MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 60 Fat call

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In the next two days, Lin Huang has been preparing for the hunting of the six-armed enchantress. Even for this hunting, he spent 100,000 credit points to expand his storage space capacity to 100 cubic meters.

It took a few hours to ride the wind to the 7C87 stronghold, and Lin Huang found a hotel to stay.

The 7C87 base is Linhuang's superior position in Wulin Town, the 7D101 base. It is called the domineering city by the locals and takes the homophony of 87. This name is actually not the beginning of the name, but later people are used to it, have forgotten the original name.

Domineering City is a formal C-level stronghold, and the size of the medium-sized base is much larger than that of the small base.

If a small stronghold is placed on the earth, it is almost a town. The medium-sized bases are placed on the earth, and there are three-tier cities with a population of millions.

Domineering City is much more lively than Wulin Town and Xueshan Town.

There is almost no nightlife in the night of Wulin Town. Snow Mountain Town is a little more lively because of the large number of tourists. But it is far worse than the domineering city.

Lin Huang went to the domineering city and quite returned to the feeling of modern city.

There are also a variety of high-rise buildings, and even the shape of the building is more unique.

Linhuang’s hotel is a tall building with 39 floors and Linhuang’s room on the 21st floor.

When entering the hotel, he was still considering that there is no elevator in the world, how to solve the problem of going up and down the building. It turned out that I was worried about it. There was a floating ladder similar to the elevator in the hotel. What kind of principle was used, Lin Huang couldn’t figure it out, he didn’t bother to ask, but only felt a little novelty.

After registering for the check-in and returning to his room, Lin Huang sent a message to Lin Xin and reported a peace. This began to continue to study the battle videos of several six-armed enchantress sent by Yizheng.

When he told Yi Zheng that he chose six-armed enchantress as a prey, Yi Zheng also discouraged him from changing his prey, but he still chose to stick.

Because the six-armed enchantress is too dangerous, this time hunting Lin Huang did not dare to care. He has been repeatedly observing the attack mode of the six-armed enchantress from the video these days, trying to find out the law, I want to use this Restraining the other side, but not much progress.

The attack of the six-armed enchantress is summed up in a few simple words, which is strange, fast, and embarrassing.

She has almost no fixed moves, and the attack of the six arms seems to be irregular, and it is fatal, which makes Lin Huang a headache.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the best solution for this melee monster is the far attack.

However, Lin Huang could not use the armed forces. The attack effect of the Grey Eagle 17 is very limited to the six-armed enchantress. She seems to have no critical position. Even a bursting bomb is difficult to cause effective damage to her. Therefore, Lin Huang can only choose melee.

Humans kill monsters for life and baptism, gain life, and advance the world. This process is limited by two conditions.

First of all, the killing of the monster must be done by the life baptismer, if not killed by others.

Second, the baptist hunts the monster to carry the companion to help, but the human companion must be lower than the hunted monster. Otherwise, after the monster dies, the life light will automatically dissipate, and the life will also collapse.

For this second conditional restriction, Lin Huang was somewhat worried at first. If the hunting process must be completed by himself and cannot summon monsters to help, his chances of success will be minimal, and he may even be a six-armed demon. Ji killed. Later, he saw some videos of the imperial baptism on the Internet, which made him feel relieved.

The summoned beasts summoned by the imperial concubine are not human, and their level of combat power does not lead to the escape of life and life. Therefore, Lin Huang can summon white or sand to help him fight.

However, due to the limitation of the first condition, the killer must be Lin Huang himself, but not by the summoned beast. Otherwise, Lin Huang will not be able to receive the baptism of life.

"Looking at so many videos, I still can't find any flaws in this kind of monster. At present, I can only let white use blood to lock her up, and then I will kill it." Lin Huang helplessly, This stupid method can only be used temporarily as a means of hunting.

Turning off the information, Lin Huang is preparing to go out for a dinner, and strolling around the stronghold, relaxing the tight nerves, and the emperor's heart suddenly shakes.

Open the communication page, the caller turned out to be fat Yan Yinyi.

Lin Huang raised his brow and was connected.

"Lin Huang, you guy is still alive!" Fat man's big shiny face appeared on the video projection.

"This sentence should be for me, when you let you wait in the same place, the results go back even the personal shadow is gone." Lin Huang faceless helpless.

"I am not trying to catch up with helping you? I really don't know what people are!" The fat man smiled. "If it wasn't for the devil who just told me that you are still alive, I am afraid I am still in the dark. She also told me. You have my communication number, have you not contacted me?"

"Two reasons, one is busy, one is forgotten..." Lin Huang said that it is true that he originally planned to contact the fat man to report a peace. As a result, the tide of the animal broke out, and the matter was completely left behind.

"It’s really chilling to listen to this. I still remember you every day. I also gave you a monument. Every day I miss you, I ran to burn a fragrant incense..."

"Roll!" Lin Huang did not wait for the fat man to interrupt him.

"I have done it, it is no trouble, and I am doing business." The fat man thinks that there are serious things to say, "That... I listened to the devil's head and said that you chose the six-armed demon to prey on prey. Are you ready to forget the forest in these two days?"

"There is such a thing, what happened?" Lin Huang asked.

"Are you sure you want to kill the six-armed enchantress? This kind of monster is the most advanced in the black iron monster, even if the bronze hunter will not easily provoke." The fat man apparently heard about this monster.

"I know that I have seen the combat video many times. It is really difficult, but I have a way to deal with it." Lin Huang has already determined the battle plan.

"Oh, since you think it's ok, then it's okay."

"Fat, you are talking about ancient things, what is the matter?" Lin Huang immediately asked.

"Nothing, that is, the female devil makes me persuade you not to go. Since you are sure, then it will be fine." The fat man said the truth.

"She clearly has my number, why don't I fight?" Lin Huang felt strange.

"She said that her brother had persuaded, you don't listen, it is estimated that she did not have any effect, so let me know." The fat man said and asked, "You two have developed fast enough, have seen parents. ?"

"See your sister, hung up."

"Wait, don't hang up, tell me who her brother is..."

Lin Huang was too lazy to continue to pull these unnutritive topics with the fat man and hang up the call directly.