MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 79 The true face of Li Yanxing

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In the vast underground cave, a superb, dark blue jellyfish-like super monster is suspended in the air, and its body occupies one-third of the entire cave.

The long tentacles swayed around in the void, a rather leisurely look.

Its body glows blue around, illuminating the entire cave.

In the rock wall in one direction of the cave, Lin Huang stayed in the state of ghosts and thought about the next countermeasure.

"The only clue now is the bloodstains in those beaches. I can't completely determine whether they are left by the cold moon, but I don't have any more clues." Thinking of this, Lin Huang intends to conduct another exploration based on this clue. .

After exiting the distance between several layers of rock walls, Lin Huang showed his figure in a ramp, once again started a **** hunting, looking for residual blood odor in the air.

In fact, before doing this exploration, Lin Huang was somewhat worried that he would have nothing. Because the average hunter is wounded, the wound will be specially treated in the first time to avoid being tracked by monsters. Because many monsters are sensitive to the smell of blood. Cold Moon Heart If they treat the wound specially, the smell that can be left is very weak.

However, Lin Huang's luck is not bad, he quickly found the **** smell in the air, the direction of the smell has been far from the extraordinary monster. This made Lin Huang feel relieved. He immediately followed in that direction.

On the way to tracking, he also found a small amount of blood stains along the way. Obviously, the injured person was very confused when he fled, and it was too late to cover up his whereabouts.

Lin Huang traced the **** smell and walked along the curving and twisting ramp for more than an hour, finding a body on the side of the ramp.

The body relied on the wall of the ramp, and the body had turned into a coke-like black. Lin Huang recognized that this is the hat-headed youth who walked with them.

His body looked like it was burnt at a high temperature, but Lin Huang, who started the **** hunting, did not smell any burning odor, only a pungent smell like a poisonous scent.

Lin Huang saw a wound in his waist and abdomen, a bit like a sharp sharp weapon.

After careful observation, there was no more clue, and he left and continued to trace the **** smell.

"The incision is most likely caused by the tentacles of the superb monster. The toxin that can turn people into coke should also come from that superb monster. If they are injured, they are very likely to be in this. A very poisonous!" Seeing the death of a young man wearing a hat, Lin Huang knows that if the cold moon is also poisoned, she estimates that it will not last long, and she must find her as soon as possible. If she is poisoned to death, her task will be a failure.

Time passed quickly and more than half an hour later, Lin Huang finally found the cold moon in the side of the river.

When I saw the cold moon, Lin Huang panicked, but did not hear the sound of Xiao Hei, he finally settled down, which shows that the cold moon is still not dead.

Walking to the river, he saw that the face of the cold moon was black and his hands were black, and only half of his fingers were still normal white. However, her whole person has completely fainted in the past. If Lin Huang does not come, she will continue to sleep, and it is estimated that it will not take long to die here.

"Let her go to the underground dark river, as long as the reverse direction along the direction of the dark river current, you can go to the previous entrance position, and then go out to swim is not a big problem." But Lin Huang did not see Li Yan Xing and others are estimated to have either been eaten by monsters or escaped.

"Little black, can the treatment card help her detoxification?" Lin Huang looked at the card in his body, and it is estimated that the treatment card can come in handy.

[The treatment card can treat all conditions, including various symptoms of poisoning. 】

"That's good, use a treatment card for her." Although using a card makes Lin Huang feel a little heartache, if he doesn't use it, he will lose two monster cards.

[Are you sure to use a treatment card for people other than the host? 】

"OK!" Lin Huang nodded and nodded.

[Please host the specified user]

"Cold moon heart." Lin Huang pointed to the cold moon.

[has consumed a treatment card and started treatment...]

With the black tip jumping out, a white mans shot from Linhuang's fingertips and fell into the body of the cold moon.

Subsequently, the cold moon began to sway a faint white light.

Lin Huang stood by and said to himself, "I said cold big beauty, it is not easy for me to find this place, but also for you to consume a treatment card that can save lives. I also don't want to let you Repay me, as long as you take me back to Worry-Free City after you go out, let me finish this task, I thank you very much."

Seeing the black black on the face of the cold moon gradually faded away, Lin Huang did not stay in the same place, and returned to the rock wall not far away to wait for the cold moon to wake up.

Not too many meetings, the toxins in the cold moon heart were completely eliminated, and she also woke up from the drowsiness.


