MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 83 I can't afford it...

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After dinner, Lin Huang quickly found a hotel in Wuyou City.

Pushing the door into the room, sitting on the sofa in the living room, Lin Huang let Xiaohe reorganize his card.

[The host received a total of 9 new cards. 】

[Where, the newly acquired monster card 5: black charcoal (epic), purple-eyed white sculpture (rare), Qinglin wolf, monocular konjac, ghost]

[Newly acquired skill card: "Thunder knife" (rare), "Flower Cloud Step" (rare)]

[Newly acquired functional card: Advanced card X1]

[Newly acquired prop card (treasure level) X1]

Seeing this, Lin Huang is quite satisfied. The two cards, the advanced card and the treasure-level prop card obtained from the completion of the mission were released when he entered the city of Worry-Free.

But Xiaohe then popped up a dialog box:

[6 cards consumed by the host]

[The consumption cards are: temporary transformation card X5, treatment card X2, reward double card X3, task card X2]

"The temporary morphing card is all used up?" Lin Huang looked at it, and he whispered and calculated it. "The killing purple skirt enchantress used one, and used one in the underground cave, killing Li Yanxing." One, escaped from the underground cave, used one, and finally turned into a purple-eyed white eagle and fled to the sky...all really used up!"

"Two treatment cards are used in the cold moon heart, three rewards doubled the card for 20 more reward cards..." Lin Huang brows slightly wrinkled, "Little Black, count all the cards I have left." ”

[The host currently has 18 non-monkey cards, as follows: Advanced Card X4, Mission Card X1, Treasure Card X3, Life Memory Card X2, Proxy Card X4, Authority Card X1, No Card X2, Treatment Card X1. 】

"Four advanced cards can just advance the white and sand slaughter..." As the first two monster cards that Lin Huang won, he always hesitated which one should be trained first. Now I don't have to think about this anymore. .

"Little black, the white and sand into the epic level, will not affect my use?" Lin Huang before the formal advancement, asked Xiao Hei.

[Does not affect the use, but the second step, equivalent to a life metamorphosis, they will evolve into other species, and will release a powerful life energy during the evolution. It is not recommended to perform secondary advanced processing within the location of the site or in the vicinity of the site. Abnormal fluctuations in life energy can be brought to the attention of the nearby Super League and the Alliance Government Monitoring Agency. It is also not recommended to advance in the wild area with superb monsters. 】

"Well..." Lin Huang had to temporarily dismiss the idea of ​​helping the two guys advance, and finally came back from the forest of forgetfulness. He didn't want to go back for this matter again. "You can only wait for the next time to go to the wild area. Besides, anyway, when you can advance, you can."

"Four props cards, three should be able to get armed or other props, and a piece of this mission, you can get a treasure at random. Then four together activate!" Lin Huang has more hands The four fronts are the item cards of the question mark, three are white crystal cards, and one is a silver-gray crystal card.

[Activate prop card X4]

[Congratulations to the host, obtained bronze armor X1, bronze armed sword X1, bronze armed storage kettle X1. 】

[Congratulations to the host, get the eye of the detective treasures of the candle dragon (imitation)! 】

"Detection treasures..." Lin Huang is speechless. Although the practicality of this treasure is not weak, it is burning money. A 100-year life crystal may only be used to detect once. What he wants most is the knife-like treasure. Even if he does not input his life, the sharpness of the knife will not be weakened.

Clicking on this treasure card, Lin Huang looked at the details.

[prop card]

[Level: Four Star Treasures]

[Item Name: Eye of Candle Dragon (Imitation)]

[Proper category: detection treasures]

[Proper description: The imitation of the "Cancer Eye" is able to gain insight into what is happening within the detection range, with a maximum radius of 1000 km. 】

[Use restrictions: only use up to three times a day! 】

"It seems to be a very rare detection treasure. The restrictions on use are so strict that it can only be used three times a day!" Lin Huang looked at a brow and several pieces of arms were activated and became a ring shape. This treasure can not be recovered from the body, and it still maintains the form of the card.

If you want to activate the treasure, you need at least the power of the golden world to have enough life. Lin Huang is still far away, and can only take it back in the form of a card.

Collapsed a few new items, Lin Huang began to look at the two skill cards he got from Li Yanxing.

