MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 64 Arrival at the destination [20,000 recommended tickets plus more]

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The crisis of the hurricane flocks subsided, and the night finally came, and the entire magic crystal spacecraft was shining brightly.

Most of the passengers are basically hanging out on the deck at this time, or on the first floor.

In the bar, there is a lot of talk about the matter of Li Yanxing’s shot. Let the people who are not quite sure about his identity know the name.

Outside the room was noisy, but Lin Huang never left the room.

In the living room, he is working hard to practice the knife of Li Yanxing. In fact, he has spent more than an hour to simulate Li Yanxing's previous move, but so far he still has not got a piece of skill.

This is not because Li Yanxing's level of knife is higher than that of the Great Wilderness, but because he only has one knife from beginning to end, Lin Huang sees only one knife. Unlike the Great Wild Knife, when the knife and face were drilled three times a day, Lin Huang repeatedly sneaked for a few days, there is a good reference standard, and there is a meditation tea, so that he can learn very well. The charm of the knife.

Previously, the acquisition of the debris of the Great Wilderness also made Lin Huang understand the truth. The acquisition of the debris does not have much to do with the action. The key is to learn the charm of the knife.

As long as the charm of the knife method is simulated, the probability of acquiring skill fragments is high.

In this hour of Lin Huang, he waved thousands of swords, but he never simulated the charm.

But he was not discouraged, recalling the knife that Li Yanxing had waved over and over again, practicing over and over again.

As time went by, the night was getting darker, and the excitement on the spacecraft was not reduced at all. Although there are fewer people on the deck, the entertainment on the first floor is more lively.

There was no cold in the bar when Lin Huang came, and Yang Shengbei put up the music that made people arrogant. The crowds in the bar are all madly writhing. Some men twisted for a while, the position of the crotch was raised high, and the woman took a rush to the small room behind the bar. In many small rooms, the screams of women and the gasps of men were heard, but they were covered by the music of Yang Shengbei.

If Lin Huang is here now, his previous doubts about the name of the wine here should be solved.

At around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the lively energy on the spacecraft has not decreased. Lin Huang has already locked himself in the room for more than five hours of knives, and there is still no piece of skill.

His clothes were completely soaked in sweat, and people obviously felt tired, and this stopped.

"Twelve o'clock, go to bed early today, get up early tomorrow and practice." After a glance, Lin Huang took the knife into the storage space.

After all, it is a set of knives with a rare level and even a higher level. If you can complete the accumulation of pieces, it will add another set of powerful knives. Lin Huang feels that even if this rare knife warfare technique only has the one that he saw, it is also a big gain.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. The time has already reached more than 12.40. Lin Huang fell to the bed and fell asleep without too much assembly.

At 7 o'clock in the morning the next day, Lin Huang went to the restaurant on the first floor to eat breakfast, and then returned to the hotel room to continue practicing the knife.

From the 7C87 stronghold to the 7C82 stronghold, it takes more than 28 hours to fly at the normal speed of the magic crystal spacecraft, but it takes about 29 hours to arrive in the middle of the stay at several strongholds.

Lin Huang was the boat at 9 o'clock in the morning of the first day. It was almost a little late in the afternoon. He still had more than six hours to practice his knife.

Lin Huang’s room in the living room was empty, and the furniture, tables, chairs, benches and other furniture were all moved to the wall.

Standing in the middle of the living room with bare feet, he began to repeat the action of swinging the knife, again and again, as if he was tireless.

"No, come back! Still not right, come again..."

From 8:00 in the morning to more than eleven o'clock in the morning, Lin Huang can't remember how many knives he has swung. But every time he slashes his knife, he will compare it with Li Yanxing's sword in his head and want to find himself. What is the difference in the charm of the point.

Suddenly, one of his swords even overlapped with Li Yanxing’s sword in his mind. In the horror, Lin Huang heard the black sound.


[Congratulations to the host, get the skill card "Thunder knife" fragment X1]

When I saw the dialog box that appeared, Lin Huang stunned and couldn't help but ask. "Little black, if I put together the pieces of "Thundering Knife" into skill cards, is there only one knife or a complete set of knives? ”

[Shards are completed, of course, a complete set of knives! 】

Xiaohe’s reply was somewhat unexpected to Lin Huang’s expectations.

"Are you sure? If so, why did my "Big Knife" not be able to get more pieces after continuing the drill after the skill card of the previous article? According to what you said now, I should have been able to do it before. Using the moves of the previous paragraph to deduce the fragments of the next section of the Great Wild Knife? Lin Feng raised his doubts.

[That is because the rarity of the two major knives is different. You are only practicing the last piece of the knife, and you can't deduce the next less knives. If the rarity of the previous and the second part is the same, it is possible to derive the next part only through the previous part. Or, in turn, you are practicing the rarity of the next section of the Great Wilderness, which can be derived from the previous article. To put it simply, rarity can be deduced from high to low or level, and cannot be deduced from low to high. 】

The explanation given by Xiao Hei is very detailed. Lin Huang finally understood that there was such a rule, but after listening to the rules, he felt a secret in his heart.

This kind of rule means that in the future, most of the combat skills, you only need to remember a part. Then practice repeatedly, exercise the charm, and sooner or later, the complete combat card can be put together. As long as this kind of combat skill is not divided into two different rarities like the Great Wild Knife.

With this in mind, Lin Huang’s knife practice was even more energetic.

However, after an hour passed, he did not find the feeling just now, nor did he get the second piece of skill. Lin Huang did not worry, he looked at the time has been more than 12 o'clock, and less than an hour will be disembarked.

Put away the sword, he put all the furniture back in place, then went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed clothes.

Slightly cleaned up the room and determined that he had not missed anything. Lin Huang left the room and got off the floating ladder. He walked all the way to the side of the ship's deck and saw that the spacecraft had begun to fall.

Within a few minutes, the spacecraft finally landed at the 7C82 stronghold. Lin Huang scanned the ticket page at the disembarkation. The exit gate opened automatically, and Lin Huang stepped off the spaceship...


[The addition of 20,000 recommended tickets will be sent to you~ We recommend that you continue to use force. Before you put on the shelves, you only need to recommend more than 10,000. After adding the rules, I will add more rules to the time~~ I think this book is a good friend, you can also collect it, so you can't find it when you forget it. 】