Open your eyes, cold moon full of doubts and turned up and sat up, looked at his arms, black toxins have faded. Turning his head and looking at the reflection in the river, his face has returned to normal.

"What happened? Am I not poisoned?" Cold Moon's brow furrowed, seemingly thinking about why the toxins in his body would be automatically resolved.

Lin Huang hiding aside is a little anxious.

Fortunately, the cold moon did not tangled on this issue for too long, she quickly stood up and patted the soil on her body, and quickly left in the opposite direction of the underground river.

Lin Huang walked through the rock wall for a while, and it converges to the atmosphere, not far behind her.

When it was near the entrance position, the cold moon suddenly stopped.

Lin Huang also saw behind her that there was a person lying on the ground not far from the front, and looking at the clothes was a bit like Li Yanxing.

"Large brother!" Cold Moon shouted at him and quickly rushed over.

Lin Huang looked at the brows and wrinkles. He didn't like Li Yanxing. Before he deliberately left the body design, he was obviously not a good person.

However, Li Yanxing can come here, obviously his poisoning should be lighter than the cold moon.

Sure enough, Li Yanxing still had the consciousness to see the cold moon heart running towards himself. He immediately shouted at the cold moon and said, "Save me..."

Although the sound is weak, the obvious consciousness is still awake.

"Large brother, I am going to go out with you!" Cold Moon heart reached out and Li Yanxing was helped.

"I don't have much time... I need to solve the drug..." Li Yanxing found that the body of the cold moon was completely relieved, thinking that she had antidote and asked for it.

"I didn't have antidote. I don't know how to solve my body's toxins." Cold Moon didn't know how to explain it.

"That... help me change the blood... my body is in the current situation, can not support the ground ..." Li Yanxing eyes full of pleading.

"Change blood..." Cold Moon hesitated a bit, but still couldn't bear to see Li Yanxing die here, and immediately nodded.

Lin Huang looked at the back but was frowning. Of course he knew what the blood transfusion was.

The so-called blood transfusion means that he himself releases the poisonous blood in his body. He needs another person to replenish his lost blood to dilute the concentration of toxins in the body. Generally, they are not relatives and friends. Generally, they will not exchange blood for others. In particular, Li Yanxing and the cold moon are different from men and women. It is a very excessive behavior to mention this requirement.

Li Yanxing clearly knew the character weakness of Lengyuexin, and he made such a request with a thick face.

"You help me..." Li Yanxing rushed to the cold moon.

"Yeah." Cold Moon nodded. A dagger appeared in her palm. She cut out two directly and cut the artery of Li Yanxing's wrists.

The black poisonous blood quickly flows out, with an unpleasant rancid smell.

Cold Moon Heart broke through one of his own hand arteries, and red blood flowed out.

Her hands quickly printed, after a moment, the bright red blood is like a thick silk thread, catching the wound of Li Yanxing's wrist. On his wrist, the red blood of the cold moon continued to flow in, and the black blood stopped leaking.

"Why did Li Yanxing make such a request, which clearly means that the toxins will not be cured, and the toxins in his body will only be diluted, not completely removed. I have calculated this underground cave, and I can only live for a few more hours. It is too late to catch up. Going back to Worry-free City. Unless..." Lin Huang knows exactly what the purpose of this blood transfusion technique is. "Unless he removes all the poisonous blood in his body, but in that case, you need to exchange all the blood of others..."

Thinking of this, he felt that things were a bit weird.

The time in the cave was one minute and one second. The cold moon began to look pale, and she almost replaced one-third of the blood for Li Yanxing. "Large brother, I have to stop."

"Well, it's enough." Li Yanxing nodded.

Just as the cold moon heart applied his hand to cut off the blood transfusion, Li Yanxing flashed a smear in his eyes, and suddenly there was a short knife in the right hand of the black blood, which penetrated the chest of the cold moon with the thunder.

In the distance, Lin Huang did not have time to react.

Cold Moon is even more unprepared, and looked at Li Yanxing with a blank face. "Large brother, you..."

"Stupid girl, if you don't change the blood, how can the toxins in my body be solved? If you only dilute one third of the toxins in the body, I can't support the city without worry. So, I can only grieve you... Li Yanxing’s face showed a faint smile.


[Sorry, this chapter is a bit late, these two days are a bit of a thing. The second chapter of tomorrow may be a bit late...]