MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 3 Gold finger activated

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I noticed the danger from behind, and the bloodthirsty turned around and slaped a knife that flew toward the air. The chopper was shot and flew out in an instant, nailed to the wall in the distance, only half exposed on the wall, the blade fluctuated.

The bloodthirsty species stopped their steps and looked back at Lin Huang with a cold eyes. The killing of the body slowly filled the air.

Seeing that the other party did not turn around and fight back, Lin Huang swallowed and gave a low-pitched voice in his throat. "Death is dead!"

The second kitchen knife was thrown out of his hands again. The goal of this time is also the bloodthirsty species. He worried that the other party would ignore himself and continue to attack Lin Xin, so he chose to irritate each other again.

His behavior has undoubtedly worked, and the bloodthirsty species has been completely irritated. After a slap in the face, the **** energy of the body began to emerge.

The layer of blood-colored energy escaped from his body like a mist of blood, filled the air, and soon covered his entire body, making his original strong body look a little more swollen.

Lin Huang's breathing was slightly heavier. For the first time, she used bloodthirsty bloodthirsty for the first time, which made him feel the pressure he had never had before. Bloodthirsty species that use blood energy have completely separated from the human domain and are considered real monsters.

Then the scene that Lin Huang saw, let his heart sink to the bottom...

On the back of the bloodthirsty species, a blood-colored energy body was extended to the left and right, similar to the two long wings that were stretched from the back, and the length was about two meters.

"Well! This monster is not a black iron, it is a bronze environment!"

Lin Huang remembers very clearly that the black iron-level bloodthirsty species can only have one energy source, and only the bronze level can condense two energy bodies.

Lin Huang’s face was completely bloodless. He didn’t think that this bloodthirsty species that broke into his own home was a strong presence of bronze. The strong bronzes were hundreds of times more powerful than their own, even ordinary. Powerful guns can have a limited threat to him.

"No, if this bloodthirsty species is really bronze, I just smashed him with a lamp. The high temperature caused by the cracking of white stone should be very limited. He should not be so painful that he has already released it." Prey." Lin Huang suddenly remembered, when he was just upstairs, he used a desk lamp to lick each other, and the other party chose to let go.

He immediately observed the bloodthirsty species in front of him, and soon discovered that there were two obvious wounds in this bloodthirsty species. A wound is in the position of the right shoulder blade, and the bone is visible deep. The other wound is in the chest on the left side and penetrates through the entire chest. The position of the heart is less than two centimeters. Both wounds have begun to rot, and it seems that more than an hour has passed since the degree of decay.

Before, because most of the bloodthirsty body was outside the window, and it was covered in blood, and Lin Huang did not calm down and carefully observed it, it was ignored and no wounds were found on him. Looking carefully now, I finally understood why this kind of bloodthirsty species in the bronze environment showed that the fighting power was not as good as the black iron.

"He should have been extremely weak now. It seems that even the heart has been infected with the septic factor. It must be less than three hours. It is no wonder that the combat power has regressed so badly. Just pull the distance and try to avoid his body. The attack of blood energy on both sides, I should be safe!" Seeing the severity of the injury in the bloodthirsty species, Lin Huang's original fear has disappeared completely. He has only one thought in his heart - dragging each other!

The bloodthirsty species stared at Lin Huang, and the two wings behind the back were suddenly elongated, turning into two blood columns with sharp cones and attacking him.

Lin Huang had expected it. He turned and took a few steps toward the right side, then jumped up and stepped on the table a few meters away.

The bloodthirsty species failed to succeed, and the **** wings turned into a long whip and swept out toward Lin Huang. The cabinet chairs along the way were smashed.

If this shot falls on Lin Huang's body, even if it is not dead, I am afraid that there are not many good bones left.

Lin Huang jumped up again and put it on the floor on the second floor, quickly turning over the railing and going upstairs. Almost at the same time, a pair of bloodthirsty wings tore the table into wood scum.

Lin Huang stood on the second floor of the handrail and did not escape. He was afraid of bloodthirsty species to chase Lin Xin, and picked up the ceramic pots on the side and went to the bloodthirsty species below.

The sound of "啪", the huge wings smashed the ceramic pots, and the bloodthirsty species screamed at Lin Huang. The length of his blood-colored wings can be extended. It is found that Lin Huang’s position is beyond the attack distance of blood energy. His feet are violently exerted, and his figure jumps up and falls toward Lin Huang’s position.

When Lin Huang saw it, he immediately turned and fled.

Bloodthirsty species stepped on the second floor of the horizontal bar, see Lin Huang fleeing, his feet slammed hard, the horizontal bar suddenly pulled up and flew out, his body quickly rushed toward Lin Huang.

Lin Huang turned and broke into his room. Several steps went to the bedside, and a roll of diamonds went in.

Under the bed, he reached out and found a wooden box that was nearly one foot long. The lid was uncovered and there was a silver-gray pistol inside.

This Grey Eagle 17 is the latest pistol of the Shaying Company. It has an amazing attack power and is almost no less armed with black iron-level firearms. Lin Hong’s financial resources can’t afford this kind of weapon. This is the reward he received as the top graduate of the college.

