MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 40 Meet the white rock again

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In the lobby of the hotel, many people were surprised to see such a scene - a teenager, pointing a gun at the head of another girl.

The crowd suddenly talked about it, but few people dared to go forward.

The atmosphere at the scene stalemate for a while, and a young man came out of the crowd.

"This friend, it is not polite to treat girls like this."

Lin Huang was too lazy to take care of it, and even did not look at him.

"Hey, I am talking to you!" I was ignored by Lin Huang, and the youth's face was a little hard to look at.

"This thing has nothing to do with you."

Lin Huang turned to look at the young man, and the man’s face was full of anger and disappointment.

I suddenly knew that the other party was not really demeanor. I just saw that I was pointing at a beautiful woman with a gun. I wanted to take this opportunity to make a strong impression and win the beauty. If he is replaced by an ugly woman, he will certainly not stand up like this.

"You are murdering under the broad public. This matter is related to me." The young people said righteousness and the people around them nodded, and they all agreed to the meaning of Lin Huang.

"Speaking very well, you just see that she looks beautiful. If you change ugly, you will definitely not stand up." Lin Huang said the truth.

Lin Hui said that the center of the mind, the youth face bursts of red, and immediately argued, "I just want to speak out of justice, no matter who I met today, I will stand up!"

"Where are you standing, don't stand in front of me." Lin Huang is too lazy to take care of him.

"You kid, very arrogant..." At this time, a figure walked out of the crowd, coming in a red trench coat, looks handsome, and the temperament is quite outstanding.

Upon hearing this voice, Lin Huang turned his head again and looked at the coming person. It was a white rock that had had a side on the top of the mountain. Lin Huang’s first impression of him was not so good. His eyes collided with him and he refused to give up. “Why, do you have opinions?”

"You are not qualified to let me shoot." Bai Yan smiled coldly.

He waved his hand, and a lion-headed troll about five meters tall was summoned by him, and it looked like awe-inspiring. A huge male lion's head is about to reach the top floor of the hotel lobby, and the golden mane above the neck is particularly bright in the golden light. In his right hand, he held a giant blade, and there was a **** smell of chilling.

"The lion head, throw him out." Bai Yan pointed to Lin Huang gave instructions.

Lin Huang was only envious for a while, and immediately reacted and summoned Bai, "White, cut off the hands of the lion's head!"

White instantly entered the battle, and a pair of blood-colored wings stretched out from the back.

Everyone knows that this white-haired boy who just appeared suddenly is also a summoned beast.

Many people's eyes are bright. It is not easy to see the imperial concubine. Now I see two and I am still playing. This is unprecedented.

Some people even transferred the emperor's heart to the recording function, and they are ready to record the battle and wear it on the emperor's heart.

But I haven't waited for it, and suddenly there was a burst of female voice outside the crowd. "What are you doing?!"

Yi Ye language jumped across the crowd and appeared in the center of the battlefield, flying the lion's head troll and white.

"What the **** is this?" Yi Ye language looked at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang put away the gray eagle 17 in his hand, and was preparing to speak, but he was complained by the girl wicked. "The examiner is an adult, he is not you, bullying me. Fortunately, the imperial ambassador appeared in time and wanted to help me out."

The girl only mentioned Bai Yan. As for the young man before, she didn't even look at it.

"Lin Huang, you said." Yi night was full of suspicious words, but she did not immediately believe the girl's rhetoric.

"She insisted on leaving. I said that I didn't listen. I had to leave her with force. After that, Bai Yan arrived, and I shot it indiscriminately. I can only fight back." Lin Huang only made things clear in two simple sentences. .

"Is that the case?" Yi Ye’s face looked serious at the girl. Compared with her, she believed Lin Huang’s.

The girl saw the expression of the night language, and she did not dare to continue lying.

"The hotel should have monitoring. If you don't believe me, you can call it out." Lin Huang added another sentence.

The girl’s face suddenly turned white. “I’m wrong, I should wait patiently for a while...”

"White Rock, if you don't figure it out, you can do it. You are also wrong. Apologize!" Yi Ye language looked at Baiyan.

"I refuse. The weak are not qualified to be respected. When he is stronger than me, I will say it." Bai Yan said, glanced at Lin Huang, then turned and left.

Yi Ye’s face was uncomfortable, but there was still no seizure. He turned to the girl and a teenager who had just brought it back. “It’s very dangerous outside these days. You both listen to Lin Huang’s arrangement and help him manage other people. Don’t let Anyone leaves the stronghold. In specific circumstances, I will tell you later."

The two quickly nodded and did not dare to violate the slightest.

"You are doing very well. If you encounter a thorn, I will allow you to use force to suppress it. It doesn't matter what it hurts, as long as you don't kill it!" Yi Yeyu confessed to Lin Huang and finished. He also glanced at the two people next to him, and then re-sumted the Aoki gate to leave.

After Yi Ye’s departure, a man and a woman around Lin Huang remained silent.

Lin Huang recalled the white hand, which was directed at the two people. "I will take you both to register the room, and you will go back to the room yourself, I will wait here for other people."

The three went to the front desk of the hotel to finish the registration. The girl returned to the room and the other boy stayed.

"I remember that you are called Lin Huang. I really didn't think you were an imperial envoy." The young man introduced himself. "My name is Shen Qiang and I am also the assessor of this reserve hunter."

"Hello." Lin Huang nodded.

"As far as I know, the hunter assessment is rarely suspended for any reason. You come back earlier, you should know a little bit of news, why did you suddenly stop the assessment?" Shen Qiang asked curiously.

"I don't know too well. I only heard that there are some changes in the monsters near the stronghold. The specific situation can only be explained by the examiner." Lin Huang did not tell the truth.

"Oh, this way. I see the examiner asking you for help. I thought you knew some insider information."

"No, it's just that there are not enough people. I came back earlier, so I was arrested." Lin Huang explained.

"Is there enough manpower? Do you need me to help?" Shen Qiang asked this question not because of his enthusiasm. He felt that if he helped, he was seen by the examiner, and it was possible that the end of the assessment would be extravagant because of the good impression.

"For the time being, you don't have to leave this stronghold, you are already helping me." Lin Huang has some helplessness. He knows that the thorns like the previous gimmicks will definitely not be her only one.

"Can't the surrounding first-level wilderness go?"

"Can't go." Lin Huang shook his head. "You have to be too busy in these two days. You can go to the flea market, or you can find other fun in your position."

“As long as the activity can be unrestricted in the stronghold?” Shen Qiang asked tentatively.

"As long as you don't leave a stronghold, I will not interfere with you anyway." Lin Huang gave a very definite answer.