suffocated because he couldn't breathe.

In short, Sui Yu temporarily solved the problem of insufficient air in a blink of an eye.



The full-level unlocking skill was activated, and a huge metal door that seemed to have no mechanism to open the door suddenly rose!


A woman's voice seemed to be faintly heard screaming in disbelief.

It seems that the slanted fallen magician is probably nearby at this time.

Also, if it is not nearby, it seems that this series of traps will not be activated!

unlock! unlock! unlock!

After opening the first metal gate, Jessica flew with Sui Yu in her arms.

Afterwards, the two cooperated tacitly, Jessica took Sui Yu to fly fast, and Sui Yu burst out the lock-picking skills!

The full level of unlocking skills is really unreasonable!

No matter how you think about it, you can't open the metal door by remote control, but even if the fallen magician desperately pressed the switch, the metal door rose up on his own!

"What?! This is unreasonable?!!"

The screaming witch's voice seemed a little hysterical, as if she couldn't understand the situation at all!

The detection magic is activated, and a secret door appears by the wall!

Pointing at the secret door, Jessica instantly understood.


The secret door opened, and in front of the two of them was a corridor that looked the same as before.

Flicking your finger quickly, the detection magic is activated.

In an instant, the deeper information of the corridor was obtained by Sui Yu.

"go back!"

Then Sui Yu chose to go back to the corridor where the metal ball threatened before without a word.

Because through detection, Sui Yu found out that this corridor is a dead end!

And it's full of traps, many of which are externally controlled rather than automatically triggered!

In other words, once he takes Jessica inside, the fallen magician will activate all kinds of traps inside!

God knows what will happen!

Obviously, two identical corridors can lead to inertial thinking.

Then make a trap at the first secret door in the second corridor, it is really easy for the enemy to be attacked!

To be honest, if it wasn't for Jessica holding Sui Yufei faster and giving Sui Yu the chance to cast spells, plus Sui Yu's spellcasting speed was fast.

If it doesn't work, it's really a hit!

rumbling rumbling...

With the metal ball pressing step by step behind her, Jessica held Sui Yu and accelerated again.



Unlock again!

Probe again!

The fallen magician seems to have thought of many ways to try to prevent Sui Yu from opening the metal door with his unlocking skills.

But I have to admit that the full level of unlocking skills is too BUG!

No matter what the fallen magician did, the metal door was easily opened!

The witch who was doing it seems to be going crazy.

"This is unreasonable! This is unreasonable at all! I obviously cut off the supply of magic power to the elevator, why can I still activate the rising gate?! Where is the magic power being supplied?!"

It seems that I heard the witch's scream again, but at this time Sui Yu didn't have time to pay attention!

The second secret passage found!

Once probed...

Well, another trap!

Keep running away!

So, Sui Yu and Jessica only thought about lure the enemy out before.

This practice of sneaking into the underground opponent's magic position is really dangerous!

In this kind of underground that is restricted everywhere because of the fear of landslides, it is really a little bit of care to lose the whole game!

The third channel?

Another trap!

Especially seeing that the passage with the metal **** chasing seems to be coming to an end, visible to the naked eye.

Sui Yu, who was doing it, had some plans to go to the middle of the aisle and then come out after going over.

However, thinking that the fallen magician might use this mentality to set up an irresistible trap, Sui Yu decisively gave up this plan.


"But..." Jessica also felt that something was wrong.


Seeing Sui Yu's firm gaze, Jessica gritted her teeth and hugged Sui Yu and continued to fly away.

The most taboo thing on the battlefield is indecision.

Regardless of whether the judgment is correct or not, in a state where the future is unknown, choose a possibility as soon as possible and work hard to improve your chances of surviving and winning!

If you are indecisive, even if you have the opportunity, it will be wasted in vain!

Probe! Probe! Probe!

Regardless of the dizziness caused by the frequent use of detection magic, Sui Yu continued to quickly organize and analyze the information fed back by the detection magic.


It's on top!

Seeing that the passage was about to end, an organ above the corridor caught Sui Yu's attention!



With the unlocking skill activated, Sui Yu won the bet!

The way of life appears!

"Go up!"

Quickly threw it in with detection magic to probe it, and it turned out that this time it was not a dead end!


Jessica soared into the sky, and instantly flew into the upper passage with Sui Yu in her arms.

"This fallen magician made the passage so weird, is it convenient for her to walk by herself?!"

Hearing Jessica's complaints, Sui Yu sighed in his heart that Jessica's habits were becoming more and more like him, and replied, "Because this is the passage for gargoyles!"

Gargoyles can fly and have very high stamina.

Therefore, it doesn't matter how much people have to toss in the channel design.

Anyway, you can't toss that fallen magician!

"that's true!"

Jessica put Sui Yu on the ground, then pointed to the passage in front of her and said to Sui Yu, "Look at the height of this I won't be able to fly."

Yes, after flying up the dark passage and entering the corridor, what appeared in front of the two of them was a passage with a height and width of only about two meters.

It's easy for ordinary people to walk over, but considering what mechanism that fallen magician will definitely activate...

Sui Yu felt a little stomachache.


The huge metal ball seemed to hit the end of the corridor at the bottom of the passage.

So the entrance and exit that came up just now were blocked by metal balls.

"It looks like you can only move forward!"

As Jessica spoke, she stepped into the passage ahead of Sui Yu.

Although Sui Yu has magical body protection and looks thin, his defense is not necessarily lower than ordinary armor.

However, compared to the Phoenix armor, Sui Yu's defense was indeed weaker.

So, Jessica did her part to walk in the front.

And it turns out that Jessica's judgment is very correct!


A piece of metal chute on the metal wall unfolded to reveal a red magic core below.

Immediately after, a series of fireballs were launched from the magic core!

Aim for Jessica!

And as Jessica quickly stepped forward to try to destroy the magic core with the magic attack, more and more magic cores appeared!

Whoosh whoosh!

Brush brush!

Ice picks, electric balls, stone picks!

All kinds of low-level magic hits wildly!

In the narrow passage, Jessica had no choice but to rely on her defensive strength to resist!

This scene inexplicably reminded Sui Yu of the tower defense game he once played!

So Sui Yu couldn't help but sigh, "So, I hate tower defense!"

"Especially hate the tower defense that I am the attacker!!!"