Lin Huang skillfully took out the pistol, then smashed the remaining two magazines into the left hand pocket and opened the safety pin. The muzzle was just aligned with the door, and the bloodthirsty species had already rushed to the door.


A fire broke out at the bottom of the bed, and then the bursting of the guns sounded, and the bloodthirsty species made an angry groan.

The gun didn't hurt him, but he couldn't catch the attack, and the **** energy layer on his body faded.

"Hey! Hey!" It was another two shots.

The blood-colored energy layer of the bloodthirsty seed surface became more and more bleak, and he waved his huge energy wings angrily and slammed toward the bed.

Lin Huang had already expected it. His feet slammed into the wall, borrowed the reaction force from the bottom of the bed, and then turned over. Several steps went to the balcony, and the hand was supported on the railing. Jumped down.

The bloodthirsty species was completely stunned by anger at this time, immediately chased him, and jumped from the balcony.

Below the balcony is 101st Street, one of several main roads throughout the base. On both sides of the street, the moonstone on the top of the streetlight casts soft white light towards the ground. The light on the entire street is not particularly bright, but everything on the street is clearly visible.

After jumping off the balcony, the bloodthirsty species looked around but did not see Lin Huang.

At this time, Lin Huang had already stood on the balcony again. He had just put a hand on the railing of the balcony. It seemed to be jumping. Actually, before falling, the finger had already buckled the floor of the balcony and the whole body. Hanging under the balcony. After the bloodthirsty jumped, he sneaked back to the balcony from under the balcony.

On the balcony, Lin Huang stared coldly at the bloodthirsty species below, and the muzzle in his hand was lifted again, aiming at the head of the bloodthirsty species to trigger the trigger.

"Hey! Hey! Hey..."

In the dark night, the fire of the muzzle illuminates in succession, and the bloodthirsty species screams at him.

Under the mixture of gunshots and bloodthirsty squeaks, some of the houses that had been lit up in the vicinity suddenly darkened, and the whole night was silent. Only the sound of guns and beasts echoed on the empty streets.

Under the streetlight, the decay state of the bloodthirsty species is clearly visible. Under the successive impact of the bullet, the blood color energy layer on his body surface becomes weaker, and even the two wings above the back of the spine automatically shrink back. The bloodthirsty species was gradually awake by the appetite, and it was detected that his physical condition had reached a limit. He turned and stalked to escape in the distance.

Lin Huang worried that there was no swindling and did not pursue it immediately. Instead, he had finished playing all the twenty bullets of a whole folder. Seeing that the bloodthirsty species had escaped to 200 meters away, he changed a new magazine. Jumped downstairs and chased away.

If the effective range of the Grey Eagle 17 is only 300 meters, he will probably wait for the bloodthirsty species to escape to a farther position and pursue it.

Under the silent night sky, the roar of the shooting continued to ring, and the **** kind of anger and painful misery. With the weakness of the blood color energy layer, the bullet has been able to penetrate the energy layer's defense to attack his body. Although it is not enough to cause trauma to him, the pain is inevitable.

Lin Huang always keeps a distance of about 200 meters from the bloodthirsty species. The trigger in his hand is triggered again and again, just like a truly trained hunter hunting his own prey.

A bullet was continuously bombarded on the energy layer of the bloodthirsty seed surface. Soon, the blood color layer around his body began to show a translucent state under the constant bombardment of Lin Huang. As soon as the bullet of the second clip shot the eighteenth, the **** energy layer of the diffuse surface of the body finally disappeared completely.

Lin Huang saw a corner of his mouth, and the last two bullets blasted one after another, pointing directly to the original wound position of the left chest position of the bloodthirsty species.

Exit the magazine, put the last cartridge, and aim at the bloodthirsty species to shoot again, but see the bloodthirsty species suddenly fell to the ground. He tried to get up a few times, but he seemed to be overweight and could no longer climb up. He could only crawl weakly and slowly toward the distance.

Lin Huang did not continue to shoot, but ran all the way to catch up, stopped at a distance of about 15 meters from the bloodthirsty species. He has already calculated it. The blood-stained wings of the blood-stained wings extend less than ten meters, and the fifteen-meter is a safe distance.

However, Lin Huang still carefully pointed the muzzle to the back of the bloodthirsty species, and blew two shots in succession. When he saw the head of the bloodthirsty species burst under the gunshot, the brain and the blood burst out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.


A prompt tone was suddenly introduced into Lin Ling's ear, and then a transparent page appeared in front of his eyes, showing a few lines of text information.

[Golden Finger Activation! 】

[The host completes the first kill, rewarding the monster card! 】

[The host completes the killing of the level, rewarding the advanced card one! 】

[The host completes the double-level killing, rewarding random card extraction opportunities once! 】


[Create a host exclusive card]

[Host: Lin Huang]

【Sex: Male】

[age: 15]

[combat power: none (beyond the lower evaluation limit)]

[Skill: None (the basic skills already mastered are not within the scope of assessment)]

[Summon permission: already turned on]

[callable number: 1]

[Evaluation: You are weak! 】

The expression on Lin Huang’s face is a bit weird. “Golden fingers are activated, but what is this evaluation?!”