MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 47 Bloody dog ​​[plus]

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The third line of defense was suddenly torn through a gap, which was beyond everyone's expectations. After all, the animal tide started for an hour.

Even the Iraqi language and Yizheng standing on the boulder are seeing a series of monsters breaking through the line of defense.

The two were preparing to shoot, but they saw Lin Huang, who was hundreds of meters away, directly summoning the tyrant to catch up with the monsters. A group of teenagers behind him saw them and immediately chased them.

The five mad scorpion dogs that rip the line of defense are classified as epidemic diseases.

Although these monsters are also called squat dogs, they are very different from the hyenas on the earth. Their fur is generally dark gray, with a body length of about three meters, and the limbs are slender and light. There are two deformed horns on the top of the head, and a white spur thorn on the back of the spine extends from the neck to the thigh. Other parts of the body are covered with red pustules, some high and high, some have ruptured and festered, and there is an unpleasant smell of bad smell.

Lin Huang clearly remembers the information of this monster, because the number of epidemic diseases is not much, and this kind of crazy demon dog is the most common one. According to the information, they carry more than 300 kinds of viruses, and dozens of them are fatal threats to humans. If left untreated, it will cause serious viral infections and may even die. Being bitten or scratched by them has serious consequences.

Lin Huang sat on the shoulder of the tyrant, took out the Grey Eagle 17, and began shooting at a few crazy sable dogs.

"Booming..." The guns sounded again and again.

Under the circumstance, several crazy scorpion dogs were slammed in succession and screamed again and again. A few violent monsters that were originally enchanted began to shift their targets, turned their directions, and rushed toward Lin Huang.

The armor-piercing bomb did not attack the key points of the mad scorpion dogs, and the damage caused was limited. Not only did they not scare them off, but they aroused their fierceness.

Looking at a few crazy scorpion dogs to turn their target to themselves, Lin Huang is not shocked. Sliding down from the shoulder of the tyrant, he took it back and then summoned it again.

On combat effectiveness, the tyrant and white are actually similar, but on the ability to hunt, white is better than the tyrant. He has two levels of blood energy, which is equivalent to two more sharp edges, and the attack range is much larger than the tyrant.

The distance of a few hundred meters is very short, and five crazy scorpions are rushed to Lin Huang almost instantly.

Lin Huang noticed that the pustules on a mad demon dog almost faded away and turned into a horrible **** scar. He brows, this is a sign of variation, and it seems that the mutation has just been completed, and the pustules on the surface of the body have not completely faded.

The white eyes appeared red in front of Lin Huang, and the two blood-colored wings were swept out, and all five crazy scorpions were stopped.

Lin Huang took the gray eagle 17 without hesitation and took out the black iron sword.

The eyes locked the mutated mad demon dog, rushing to the white road, "white, leave the leftmost one to me."

White got the instruction, and the blood wing on the left side shrank, and the mutant guy was let out.

A pair of gray-haired scorpions of a **** mad demon dog immediately stared at Lin Huang and immediately rushed toward him. The mouth of the mucus was biting down Lin Hong’s head.

Lin Huang was standing cross-legged, and his footsteps were wrong. The sword in his hand had already come out and brought a black blood.

The **** dog ​​made a terrible noise. It was just exposed to the belly position in front of Lin Huang's eyes. It was cut out with a huge gap of more than one meter long, and even the intestines were vaguely exposed.

"Good Joe's knife method!" The Iraqi night language and Yi Zheng, who observed the border situation of Lin Huang on the boulder, almost simultaneously exclaimed.

Especially in the night language, her eyes were a little bright. She originally thought that Lin Huang was an imperial concubine. She would use a little gun and never saw Lin Huang with a knife. The first time I saw Lin Huang using a knife, she felt an unprecedented surprise.

"This big razor is really overbearing. If I have the same strength as this monster, I am afraid I will be able to smash it with just one knife." Lin Huang could not help but marvel again.

The **** dog, due to the mutating, the effect of the original enchantment has disappeared, and this is completely awakened by Lin Huang's knife attack, and got rid of the enchanting effect. He noticed the danger that human beings brought to him. He turned and prepared to choose a direction of no one to escape. He did not notice that he chose to flee in the direction of the human being.

Lin Huang saw that he turned and fled, and a few steps forward, holding the knife in both hands, and his body shape suddenly accelerated. The **** dog ​​saw him coming from the side of his body. He was just about to turn and dodge, but Lin Hong’s body shape shook, and the man had already posted it, and the long knife broke into his neck.

The black iron long knife just like the cut tofu is generally not in the neck of the **** dog, only a handle is exposed. This is not because the black iron sword is sharp, but because the big knives are too horrible.

However, this move did not end there. Lin Huang held the knife in both hands and the knife fell down. The long knife that completely broke into the neck of the **** dog ​​slid down and shoved its neck out of a gap more than one meter long. The depth of the knife gap was nearly 80 centimeters, and the blood was completely The dog's neck was torn open, and his head was on one side.

The black blood at the wound poured out like a waterfall towards the ground, spilling the ground, and the original fierce and aggressive **** dog ​​began to dissipate quickly.

The little black hints came again.

[Congratulations to the host, get the monster card blood dog fragment X1]

[The host completes the killing of the level and gets a random skill card (rare quality)]

Lin Huang didn't go to check the cards he got this time. He just finished killing the **** dogs. Zhou Le just arrived.

White has also completed the killing of two crazy scorpions, and the remaining two are surrounded by a group of teenagers.

Without too many meetings, this group of hidden dangers was finally solved.

Lin Huang took a group of teenagers to the place where the gap had just appeared. A bronze hunter had a pale face and was fighting with a few monsters with one hand.

Lin Huang immediately went up to help and killed this wave of monsters, which only asked why the defensive line was broken.

It turned out that when the bronze hunter had just fought with several puppies, he did not expect one of them to suddenly change. Under the rapid increase of the **** dog, he was not guarded and was bitten by his left hand. Several dogs escaped.

"In this case, you must heal the wound as soon as possible. If the virus of the blood dog is not treated in time, it will cause great hidden danger to your body." Lin Huang dissuaded after listening to his description.

"But here..." The bronze hunter felt a little embarrassed, and he retired. There was a gap in this defensive line.

"This gap is to make up." Lin Huang's face was serious.

"There are few monsters. If the monsters are more, can you hold them?" The hunter still had some concerns.

"Predecessors, don't underestimate us, especially don't underestimate this kid. He just killed the **** dog ​​alone, and only got two knives from beginning to end." Zhou Le is afraid that he will not agree. I told Lin Huang’s record just now.

At this time, the voice of the Iraqi language was also transmitted from a distance to the ears of several people present. "Luoyang, you return to the position to heal the wounds, and here they will be handed over to Lin Huang."

The bronze hunter named Luyang sighed with apologies, and turned around with Zhou Le’s help.


[The addition of 10,000 recommended tickets is even more! In the afternoon, I found the material set by the monster for more than two hours. In fact, I set a lot of high-level monsters in advance, but the low-level monsters still lack a lot...what games have you played or what animations have been recorded? The monsters can be recommended to me~~ or the original monsters in your own mind. I think they can be used in the book and marked with the creator. 】