MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 42 Super cute? !

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At four or five in the morning, when the sky was still not lit, Lin Huang suddenly woke up from her sleep.

There was a roar in the distant sky, and the sound was like a thunder and a roar of intensive artillery. Even the window glass of the hotel was full of vibrating sounds.

"Thunder?" Lin Huang felt a bit strange, because the roar sounded more like the sound of heavy artillery.

With doubts, Lin Huang got up and walked to the window and looked at the sky outside the window. The night outside the window is thick, the stars in the sky are a little bit, and there is no momentum to rain.

"This is quiet, shouldn't it be two extraordinary battles?" Lin Huang thought so, the roaring sound was getting farther and farther, and it took less than a few minutes to hear nothing.

The distracting thoughts were taken out of the brain, and the outside was still dark. Lin Huang went back to bed and slept back.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the emperor's heart ring on Lin Huang's hand shook and awake Lin Huang from his sleep.

A look at the communication number is the night language of Iraq.

"Come on the dry hair so early..." After a glance at the time, it was only sixty to forty. Lin Huang snorted and connected the call.

"Lin Huang, come to my room, I have something important to tell you!" The tone of the night language sounds very serious.

"So early?" Lin Huang has some helplessness.

"Come on, don't sharpen it." Yi Yeyu said that he hanged up the call.

Lin Huang wiped her face with cold water, her teeth were not brushed, and she spit out her mouth and spit it out.

When I arrived at the room in the night language, she was walking around in the living room. The whole person seemed very uneasy. Even Lin Huang didn't notice the door.

"What happened?" Lin Huang closed the door with his backhand. He felt that the reaction of the Iraqi language was very unusual.

"Zhang Bo is dead!" The first sentence of Yi Yuan’s turn to see Lin Huang is this.

"What?!" Lin Huang stunned. "You mean that last night that extraordinary?!"

"At about 4 o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by the roar, guessing that they were fighting. So I used the detective treasures to peep and saw their battle. At the beginning they started fighting not far from the back of the snow-capped mountains. Later, all the way, he and the monster fight for more than two hours, and finally he was attacked and killed by the monster, the body was also eaten. The monster was also hit hard, broke into the desert underground." The night language said from the self.

"Is this thing notified to the Hunters Association?" Lin Huang was much calmer.

"Notice, more than six in the morning, I noticed the first time he was killed, and the video recorded by the treasure was sent." Yi night nodded.

“What does the Hunter Association say?” Lin Huang asked.

"They said that the next extraordinary will come at least two days..." I night was helpless. "But that superb monster is now being hit hard. It will surely take advantage of other human beings who have not rushed to launch a beast, killing humans near several strongholds and swallowing a lot of life to quickly heal."

"If you use the Aoki gate to pick up the extraordinary, don't you want to be much faster?" Lin Huang suddenly thought of this.

"The Aoki gate is just an ordinary space-like treasure. It is not as magical as you think. It has a very limited use. It can only be transmitted to the coordinate position that I have been to, and I have personally located, and the distance is also limited. The transmission range must be within 3,000 kilometers, and I don't want to go where I want to go." Yi night shook his head and explained.

"In terms of the number of people, is there any limit, how many people can be transferred in one day?" Lin Huang asked again.

"At most 300 people at a time, up to five times a day, and one day can take 1,500 people to death. But this base has more than 200,000 people..." I night shook my head, she had thought about this method, it would not work.

"There are fewer winds here, less than fifty..." Lin Huang thought of taking a break, but this idea was quickly vetoed by him.

"Forget it, don't think about it. I will gather everyone after more than eight o'clock. I will send you away first." I know that it is impossible to escape with all the residents here. I don't hesitate to say anything. Your own decision.

"If we are gone, these more than 200,000 people will be slaughtered by those monsters." Lin Huang looked at the night language in a burning way. He did not agree to give up the residents' scheme. After all, it was more than 200,000. Human life.

"I will stay." The night language is indifferent.

Upon hearing this sentence, Lin Huang fell into silence. He was considering whether to ask Snow and Ice King to take the shot, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

He saved the snow and did not leave, but the snow fell to help him repair the life wheel, and gave him an epiphany. In this way, the two have actually not owed each other. Moreover, Snow Fall is also a member of the monster world, let her kill an extraordinary monster with her no enmity, this is a bit difficult.

After some thoughts, Lin Huang once again said, "You just said that the extraordinary monster was hit hard, then the possibility of its shot should be small, it will only lead to the animal tide. This is only the first and second field. District, the monster is the strongest but the bronze level. If we all stay dead, there may not be a chance!"

"The level of monsters in this neighborhood is not high, but the number is too much. Even if I am a hunter in this golden environment, I will be killed alive under the animal tide. I am a member of the Hunters Association and must stay in order to protect the residents. You are not registered, it is not a hunter, there is no obligation to stay. I know that your young people are bloody, but now is not a time to reluctantly. Now keep your life, and when you become stronger, you can kill more monsters. Revenge for the dead people." Yi night shook his head and denied Lin Huang's proposal. She obviously had a death record.

Seeing her appearance, Lin Huang did not say anything more.

At eight o'clock, everyone received an urgent notice of the Iraqi language and gathered in the conference room on the first floor of the hotel.

Lin Huang sat quietly in the last row of the conference hall.

Seeing everyone including Bai Yan arrived, Yi Ye language began to speak.

"To call everyone here today, I want to tell you a very bad news." I night took a deep breath and slowly began to tell the truth. "The extraordinary one sent by the association last night came. He also found the superb monster that caused the change, but at six o'clock in the morning, he was killed by the monster."

When the words of the night language came out, the people below fell into a moment of silence, but soon they were in a state of utter disappointment.

"Even human beings have been killed, this location is too unsafe."

"I knew that I should have left yesterday, and now the nearby stronghold must be targeted by the superb monster."

"Examiner, should you be able to leave us?"

"The chief examiner is the one who left us with us at the beginning. You must be responsible for our safety!"


I was accused by everyone, and the expression on the face of Yi’s night was not very good-looking, but she did not open her mouth to refute anything.

"Everyone is quiet! Listen to the examiner and finish the conversation." At this time, Lin Huang, who was sitting in the last row, stood up.

"Lin Huang, you have a responsibility for this matter. If it wasn't for you, we had a lot of people left a few days ago." Seeing Lin Huang in the early days, someone immediately blamed Lin Huang.

"Are you looking for you?!" Lin Huang summoned a white-haired white, standing quietly beside Lin Huang, his eyes coldly sweeping through the crowd.

Seeing Lin Huang’s eyes, many people are stagnation, and they still clearly remember that the things that had sinned Lin Huang before were all miserable.

"Lin Huang, you don't call the beast to crush people." At this time, Bai Yan also stood up. He once again stood on the opposite side of Lin Huang and summoned the lion's head troll. He had a big disappointment. .

"Do you stop!" I night language finally couldn't help but stop the riots.

Seeing the appearance of a nightmare in Iraq, everyone suddenly quieted down.

"I haven't finished talking yet," Yi Ye said, forcing his anger and continuing. "I have already informed the top officials of the association. They sent other extraordinary people, but it takes two days to arrive here. So, my thoughts. Yes, let everyone safely leave here."

When I heard the words of the Iraqi night, no one had any more opinions.

After a moment of silence on the scene, the back row suddenly came a young voice again. "The examiner, you can send them away, I won't leave."


[There was a bit of a mistake in the previous chapter. In fact, I thought about the number of hunters in the mind. The result turned out to be a gold hunter. I thank the friends who were reminded in the book review area and have revised them in time. 】