[skill card]

[skill name: thunder knife]

[Relity: Rare]

[skill category: knife skills]

[Skill level: Golden level combat skills]

[Status: Available]

[Description: This is a knife method that is known for its speed and explosive power. 】

[Note: The use of this skill needs to be motivated by life. 】

[card evaluation: general]


[skill card]

[skill name: flow cloud step]

[Relity: Rare]

[skill category: body method]

[skill level: golden step method]

[Status: Available]

[Description: This is a dodge-like method suitable for short-distance migration]

[Remarks: This skill belongs to the special body method, there is no restriction on the use level, and the effect varies with the user's strength. 】

[card evaluation: general]

"not bad."

Lin Huang was quite satisfied after reading it. He had been practicing for many days before, and he did not get a few pieces of debris. He did not expect to finally kill Li Yanxing. As for the flow of clouds, in the previous battle with Li Yanxing, he has already seen it, it is a very good move.

"Activate these two skill cards!"

[Already activated! 】

When the dialog box pops up, the two skill cards in Lin Huang’s hands have disappeared. Lin Huang has checked his own personal card, and there are two more skills in the game.

Taking attention away from the body, Lin Huang looked at the dialog box that Xiaoluo listed the cards.

"What are the memory cards and permission cards?" These two cards are the 20 card rewards that Lin Huang won in the Forgotten Forest killing the more-order monsters. He has no time to check.

After opening the life memory card, Lin Huang was a bit sluggish after reading the detailed description.

[Life Memory Card: After activation, it can copy the user's life wheel, and can help the user to store the same capacity as the life wheel. 】

[Remarks: This card can only increase the amount of life energy storage, and does not have other effects of the life wheel. 】

Even with this remark, Lin Huang feels that this card is completely against the sky. Once activated, it is equivalent to having one more life wheel in his body, and he has two such cards.

"Black iron third-order only 1080 life can be used, if I activate these two cards, it is equal to the life of three life-wheels in the body, there are 3240 life can be used!" Lin Huang finished watching For the purpose of the card, the whole person was a little bit excited. He immediately gave instructions to Xiaohei, "Little Black, activate these two life memory cards!"

[Life memory card X2, activated! 】

Two life-capacity memory cards were turned into two streams of light, and Lin Huang immediately checked the situation in the body. Next to the original black iron wheel, there were actually two more identical life wheels All is a blank. Unlike his own life wheel, there is already a black life that fills the first lap scale.

Taking attention away from the body, Lin Huang looked at the permission card again. "What is the authority card?"

[Permission Card: After use, permanently enhance the host's permission to use an item. 】

[Remarks: Consumables will disappear automatically after using the specified item once. 】

"Privilege promotion?!" Lin Huang saw this feature, the first thing that comes to mind is Xiaohei, "Little Black, this permission card has an effect on you?"

[Yes] Xiaohe gave a positive answer.

"Very good, then I specified, use the permission card for you, improve my access rights!" Lin Huang smiled proudly.

[Are you sure of the target? 】


[The permission card has been consumed... the host authority has been improved...]

[Activate new features - Debris Mall! 】

[Random card rewards increased, the number of optional cards increased from 12 to 18! 】

"Shard Mall?!" Lin Huang listened to the light, he just left a lot of card fragments, want to see if you can change anything useful.

[The card fragments owned by the host are only Black Iron and Bronze, and you cannot view the higher level redemption page. 】

"Yes, I can see Black Iron and Bronze." Lin Huang nodded.

One piece of merchandise was quickly listed in front of Lin Huang, but after reading it, Lin Huang felt that Xiaohe was too pitted.

"It is obviously the same level of card fragments. If I change the specified card fragments, I have to change the two pieces... a black iron first-order ordinary monster. Normally, it only needs 30 pieces to be pieced together, but in the debris mall. To change, I want to spend 60 pieces!"

[Because of the fragmentation of the host, it is not a fragment of the specified monster. If you want to redeem the fragments of a given monster, even if it is equivalent, you will have to pay the price. Xiao He explained this.

Lin Huang looked at the rare monster cards, and at least one hundred thousand card fragments, and a few million.

"Sure enough, I am still poor, I can't afford it..." Lin Huang shook his head helplessly. He now has no use for ordinary monster cards, but the amount of debris required for rare monster cards is too far off the mark. Exceeded his existing number of pieces.